Qian offers a reward!

Five hundred thousand super spars.

Even for Luo Feng and others, this is a huge astronomical figure.

"Bringing these spars back to the earth will directly promote the evolution and civilization of the earth." Luo Feng's expression wiped out a trace of expectation. The spars are helpful for cultivation, and the best spars are rare and rare.

The Qian family's shot is the 500,000 elite spar. It is indeed rich in wealth, and it is worthy of the name of the richest family in the Wanjian domain.

"Walk and get the reward." Ao Qiu couldn't wait too, his eyes shone, and he vowed to sleep beautifully on top of 500,000 top-grade spars.

"The person we are looking for may also appear in the Qian family." Feng Sanniang suddenly smiled.

Luo Feng's pupils shrank, his heart could not contain his excitement, looking forward to it.

His real purpose in coming to Ten Thousand Sword Regions was to keep an appointment.

A one-year appointment with the two daughters of Zheng Wei.

He believed that the battle tonight would surely spread throughout the Ten Thousand Sword Region in a very short time.

One of the fourteen sword kings, the mad blood sword king, died at the hands of the **** team. "After they hear, they will definitely find a way to see us, or let us know their news." Luo Feng took a deep breath, took out the map, took a look, and said in a deep voice, "The Qian family is located in Wan The central location of the sword domain, distance mad

The blood city is tens of thousands of miles away, let's set off as soon as possible. "

A group of six people left the wild blood city overnight.

This night, the city of wild blood is a sleepless night.

The Crazy God Peak was razed to the ground, and the Crazy Blood Sect completely collapsed.

Killing, chaos, blood, screaming...

The mad blood city is completely chaotic.

Early the next morning, three armies appeared around the City of Wild Blood, all from the cities closest to the City of Wild Blood.

The Sword Sovereign of Mad Blood was beheaded, and the dragons in the City of Mad Blood were headless. In such a war period, how could these forces miss the opportunity to carve up the City of Mad Blood?

They all want to get this big ‘cake’ in the City of Wild Blood.

The sound of fighting resounded through the clouds.

At this time, Luo Feng and his party had already appeared in a city thousands of miles away from the City of Wild Blood.

In the lobby of the restaurant, what I heard was all news about the murder of the mad blood sword king.

The words ‘Hell Team’ kept ringing even more.

Luo Feng smiled at each other.

At this speed of transmission, they believed that within two days, Zheng Wei's second daughter would definitely know that Luo Feng was here.

All they have to do now is to get to the Qian family as soon as possible.

After eating, the six continued on their way.



Ten thousand swords domain, the smoke of war enveloped every corner.

All major cities, all sects and factions, were swept in, and blood flowed into rivers.

The Eastern Question Sword Sect, in the Ten Thousand Sword Domain, the strength is also at the top level.

Asking Sword Sect Sect Master, is a woman, the eldest Sun Fengyue, one of the 14 Sword Lords in the Ten Thousand Sword Region.

Since the Ten Thousand Sword Region War broke out, the major forces have fought, and for a time, it is difficult to have a real victory or defeat.

The biggest enemy of Q Jianzong is Dark Sword Valley.

The two powers are both in the east, and the nearest city to each other is only a thousand miles away.

There is no room for two tigers.

On weekdays, the two great sword factions had a lot of friction, and after the outbreak of the war, the two great sword factions directly tore their faces and went to war.

Today, a message came to Wen Jianzong and caused a sensation.

"The Sword Sovereign of Mad Blood was killed overnight, and even the Peak of Madness was razed to the ground." Long Sun Fengyue moved slightly.

She knows something about the mad blood sword king.

Although extremely ferocious and brutal, his strength should never be underestimated.

"Since the outbreak of the war, the Seven Sword Immortals have not appeared. And the Fourteen Sword Sovereign, who can do nothing." The grandson Fengyue's expression was solemn, Xu Sheng said, "The emergence of this mysterious **** team is probably going to be completely broken. This is balanced."

Next to him, an elderly man with white beard bowed slightly and replied in a deep voice, "Before this, there was a weird and unexpected incident of a large-scale ancient sword building sub-building being looted. Between the two, I wonder if there will be any What connection."

In the hall, many people looked solemn.

The major events that have happened one after another make people feel like they are going to be upset.

"Gu Jianlou, there are even two great sword immortals behind it." Longsun Fengyue's eyes wiped her worries, "Sword Immortal, did you participate in this war?"

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

A middle-aged woman in a pale red robe strode in.

If Luo Feng saw this person, he would definitely recognize him immediately. This is the "Red Robe Sword Fairy" who picked up Zheng Wei's second daughter!

For Luo Feng at that time, his strength was unfathomable. It's just that today's red-robed woman does not have the aura of fierceness that used to be in front of Luo Feng. She walked quickly into the hall, bowed towards the grandson Fengyue, and immediately raised her head, her expression of joy, she couldn't hide it. Excited, "Zheng Wei

It's time to cross the robbery. "

Hearing this, the eldest Sun Fengyue's eyes could not help but a glimmer, and immediately left the hall first.

The group walked out of the hall and came to a sword's edge.

The long skirt is fluttering and the girl dances a sword.

Infatuation Sword Heart Technique!

Above the sky, robbery clouds are gradually gathering.

"Sure enough, I'm going to break through the Tribulation Realm." Long Sun Fengyue couldn't help but get a little excited, "Jiang Hong, you brought Zheng Wei back to Jianzong, it's been less than a year."

"That's right." The red-robed woman was named Jiang Hong, the teacher of Zheng Wei's second daughter. At this time, her expression could not conceal her pride. "To be precise, Zheng Wei has entered the practice in only two or three years. "

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

In two or three years, step into the realm of crossing the catastrophe!

This woman was born for practice, for the sword of infatuation!

"Ask Sword Sect’s strongest sword technique, the fairy sword technique has always been the first choice! But Zheng Wei, this child, has realized such a state of infatuation with the sword heart technique." Long Sun Fengyue said with emotion, "Jiang Hong, from tomorrow, you let This child, practice with me."

"Yes, Sect Master." Jiang Hong nodded quickly, "And Liu Mei, which is also a good seedling. She understands the Sword Immortal Technique. I feel that it won't be long before she can step into the tribulation realm."

Jiang Hong's eyebrows couldn't hide his pride.

The two apprentices she received inadvertently were the pride of heaven.

She was asking about the status of Jianzong, and the tide rose, soaring all the way.

The grandson Fengyue looked at the girl dancing the sword under the robbery cloud, and between the movement and the silence, a feeling of affection filled the world.

Infatuated Jianxin!

"At a young age, I actually have such a firm heart." Longsun Fengyue muttered to herself, "Who is this kid crazy about?"

Hearing this, Jiang Hong's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly, and a figure appeared in his mind.

Jiang Hong blurted out subconsciously, "A man who is not worthy of Zheng Wei at all." "Oh?" Long Sun Fengyue looked at it curiously, "Have you seen this child's sweetheart?"

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