
Zheng Wei blurted out and yelled.

Liu Mei was taken aback by the sudden cry. Looking at Zheng Wei, seeing Zheng Wei's eyes look out of the window, Liu Mei also looked over subconsciously. After a while, his pupils widened to the extreme.

"That's not..." Liu Mei stood up suddenly, "Tang Daer!"

Liu Mei suddenly shouted.

Su'e looked startled, and stood up, "What's the matter?"

However, Tang Dal didn't seem to notice this. When Zheng Wei Liumei saw him, he happened to walk to a corner and disappeared directly into the eyes of the second woman.

At this moment, Zheng Wei couldn't care about answering Su'e's words. She jumped out of the window and quickly walked to the corner where Tang Dal's figure disappeared.

"Weiwei, wait for me." Liu Mei quickly followed.

"What the **** happened?" Su'e was a little stunned, but without neglecting, she strode immediately and chased it.

At the corner of the street, this street is extremely prosperous. Even if the night gets darker, there are still many pedestrians coming and going.

When Zheng Wei walked here, Tang Da'er was no longer visible.

"Where is the person?" Liu Mei also raised his head and looked around.

"My eyebrows, were I dazzled just now?" Zheng Wei murmured, "I really saw classmate Tang Dal."

"It's not dazzling." Liu Mei said while paying attention to the surroundings, "I saw it too, but... how did he run so fast? Even the figure disappeared."

"Who are you looking for?" Su'e finally found the opportunity to ask aloud.

Liu Mei glanced at Su'e and said, "Our classmate has been out on missions for a long time, and I haven't seen him come back."

"Let's find them separately." Zheng Wei couldn't restrain her eagerness. There happened to be two intersections on the corner of the street where they were standing.

At this moment, Liu Mei didn't hesitate, nodded, and walked quickly towards the intersection on the left.

Zheng Wei naturally went to the right.

At this moment, Su'e was stunned.

She received an order to protect the second daughter, in fact, more of it meant surveillance.

But now that the two women walked to one side, she was a little bit troubled.

After hesitating for a while, Su'e could only follow Zheng Wei to the right.

"He really came." Zheng Wei was excited.

The moment she saw Tang Da'er, she was even more sure that the mysterious power of the immortal Emperor Territory, the Hell Team, must be Luo Feng and others.

Zheng Wei couldn't help speeding up her pace, paying attention to her surroundings.

She also deliberately walked in the middle of the road, a very conspicuous position.

On the other side, Liu Mei is also searching all the way.

"Student Tang Dal." Liu Mei shouted from time to time.

Suddenly, on one side, a voice responded.

"Student Liu Mei, don't come here unharmed."

Liu Mei's footsteps stopped abruptly, and he looked at him sideways, he was immediately happy, and rushed forward, "Tang Dal, it's really you! Is Luo Feng here? Where is he?"

Tang Dal glanced at Liu Mei, "Hey, classmate Liu Mei, you are Brother Feng, and I am also Feng's tablemate anyway, and I am also your classmate."

Liu Mei glanced at Tang Dal's angrily, "Hurry up and say, where is Luo Feng? Weiwei doesn't want to wait for him."

"Brother Feng is of course also in Bandai City. But..." Tang Dal's tone paused, and he looked at Liu Mei with doubts, "Student Liu Mei, why are you with the Qian family?"

"So you saw us just now?" Liu Mei looked at Tang Da'er, "Are you someone who deliberately avoided the Qian family?"

Tang Daer nodded.

All night, he and Ao Qiu searched for the whereabouts of Zheng Wei and Liu Mei.

When he was looking for no results, he happened to see Zheng Wei and Liu Mei in the restaurant.

However, Tang Daer also recognized at first glance that Qian Mubai's maid was sitting beside the second woman.

Tang Daer didn't go up to see each other directly, but deliberately separated them to attract each other.

"The **** team that killed the mad blood sword lord, it's you." Liu Mei asked questioningly, "Why have you already come and didn't go to the Qian family to receive a reward? Avoid the people of the Qian family."

"Who said that we did not receive the reward?" Tang Daer said, "Two days ago, as soon as we arrived at Bandai City, we went to the Qian family as soon as possible. However, we only received half of the reward."

Tang Daer told the story briefly and concisely.

There is nothing to hide.

"The Qian family, actually want to replace all the fourteen Sword Sovereign's lives with business?" Liu Mei's expression showed shock. "He still kept saying that he wanted to help Ask Sword Sect to deal with Dark Night Sword Sovereign. , This is the person he wants to kill."

"Ask Jianzong?" Tang Dal's expression was questioning.

Liu Mei didn't hesitate, and quickly said some things he knew. "Qian Mubai, it seems that he wants our Hell team to kill the Dark Night Sword Master." Ao Qiu on the side finally said, "If he succeeds, he will not only kill another Sword Sovereign, but also win the famous Sword Sect. Kindness. Even...beautiful youth

gaze. Haha, this wishful thinking is really loud. "

"Beauty favors?" Tang Dal's gaze narrowed coldly. "He is impatient for his life, right."

"Where is Luo Feng now?" Liu Mei couldn't wait to ask.

The Qian family is hostile to the Fourteen Sword Sovereign.

And they, now live in the Qian family.

Liu Mei felt a chill in his neck.

"I wanted to kill the Fourteen Sword Sovereign, but he said it so righteously." Liu Mei said, "Qian Mubai is the most hypocritical person in the world."

"Can you get rid of the Qian family members?" Tang Dal asked.

Liu Mei thought for a while, frowning involuntarily. "That Su'e, stayed with us all night, staying with us, I am afraid it is not easy to get rid of her. However, I think that at this time, Qian Mubai should not do anything to us." Liu Mei said. Let Weiwei lead the Qian family away

Attention, you take me to see Luo Feng. Luo Feng will make the decision on this matter. "

"Okay." Tang Dal also nodded decisively, turned his head and said, "Xiao Qiu, you secretly follow Classmate Zheng Wei, so you can't slack off. I will return to Zuijian Building with Classmate Liu Mei to see Brother Feng."

"You actually live in the Drunken Sword Tower?" Liu Mei couldn't help exclaiming, his eyes widened.

The people they were looking for were living in the same restaurant as them.

"If it hadn't been for Xiaoqiu to see you out this morning, we wouldn't know that you have come to Bandai City." Tang Daer didn't say much, and took Liu Mei directly to the Drunken Sword Tower.

About a quarter of an hour.

Drunken Jianlou was in front of him.

Tang Dal stopped suddenly. "Student Zheng Wei, wait a minute here." Tang Daer said cautiously, "I suspect that there are eyes and ears of the Qian family near the Zuijian Tower, so be careful."

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