Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2504: Wild blood city

As night fell, the endless darkness enveloped Leicheng.

On the street outside the restaurant, the sound of rapid footsteps kept ringing.

There are very few pedestrians on the street, and the traffic is all soldiers from the Thunder City Army.

As soon as the ancient sword tower was attacked, the gate of Thunder City was closed tightly.

However, after a few hours, the mysterious person who attacked the ancient sword tower seemed to have evaporated.

"There are too few clues." In the restaurant, Luo Feng sat in front of the window and shook his head self-consciously. He was not optimistic that the Leicheng Army could find the mysterious man who attacked the ancient sword building.

With the ancient sword tower's status in the Ten Thousand Sword Regions, there are very few forces that dare to offend the ancient sword tower. Since they have done their work on the ancient sword tower, they must have made a perfect plan. From the moment it attacked the Wanjian Tower, the thunder slammed and the lightning departed.

Every murderer wears a golden mask.

They took off their masks, even if they were walking on the street, the soldiers of the Thunder City Legion could not recognize them.

"Sword Lord Purple Thunder, it's just an attitude." Luo Feng said, "After all, someone from Gu Jianlou will come to investigate such a big thing."

"The most fear is that the city gate has been sealed off. It will be difficult for us to leave." Ao Qiu frowned.

"For today's plan, we can only watch the changes." Luo Feng said, "At this time, anyone who wants to leave the city will be regarded as a suspect in attacking the ancient sword tower. I think, at this juncture, they will I would rather kill the mistake than let it go."

Luo Feng did not pay attention to the outside situation anymore and returned to the room.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, spiritual power permeated, investigating the information about the Sword Sovereign from the Ancient Jianlou during the day.

"Fortunately, I entered the ancient sword building one step earlier. If not, I would have to spend some time to get these materials." Luo Feng said to himself.

Wild Blood Sword Sovereign, a Tianjiao figure who emerged three hundred years ago, has attracted much attention all the way. A hundred years ago, after the old Sect Master of the Wild Sword Sect abdicated, the Wild Blood Sword Sovereign became the Sovereign of the Wild Sword Sect.

The practice method that the Mad Blood Sword Master comprehends is the treasure of the Mad Sword Sect, the Mad God Sword Technique!

This cultivation method is among the best among the cultivation methods of the Ten Thousand Sword Region.

However, the Sword Sovereign Mad Blood secretly comprehended another method of cultivation, the evil method of cultivation that uses the blood of ten thousand infants as the medium. This was only noticed after the Ten Thousand Sword Region War broke out.

"Two great methods of cultivation, crossing the peak of the Tribulation Realm." Luo Feng took a deep breath, "I don't know how many seniors are sure that I can kill the mad blood sword lord."

According to the data, there were also seven powerhouses who crossed the Tribulation Realm who took over the task and killed the Sword Sovereign. However, they were all killed by Sword Sovereign.

However, Luo Feng also has confidence in the Skyline Iron Triangle.

Together, the three of them will surely be able to slay the Sword Master of Mad Blood.

"Leicheng to Mad Sword Sect, but a thousand miles away, you can arrive in half a day."

Luo Feng didn't think about it any more, and began to comprehend the Tianluo Wanxiang Law.

Although Luo Feng has a lot of practice methods, he is based on the Tianluo Wanxiang Method. When he was able to compile and engrave his own mind map, Luo Feng tried to integrate various cultivation methods into the mind map. At that time, Luo Feng could have various cultivation methods as long as he displayed the mind map. 'S offensive blasted out, the power must be amazing


One night passed.

Early in the morning, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Luo Feng opened the door of the room, Tang Dal's expression was full of excitement, "Brother Feng, the gate is open, we can set off at any time."

"What!" Luo Feng couldn't help but startled. He couldn't believe it for the first time, and blurted out, "How is it possible?"

"I also heard about it right after I went out," Tang Dal said excitedly, "I even went to the city gate to see it in person. It is true that many people have already left the city."

Zhuge Wushi and others also came over.

The development of things went beyond everyone's expectations.

Overnight, has Leicheng changed again?

"Could it be that the murderer who attacked the ancient sword tower has already been discovered." Ao Qiu asked.

"No matter what, let's set off as soon as possible." Luo Feng said in a deep voice, "The Ten Thousand Sword Region is getting more and more chaotic. We must find Zheng Wei and Liu Mei as soon as possible."

Everyone nodded.

Half an hour later, he had already walked out of the east gate of Leicheng.

Go straight to the direction of Mad Sword Sect.

"The attack on the Leicheng Ancient Sword Tower must have spread throughout the Ten Thousand Sword Region." Tang Daer said.

Along the way, Luo Feng and his party did indeed hear a lot of news about the attack on Gu Jianlou.

However, what quickly shocked everyone was that the mysterious attack yesterday was not just the Leicheng Ancient Sword Tower.

"Qingyun City, Lufeng City, Dian City..." Feng Sanniang's eyes were filled with shock, "On this road, we heard that the ancient sword tower was attacked by at least ten cities."

Mr. Gong took a deep breath, "The Ten Thousand Sword Region, it is going to really change the sky. This force is obviously coming towards the Ancient Sword Tower." "The Ancient Sword Tower has its own buildings in all major cities of the Ten Thousand Sword Region. There are probably more than a dozen cities that were attacked yesterday.” Luo Feng said, “It’s no wonder that Leicheng opened its gates early in the morning. At this time, Gu Jianlou probably has no time to take care of Leicheng.

One sub-building. "

"It seems that it won't take long before the battle between the sword immortals will break out in the Ten Thousand Sword Region." Tang Dal's eyes were wiped with a burst of blazing heat. The battle between this level must be extremely exciting. "Speed ​​up." Luo Feng said decisively in a deep voice, "The changes in the Ancient Jianlou have nothing to do with us. The most urgent thing is to find a way to kill the Sword Sovereign of Mad Blood." Luo Feng looked at Feng Sanniang. Waiting for someone, "Three seniors, it’s up to you

Up. "

Feng Sanniang's eyes flashed with confidence, "As long as the Sword Sovereign Mad Blood appears in front of the three of us, he will definitely not be able to escape."

Before sunset, six figures appeared in front of a dark red city wall.

Mad Blood City!

"With the city of mad blood as the center, a radius of hundreds of miles is the sphere of influence of the mad sword sect." Luo Feng said in a deep voice, his expression calm, and he walked towards the city gate. After paying the spar for entering the city, the six people entered smoothly. Mad Blood City. "The ancient sword tower in the wild blood city has not been attacked." Luo Feng and others quickly found out the news. "It is said that it is because of the special reason of the wild blood city. The person sits in town. It seems, attacked the ancient sword tower

The mysterious force of Gu Jianlou knows well. "

Inside the restaurant. "We are divided into three groups to inquire about the situation of the crazy blood city, it is best to determine the specific location of the crazy blood sword lord." Luo Feng glanced outside, the sky has gradually darkened, he said in a deep voice, and his eyes flashed. Li Se, "The best, tonight

There are hands-on opportunities. "

Everyone nodded.

Go in pairs and leave.

Luo Feng and Zhuge Wushi walked together, and unknowingly, walked to the ancient sword building in the City of Wild Blood. Luo Feng paused and hesitated, "Since it's here, let's go in and take a look."

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