In Xishan Square, all the Buddhas in the sky suppress Zizhu.

The purple bamboos around Luo Feng's figure thundered and shattered and fell apart. At the same time, Luo Feng's finger light penetrated the fairy body of Zizhu Jianxian.

Fairy bone protector, broken!

When the seven-color thunder light penetrated the body of Zizhu Jianxian, the entire Xishan Temple Square was completely shocked and plunged into a strange dead silence.

This is a disruptive moment.

Crossing the peak of the tribulation realm, powerfully blasted through the fairy body in the fairyland.

The blood splashed from Zizhu Jianxian's body was reflected on the crystal image ball, shaking Forty-nine City.

Enough to shake the picture of the world.

Tianjiao Luofeng suppressed the sword fairy.

"Is this true?" Long Sun Fengyue couldn't believe what she saw with her eyes. She muttered, her eyes turned towards Luo Feng, "If this child grows like this, in time, what realm can he reach!"

Tang Daer's mouth was also wide open to the extreme.

Although he kept yelling for Luo Feng to blow up Qian Chongyao, he knew in his heart that when the five sword immortals had all lost, Brother Feng had little hope for the shot, but he couldn't lose.

But now, Zizhu Jianxian was suppressed by Brother Feng with an extremely tyrannical attitude.

The excitement in Tang Daer's heart is naturally beyond words. He wanted to use the most perfect words in the world to describe Brother Feng at this moment. His mouth was stubbornly open. For a moment, he finally said, "Brother Feng... awesome."

"Weiwei, look, this is your male god." Liu Mei said, his eyes flashed with brilliance, "He really is strong when he is strong, and he never gives up."

Zheng Wei's eyes are flying, no matter what the outcome of today's battle, at least for this moment, she is proud.

"Isn't it your male god?" Zheng Wei glanced at Liu Mei.

Liu Mei smiled, "Since he can even defeat the sword fairy, let him be my male god."

The battle of crossing the robbery and shaking the sword immortal did not stop.

The finger light of the Thousand Buddha penetrated the bones of the sword fairy Zizhu, and only in a blink of an eye, several blood holes appeared on the sword fairy Zizhu with blood flowing.

The bones of the immortal were broken, and the body of the immortal suffered heavy losses.

After Luo Feng flipped his hands, the Jiuli Saint Knife appeared.

The blue light of the knife reflected on Zizhu Jianxian's eyes.

Zizhu Sword Immortal was completely horrified, and his expression showed strong fear. At this moment, Zizhu Sword Immortal felt a breath of death, covering his whole body.

He would never dream that he would fall into such an embarrassing and miserable situation in the face of an attack from a Tribulation Realm.

The knife is close at hand.

Zizhu Jianxian desperately resisted, and a ball-shaped crystal treasure appeared in his palm.

The light of the crystal treasure instantly flourished, shining in the sky.

Luo Feng swung his knife straight down.


Seeing this scene, Mo Zhongxing's heart felt like a flash flood, and it was like being struck by thousands of huge waves one after another, constantly churning.

"A mortal against the immortal, the sword immortal crossing the robbery town, how did he... do it?"

Not to mention Mo Zhongxing, at this moment, each of the five immortals was extremely shocked.

Because they have all been immortal and have survived the immortal catastrophe, they know better than the others that the essential difference between the immortal realm powerhouse possessing a fairy bone guard and the evolving below the catastrophe.

They have never heard of the legend that there is an evolutionary who crosses the tribulation realm and can defeat the fairyland.

But now, it is not a legend, but a living picture, reflected in their eyes.

Boom boom boom!

There was a deafening sound in my ears.

Within five seconds of supporting the crystal treasure, Luo Feng was powerfully blasted.

"For the power of Immortal Realm, ordinary treasures can hardly work anymore." Zhuge Wushi watched this scene, his eyes were excited uncontrollably, and the blood seemed to be boiling. "This is The power of the young master."

At this moment, Zhuge Wushi seemed to see the hope of Xiazu Palace.

The miraculous performance that the young master showed today that surpasses ordinary people is worthy of the identity of the descendant of Xia Zu.

Zhuge Wushi recalled that when he first saw Luo Feng, the time was not long compared to now. It has only been a few months, but Luo Feng's strength is earthshaking, and now it is far above him.

Zhuge Wushi was excited with tears in his eyes.

The blade is like thunder and lightning.

The ancient chasing thunder and cutting!

Xishan Temple Square is silent again.

The various Buddha images in the sky gradually disappeared and faded as Luo Feng pulled out the Jiuli Sacred Sword.

The image of Zizhu, which was already shaky, now also disappears into the void.

Everyone's eyes looked up to the sky.

Tianjiao in white, holding the holy sword in his hand, cuts down in the wind.

Zizhu sword immortal, blood spills into the sky.


Luo Feng's voice sounded calmly.

The sound is like thunder, echoing in the world, shaking everyone's soul.


These two words are so familiar.

It was exactly the two words Qian Chongyao confessed to Zizhu Jianxian before Luo Feng and Zizhu Jianxian battled.


Zizhu Jianxian couldn't do it, but Luo Feng did it.

Luo Feng draws a knife.

The blood splashed on Zizhu Jianxian's body, dyeing the sky red.

The body also fell straight down, with a bang, and fell heavily to the ground.

No life.

"Break the bones with one finger, and cut the sword with one sword!" Liu Mei's voice shouted, excited and excited.

Tang Dal turned his head immediately, "Student Liu Mei, where did you go to plagiarize this sentence?"

You know, when he was in Bauhinia Middle School, Liu Mei was the only student in his class who could rival him.

Liu Mei chuckled and took Zheng Wei's hand, "Student Tang Dal, if you have the ability, also come to plagiarize?"

Tang Daer, "..."

Zizhu Jianxian, dead.

At this moment, almost everyone was in a strong shock, unable to recover for a long time.

In today's game, when Qian Chongyao defeated the five sword immortals, everyone felt that the overall situation was set.

Who could have imagined that the first sword immortal to die on Xishan today was not any one of the five sword immortals, but Zizhu sword immortal.

Luo Feng's speed and strong attack made Qian Chongyao too late to rescue Zizhu Jianxian.

Mainly, Qian Chongyao did not expect that Luo Feng had the ability to kill Zizhu Sword Immortal in a second.

Even if Luo Feng used the powerful Buddhist method to suppress Zizhu, Qian Chongyao still didn't think that Luo Feng could kill the sword immortal Zizhu.

As a sword immortal, Zizhu sword immortal, he should have enough self-protection ability to face warriors who crossed the tribulation realm.

However, in the end, what Qian Chongyao saw was the corpse of the sword immortal Zizhu, and the two words that Luo Feng left as they were...killed.

This is an unscrupulous provocation and humiliation to Qian Chongyao.

Qian Chongyao's face gradually became gloomy, his breath locked on Luo Feng, "Zizhu Sword Immortal, how dare you kill?" Luo Feng smiled, "If I remember correctly, today is Xishan Square, Tuxian Conference A great ceremony! If I don’t slaughter one or two sword celestial beings, I would like to celebrate.

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