Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2542: Blessing begins

When the words fell, the people around couldn't help but moved.

The Qian family, known as the super-rich family with half the wealth of Wanjian Domain.

As the head of the Qian family, Qian Chongyao's status is pivotal and prominent.

However, on today's blessing day, he actually knelt at the foot of the Xishan Mountain with three steps, one knock at nine steps, praying for the people.

"Patriarch Qian is indeed the most benevolent person in the world."

"Bandai City is able to enjoy today's prosperity without being affected by external wars, thanks to the Qian family."

"Nowadays, there are constant wars in this world. I really hope that Qian can have the strength to conquer the Ten Thousand Sword Region, and I will embrace Qian as the master."

There were many voices praising Qian Chongyao.

In the team, Zheng Wei and Liu Mei couldn't help but glance at each other. If it hadn’t been learned from Luo Feng, the Qian family had long been ambitions to contend for world hegemony, and their goal was to kill the Fourteen Sword Sovereigns. The so-called “Qian’s Bounty” is just an excuse to cover people’s eyes. Nothing, they are afraid

Will also be moved by the scene before me.

But now, they only feel that the Qian family is more hypocritical than they thought.

Zheng Wei took a deep breath and looked at the crowd.

She wished she could see the haunting face at first sight, however, the sea of ​​people was so vast that she could not see it.

Zheng Wei's heart was also nervous.

She didn't know that Luo Summit would not appear in Xishan, and successfully took them away.

At this time, Qian Chongyao had already led the people of the Qian family, praying three steps, one knocking nine steps, and set foot on Xishan.

The old abbot of Xishan Temple followed Qian Chongyao.

Soon, Qian Chongyao's figure entered the Xishan field first and disappeared from the sight of everyone.

The major families behind Qian Chongyao, led by the disciples of Xishan Temple, walked away first.

Qian Chongyao Shi Shiran stood up and said quietly, "Yuande, are you all ready?"

The old abbot bowed slightly towards Qian Chongyao, and immediately said, "The altar of the Oath-gathering Conference is located in the square in front of the main hall of Xishan Temple. Everything has been prepared, only waiting for the Patriarch to give an order."

"Very good." Qian Chongyao's face showed a smile.

In the western region of Bandai City, there are many mountains and temples.

Headed by Xishan Temple.

However, no one knows that Xishan Temple is just one of the forces under Qian's command.

With Wannian's layout, the Qian family already has the strength to truly aspire to the world.

"This is a day destined to be recorded in the annals of Ten Thousand Sword Regions."

Qian Chongyao stepped forward.

At noon.

Xishan Temple, the main hall, the magnificent square.

At the four corners of the square, Buddha statues of Arhats echoed each other, and the people on the square felt like being shrouded in the light of Buddha.

This is the place where the rich and powerful people who entered the Xishan Temple to pray for blessing in Bandai City over the years.

But today, many people's eyes are curiously looking at the scene closest to the front of the main hall, with a huge golden satin covering it.

No one knows what exactly is under this golden silk.

No one dared to ask.

After all, Xishan Temple Square is the most sacred place in Bandai City today, and they will pray here.

Of course, the blessings these people pray for are not for good weather and prosperity, but for a better life.

Very selfish and very real.

Zheng Wei Liumei, now also came to Xishan Temple Square.

There are about ten thousand people who are qualified to follow the Qian family to enter Xishan Temple.

Along the way, the second daughter also heard people say that this year's blessing festival, the number of people who entered Xishan Temple to pray for blessings was the highest in the past.

In previous years, not even half of it was reached.

"Weiwei, how do we leave if this continues?" Liu Mei was a little anxious at this time.

They left the Qian family early this morning, but they didn't have a chance to leave the team half a step along the way.

After entering the Xishan Temple, there are field restrictions around it, and it is even more difficult to move an inch.

"Don't worry." Zheng Wei herself was anxious, but in this case, she could only comfort Liu Mei with a voice.

"Patriarch Qian is here." A voice suddenly rang from the crowd.

The eyes of everyone looked over.

On the stairs leading to the foot of the mountain, Qian Chongyao's figure appeared, still kneeling three steps, one knocking nine steps, and came to the square.

Everyone was quiet, their eyes fell on Qian Chongyao.

Qian Chongyao walked towards the main hall of Xishan Temple step by step.

Only the Lord of Bandai City is eligible for the main hall of Xishan Temple today.

This has been a rule of Xishan Temple for many years.

No one noticed, at the moment Qian Chongyao appeared, several eyes were looking at him in the distance of the square.

"The Qian family seems to be striving for the hegemony of the world and taking the last step to win people's hearts." Luo Feng narrowed his eyes, "take the Bandai City as the starting point to compete in the world. Today, the ambition of the Qian family is, It won’t be hidden anymore.” “If I’m not mistaken, even if the Qian clan is fighting for the supremacy of the world, they are still calling for life for the people.” Feng Sanniang said, “As the Qian family has accumulated in the Ten Thousand Sword Region for many years Down the reputation, they are indeed very likely to be in a short time

, Got the support of many people. "

"Strive for hegemony in the world." Luo Feng sighed, "The so-called petition for the people, in fact, will only cause more innocent people to die in the war. But...we don't have the ability to control the world of the Ten Thousand Sword Region."

Wan Jianyu possesses seven sword immortals.

Seven prosperous wonderland.

Once Qian declared hegemony, this war would surely escalate.

Luo Feng had only crossed the Tribulation Realm by himself, and the Tianwen Iron Triangle next to him joined forces to cross the seven peaks of the Tribulation Realm. Naturally, it was impossible to compete with the Immortal Realm.

The only thing he had to do when he arrived in the Ten Thousand Sword Region was to take Zheng Wei and Liu Mei home.

Luo Feng looked at the Xishan Temple Square.

When this tens of thousands of people entered the Xishan Temple square, he noticed the two daughters of Zheng Wei and Liumei in the crowd.

However, Luo Feng sneaked into Xishan last night and had a certain understanding of the Xishan field.

The Xishan field, the most central place, happens to be the square in front of the main hall.

In the four corners of the square, four arhat statues contain terrifying field energy.

Without the right time and as a last resort, it is naturally impossible for him to set foot in this square.

"In the process of praying, maybe there is a chance." Zhuge Wushi said, looking at the place where the golden silk and satin spread in front of the main hall of Xishan Temple. What is it."

Time passed by every minute.

It's one noon.

Abbot Yuande walked out of the main hall, "The good time has come, and the blessing begins."

The entire Xishan Temple square immediately calmed down, with extremely pious faces.

For them, this is an absolutely sacred day. After a while, Qian Chongyao stepped out of the main hall and glanced across the square, "Everyone, I have something to announce to everyone."

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