Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2648: Seven Star Immortal Body

Above the sky, seven stars connect with beads, and seven colors are immortal.

Xishan boulders, ancient fairy swords, dazzling the world.

Luo Feng's immortal calamity has reached the final moment, and his body is filled with sacred white light, shaping the immortal body.

And at the altar below him, a three-meter-high alien giant was entangled in chains, and he was screaming madly at this moment.

Not far from King Beichang's side, two corpses were completely different.

It is the Qian father and son.

The culprit who provoked the Ten Thousand Sword Region War, the initiator of today's Tuxian Conference.

In the end, he died tragically in the hands of the last "ace" in his hand. "Really retribution." Tang Dal sighed, couldn't help but glanced at the ancient fairy sword on the boulder, and shook his head. "It's a sword that has been exhausted. I don't think it is better than Datang. Right." Tang Dal took out his hand

The Tang halberd in the middle, lightly waved twice.

However, the voice of Tang Da'er's halberd weapon sounded weakly in Tang Daer's ear, "No."

Tang Dal rolled his eyes immediately, "You are the way to build others' aspirations and destroy yourself."

On the other side, Luo Xiaomu had been watching from a distance. When he saw Qian Chongyao's death, Luo Xiaomu's eyes could not help but flashed with crystal tears.

The man behind Xuanshizong's overthrow overnight finally died.

"Evil pays for evil." Luo Xiaomu knelt to the sky, crying in a sad voice, "Father, mother, the evil thief is dead, you can rest in peace."

Overnight, disaster fell from the sky.

This feeling is enough to crash anyone.

Luo Xiaomu was also determined to die in today's trip to the West Mountain.

Even if it was a life of nine deaths, she came too.

She wanted to ask for an explanation for her parents, the 3,997 innocent souls of Xuanshizong.

Above the sky, the sound of seven-color robbery thunder echoed in the world.

An aura of righteousness enveloped the world.

The last tribulation thunder dissipated, and the seven-color tribulation cloud above the sky also slowly dispersed.

The pattern of seven stars in a row reappeared in everyone's eyes.

Everyone's eyes were on Luo Feng.

The white light that permeated his body had disappeared, but at this moment, everyone could feel that there was a breath of Luo Feng's body that would last forever.

The true fairy spirit.

"The first step in the fairyland is to shape the immortal body." Mo Zhongxing's eyes were filled with heat, staring at Luo Feng, "I feel that he has just stepped into the fairyland, and he is infinitely close to the perfection of the immortal body. "

"Monster." Liufeng Jianxian said, "I'm afraid, in the world, only he is qualified to claim that the immortal body is invincible."

"Maybe, if the fairy gathers together, he can also fight." Guo Xinyu suddenly said.

Everyone's eyes fell on Luo Feng's body.

At this time, Luo Feng slowly opened his eyes and looked down.

The ancient fairy sword was extremely dazzling, and naturally fell into Luo Feng's eyes for the first time.

"This is the ancient fairy sword in the myths and legends of the Ten Thousand Sword Region?" Luo Feng couldn't help but flash through his mind.

"It's a familiar breath." Shi Ling's voice sounded directly in Luo Feng's mind, "This sword...I have seen it."

"What!" Luo Feng couldn't help being startled, his eyes couldn't help but look at the ancient fairy sword again.

Heaven and Earth Stone, once in Xia Xuewu's hands, became a token of Xia Zu Palace.

Shi Ling's words meant that he had seen this ancient fairy sword in the era of Master Xia Xuewu?

Luo Feng felt incredible.

He stared at the chain with the tip of the ancient fairy sword sticking straight into the chain, entwining the feet of King Beichang.

It was the power of this fairy sword that imprisoned King Beichang for ten thousand years.

Luo Feng's gaze swept away, and his expression became lighter.

Qian Chongyao and his son are gone.

"Brother Feng, the father and son Qian Laogou were killed by this alien race from the North." Tang Dal caught Luo Feng's expression and immediately said loudly.

Luo Feng narrowed his gaze slightly, looking at King Beichang.

Naturally, he would not sympathize with Qian's death, and even felt that it would be cheap for King Beichang to kill Qian Chongyao.

Ask Jianzong, Xuanshizong and the people who died innocently in the war this year, all need an explanation.

"Qian Chongyao is dead, you will be the next one." Luo Feng slowly said, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and at the same time, a war spirit emerged. The power he had just stepped into the fairyland made Luo Feng Can't wait to feel it.

King Beichang's eyes were full of resentment and stared at Luo Feng. Seeing that Luo Feng was walking towards him step by step, without putting him in his eyes, King Beichang roared immediately. In an instant, arrows all over the sky gathered. Chengliu shot towards Luo Feng.

Luo Feng's fist was clenched, and behind him, the python and the green bull appeared at the same time.

Big python cow method!

This is the only method that Luo Feng has enlightened to rely solely on physical strength.

Luo Feng had just created the Seven-Star Immortal Body, and he wanted to test the power of the Seven-Star Immortal Body.

This scene directly surprised everyone present.

In the battle of Xishan today, Luo Feng used many methods, mysterious and powerful, which was shocking.

But this time, after Luo Feng stepped into the Immortal Realm, he unexpectedly changed another method to fight King Beichang.

Carrying the python and the green cow on his back looks amazing.

However, Mo Zhongxing and others could easily see that the Big Python Niu Method is definitely far inferior to the mysterious Buddha's method that Luo Feng had previously displayed.

"Luo Feng's attack methods are really too many." Liufeng Jianxian couldn't help but sighed, "He is the real son of heaven."

"Maybe Luo Feng wants to try, how strong is his immortal body." Guo Xinyu said, "Although Luo Feng stepped into Linxian, he would be infinitely close to the perfect immortal body, but the strength of the immortal body alone must contend with the immortal. King Beichang, who is gathering together, I am afraid..."

Guo Xinyu's voice stopped abruptly.

There was a deafening sound in my ears.

His eyes looked forward in shock.

The faint green defensive mask of King Beichang suddenly burst under the simultaneous bombardment of the python and the blue ox.

The power of the Seven Star Immortal Body!

A sharp light flashed across Luo Feng's eyes.

The whole body is full of feeling of strength.

The seven-star pattern he is carrying is the source of his strength at this moment.

Seven stars immortal body, unstoppable.

boom! boom! boom!

The king of Beichang, who was entangled in chains, had a moving range of less than ten meters.

Compared to Luo Feng, King Beichang's body is extremely large, but at this moment, he is more like a target that cannot be moved, letting Luo Feng perform that stormy attack, retreating inch by inch.

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

Although they all guessed that Luo Feng successfully crossed the Tribulation, after stepping into the fairyland, he would definitely be able to deal with King Beichang, who was gathered together with immortals. But I never expected it to be such a crushing violence. With the boa constrictor technique and the seven-star immortal body, he suppressed King Beichang.

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