Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2641: Exactly the same

The sound was deafening and echoed in everyone's souls.

Rune stone pillars broke and collapsed.

At this moment, countless people's eyes widened to the extreme, and they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

The seven stars gather, and the killing comes.

They seemed to be in the **** of Shura, with darkness in all directions and nowhere to go. Only the sickle of the **** of death was waiting for them.

But at this moment, the loud noise seemed to open a door for them.

Everyone knows what this means.

The Northern Stone Divine Array, which was believed to be unbreakable by the Far North alien race, was broken at the moment when the Seven Stars gathered.

The breaker, Luo Feng.

boom! boom! boom!

Break in one place, break everywhere.

Previously, everyone's attention was on the gathering of the seven stars, and no one noticed that Luo Feng was already standing on one of the rune stone pillars.

That means Luo Feng directly broke into the North Stone Divine Array and destroyed it strongly.

Around Xishan Square, rune stone pillars broke and collapsed with an explosive sound.

The last one, under Luo Feng's body, also broke.

At this moment, even King Beichang was completely shocked, his pair of faint green eyes opened wide.


"The Northern Stone Divine Formation was actually broken by that Human Race kid?" King Beichang felt incredible and couldn't accept it at all. The North Stone Divine Formation can be said to be a field containing his life's hard work. Although King Beichang is not the way to specialize in the field, he has great confidence in the North Stone Divine Array. Even if all the powers in this area add up, it may not be able to break the north.

Stone God array.

However, just when the seven stars were gathered together, the Beishi Divine Array was broken by Luo Feng.

"Everyone, leave Xishan." At this moment, Mo Zhongxing's voice sounded decisively.

"Don't froze, go quickly." Liufengjianxian looked at Luo Feng with fiery eyes and roared loudly. He had to admit that he was almost going to worship this young Tianjiao from a foreign land.

Even the field is so proficient.

What kind of evildoer is this?

At this time, King Beichang also shook his head, his eyes filled with anger, "Stay to worship the sky!"

King Beichang launched an attack.

The faint green light arrow flew out suddenly, attacking Xishan.

Several great sword immortals made decisive moves and blocked most of the offensive.

The warriors on Xishan Square quickly evacuated.

His expression couldn't hold back his excitement and excitement.

This feeling of restlessness makes them never forget a person in their entire lives.

Hell Team, Luo Feng.

"You guys also go quickly." Guo Xinyu turned around and urged everyone.

However, none of the Hell team, Zheng Wei, Liu Mei and others left.

They cannot go first.

"Brother Feng will protect us." Tang Dal's answer was even more straightforward.

At this time Luo Feng had indeed rushed back.

He broke the Beishi Divine Formation at the last moment when the Seven Stars gathered, but the warriors in Xishan Square could not be evacuated at the same time.

A series of faint green light arrows are still devouring the lives of Xishan Warriors.

Even if a few Great Sword Immortals took action, it was impossible to intercept all the attacks of King Beichang. After all, King Beichang was already above them.

Luo Feng did not hesitate to help.

Above the head, the seven stars that appeared were moving slowly.

It seems to be connected at any time.

"Seven stars in succession will never be seen in 10,000 years." The expression of King Beichang burst into madness, and heinous murderous intent spread across the world.

After thousands of years of underground existence, it was dark, and he was going crazy.

This is his only chance to get rid of the suppression of the ancient fairy sword.

No one can destroy it.

At this moment, King Beichang was completely crazy and broke out.

The tyrannical force slaughtered out, and at the same time, it made a loud roar, "Qian Chongyao, start the sacrifice ceremony."

Sacrifice the sky with blood!

Although there is no blood of the immortal, at this point, he can't care about so much.

As long as the force of the seven stars can be drawn down and the ancient fairy sword can be restrained, Qian Chongyao will be free.

Qian Chongyao didn't hesitate either, he made mysterious seals one by one in his hand, and mysterious power permeated. In all directions, the blood flowing out of the warrior who fell on the ground, as if by some kind of traction, flew directly towards Qian Chongyao's body, and finally, suspended in front of Qian Chongyao, forming a blood cell


The blood cell rotates slowly, becoming bigger and bigger.

However, at this time, there are fewer and fewer warriors still in Xishan Square.

The vast majority of warriors have already escaped.

Luo Feng and several great sword immortals shot at the same time, but the faint green light arrows seemed to appear out of thin air, strange and unpredictable, it was too difficult to completely block them.

"This is enough." Mo Zhongxing's expression showed excitement.

The vast majority of warriors escaped this disaster, and a few sacrifices are inevitable.

"Luo Feng, well done." Liufeng Jianxian couldn't help but said loudly.

Luo Feng raised his head and looked at the sky.

Seven stars gather.

At this moment, it has become a line.

Seven stars in a row!

At this moment, a layer of extremely mysterious power filled the sky.

In front of this force, the entire world, even the Sword Fairy, had a feeling of incomparable insignificance.

"This is the power of the seven stars." The expression of King Beichang revealed a blazing light, and he could even feel that the ancient fairy sword was about to move.

He can be sure that as long as the power of the seven stars is drawn to the altar, then it will definitely be able to compete with the ancient fairy sword.

"Ten thousand years, the only chance." King Beichang's huge body suddenly let out a roar.

No one can kill.

In front of Qian Chongyao, blood-red blood cells filled with an incomparably **** breath.

"Sacrifice to the sky, attract the power of the seven stars."

Qian Chongyao's expression was pious, and the blood cell in his hand slowly lifted into the sky.

"Stop him." Mo Zhongxing shouted, and the five sword immortals shot at the same time, and the immortal sword slew towards the blood cell.

"No one can stop it." King Beichang roared furiously, and the dark green power of his hands surged out. In an instant, a mask was formed to guard the blood cells.

Even though the attacks of the five great sword immortals were raining, they could not hurt the blood cells at all.

"King Beichang, if you want to use the power of the seven stars to get out, you must not let him succeed, otherwise, this is a great disaster." Liufeng Jianxian shouted loudly, and at the same time, subconsciously turned to one side and looked at Luo. peak.

Luo Feng did not make a move, but stood there, looking up at the sky...

No one knows that at this moment, Luo Feng's heart is staring at the direction of the sky as if turning over a river.

Seven stars in a row!

When the seven stars were connected in a line and the power of the seven stars was diffused, they did not stop, but continued to move.

At this moment, the seven stars have become a special pattern.

In the eyes of others, this may be nothing special.

But Luo Feng looked up, completely shocked. Above the sky, the position of the seven stars is exactly the same as the seven stars behind him.

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