Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2460: Blue Sky City Shocking Change

The sound of war drums resounded through Xueye City.

Everyone was shocked.

The Allied Forces of the Ten Cities, after a night of rest, once again blew the horn of the offensive and launched a fierce attack towards Xueye City.

The four positions in the southeast, northwest and northwest were all attacked by the Allied Forces of the Ten Cities at the same time.

The night's war had just ceased, and a **** scene was opened again.

In the city lord's mansion, Luo Feng's complexion changed instantly, without hesitation, he went straight to the north gate.

The battle started again.

As soon as Luo Feng's figure arrived, there was a shaking sound in his ear.

Just like yesterday, the Allied Forces of the Ten Cities launched an offensive like a tide.

Luo Feng stood on the heights of the city wall, looking ahead.

War drums rang in my ears and flags flew.

Some of the strong men of the Ten Cities Alliance also appeared one after another, but Murong Yuncang was never seen.

"No matter what idea you have, Xueyecheng, you can't even think about it."

As soon as Luo Feng raised his hand, thunder and lightning fell in the sky.

Like the **** of thunder, he controls the power of thunder and lightning.

A series of purple light thunders descended from the sky and landed on the battlefield with destructive power.

The screams resounded loudly, and many soldiers of the Ten Cities Allied Forces were caught off guard by thunder and lightning and fell on the snow.

Ao Qiu glanced at Luo Feng. The lightning technique used by Luo Feng seemed to be different from the martial art Taoist thunder technique contained in the Shenlong technique.

The power is not weak at all.

At this moment, Ao Qiu was also unambiguous. He directly cast Taoist thunder technique, and Luo Feng's thunder technique complemented each other, straight down.

The thunder light flickered and its power was endless.

Among the Ten Cities Allied Forces, a strong man noticed this scene and immediately launched an offensive in Luo Feng's direction.

However, for Xueye City, Luo Feng's importance can be imagined.

Zhuge Wushi and others are always guarding Luo Feng's safety. Luo Feng's location is the easiest place to be attacked in the entire Xueye City, but it is also the safest place.

boom! boom! boom!

Bloody killing.

On this day, at noon, the Allied Forces of the Ten Cities suddenly beat the drums to retreat.

The second battle of this great war ended faster than the previous one.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon." Mr. Gong's expression is solemn, "The behavior of the Ten Cities Allied Forces in the past two days is too weird. Why has Murong Yuncang been so late to show up? Does he know Wuyouzun? Who is in Xueye City now?"

Everyone's eyes subconsciously looked in the same direction at the same time.

Worry-free Venerable, sitting cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested.

Even if this **** killing happened in front of him, his face did not change at all.

As long as Murong Yuncang doesn't show up for a day, he will not move.

Luo Feng looked at the direction of the retreat of the Ten Cities Allied Forces, frowning.

However, there is no alternative.

In this war, the strength of the Allied Forces of the Ten Cities was above Xueye City.

The only tactic of Xueye City is to stick to Xueye City.

When the opponent takes the initiative to attack, they adopt defensive techniques.

When the enemy retreats, it is impossible for them to pursue them.

"No matter what, if this continues, Xueye City is too passive."

Luo Feng frowned tightly, thinking about a solution.

The catastrophe of Xueye City is a huge crisis, but they will never catch it with one's hands and voluntarily surrender.

"But, other than that, there is no other way." Zhuge Wushi said in a deep voice, "The power shown by Xueye City in these two days of battle is not in the least under the Ten Cities Allied Forces, I think, Na Murong Yuncang quickly couldn't restrain himself."

Luo Feng nodded slowly.

The day when Murong Yuncang took the shot himself was when the battle ended.

Luo Feng's fist was gently clenched.

In the past two days, he has seen too many killings with his own eyes.

Even though Luo Feng had gone through a similar battlefield, when he saw a number of figures falling in front of him, he still felt uncomfortable.

"These dead soldiers are all the heroes of Xueye City." Luo Feng said in a deep voice, "Keep their corpses well. After this battle is over, if Xueye City is undefeated, then, bury these for Xueye. Soldiers who sacrificed for the city."

Ye Guyun nodded solemnly.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Approaching dusk.

When everyone thought that the Ten Cities Allied Forces would not move again, suddenly, the rumbling voice sounded again.

The minds of many Xueyecheng soldiers suddenly became tense, raised their heads one after another, stood up suddenly, and looked into the distance.


"The Ten Cities Allied Forces attacked again."

"The soldiers listened to the order and defended with all their strength."

The defensive forces of Xueye City were all mobilized at once.

Move the whole body with one move.

Xueye City, in front of the East Gate.

Similarly, the coalition forces responsible for attacking the East Gate came in violently and aggressively.

"The Blue Sword Legion obey the order, kill!"

Lan Haoxing's voice was extremely cold and resounded.


The fire horse rides on the battlefield.

Another round of **** and cruel killing.

The Blue Sword Corps guarded the second gate in the southeast, each with a force of 100,000 troops, as solid as gold.

The Ten Cities Allied Forces were unable to defeat the Blue Sword Army for a while.

Suddenly, an old man in a black robe appeared in the Allied Forces of the Ten Cities, standing in the air, with an extremely cold aura permeating his body. Looking ahead, he suddenly laughed strangely, "Stupid Blue Sword Legion, 200,000 Blue Sword Legion Elite , Came out from the nest to support Xueye City, this love is really moving."

On the city wall, Lan Lanxie noticed this person, his strength was obviously not weak.

The black-robed old man looked up to the sky and laughed, "The old man is kind enough to tell you a piece of news. The Demon Race Alliance headed by the Demon God Palace in the southeast has now gathered again and marched straight to the Blue Sky City! Hahaha! The elite of the Blue Sword Legion You have guarded the Snowy Night City. You can't even protect your home. Do you still want to protect others?"

The sound resounded and spread throughout the east gate.

The expressions of many soldiers in Dongmen changed drastically subconsciously.

Blue Sky City is their home.

Their relatives and friends are all in Blue Sky City.

Now that they heard that the Demon Race Alliance led by the Demon God Palace was going to attack Blue Sky City, they naturally felt anxious.

Lan Lanxie's face suddenly became gloomy.

When he left Blue Sky City, the demon **** had already evacuated to the southeast.

The pattern in the southeast has stabilized, so the blue sky evil talents did their best to mobilize the two hundred thousand blue sword army elite to support Xueye City.

However, I never dreamed that the Demon Race Alliance headed by the Demon God Palace had actually fired a carbine.

Is what the strong enemy said true?

Including Lan Lanxie, his heart suddenly seemed to be overstocked with huge stones.

"Hahaha! If you still have life to return to Blue Sky City, then... what you will see will be Monster Beast Paradise." The gray-robed old man laughed loudly again.

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