Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2671: Plan ahead

Luo Feng's body was filled with cold suffocation.

The Nether Clan exists as the guardians of the Exile, and they have been monitoring the earth for countless years.

They knew it from the moment the earth's world environment began to recover.

However, they were not eager to destroy.

Now that the earth's world environment is at the peak of the triumph, the Nether clan will play a card in his hand when he is just one step away from being immortal.

For many years, the earth's arrogance, controlled by the mysterious domain road, has now become their puppet and returned to the earth.

"Using the power of the earth to destroy the evolutionary civilization born again on the earth, they seem to have a sense of superiority." Luo Feng muttered to himself, the aura on his body was even sharper.

The Nether Clan is equivalent to the eyes of the enemy.

The first thing that Earth's evolutionary civilization wants to reach its peak again is to dig out the enemy's eyes.

"With the strength of my brother-in-law, there is no need to be afraid of these forces." Xiao Li is confident, "Go back when you have time and kill them all."

Luo Feng shook his head gently, "I can't go back now."

Hearing this, Xiao Fengye and his wife were shocked at the same time, looking at Luo Feng, they were dumbfounded for a moment.

Pro Wonderland!

Like Lan Lanxie, they all witnessed Luo Feng's peak calamity.

It would never have occurred to him that Luo Summit had crossed the peak and entered Linxian in such a short time.

"You..." Xiao Fengye was a little jealous, "You are now a fairy!"

This speed faster than riding a rocket is shocking to the world.

"In the Ten Thousand Sword Region, there are some opportunities." Luo Feng said lightly, without describing in detail. His expression was worried. At this moment, Luo Feng was thinking of the Nether Clan. "I can't go back at all. What I am worried about is that our enemy will evolve the earth and civilization and strangle it under the immortal realm." Luo Feng's heart is heavy, if this is the case, he can only watch, there is no Set foot back, "Blame me

, The breakthrough was too fast. "At this moment, Luo Feng is a little bit self-blaming. He knew that he should let Heaven and Earth Stone absorb all the seven-star power.

Xiao Li, "..."

Blame yourself for breaking too fast?

This is really annoying.

"Kill the earth's evolutionary civilization?" Tang Ziyun looked at Luo Feng suspiciously. Luo Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "The mysterious force Xiao Li said is driven by a force behind it. I am worried that if I cannot go back, this force will destroy all parts of the earth. The great evolutionary forces are all destroyed, including

Including... Dragon Palace. "

"They have this strength?" Xiao Li blurted out. "Absolutely." Luo Feng's expression was solemn, "The environment of heaven and earth has evolved to accommodate the peak of the Tribulation Realm, but now on Earth, there are no warriors who cross the Tribulation Realm. Push everything." Luo

Feng's eyes looked at Xiao Fengye suddenly, "Uncle Xiao, I want to ask you to send another team over."

"I personally took a team to cross the Tribulation Realm." Xiao Fengye said decisively.

Luo Feng's pupils shrank.

"Anyway, after Jun'er's child is born, Jun'er and I will also go to the earth, so you can let your Uncle Xiao go there first." Tang Ziyun smiled and said, "If you have Uncle Xiao sitting in town, you can rest assured."

Luo Feng nodded and let out a sigh of relief.

However, the sense of crisis in my heart did not relax at all.

Behind the Nether Clan are the giants including the Samsara Hall, and they definitely possess powerful strength.

Xiao Fengye first led a group of warriors across the Tribulation Realm to rush away, which can temporarily relieve the pressure on the Earth Dragon Palace, and then let Senior Zhuge integrate the power of Zhuge's line, headed by the Tianwen Iron Triangle, and return straight to the earth.

"Uncle Xiao, you must be careful." Luo Feng said solemnly, "The next period of time when the earth evolves into the civilized world, I am afraid it will be a great turmoil."

"Father, I'll go with you." Xiao Li said, "Anyway, you are all going. It's boring for me to stay in Sky Dragon City. It's better to go to Earth and get more experience."

Xiao Fengye didn't object. From Luo Feng's expression, he could feel that the situation he was going to face was more severe than he imagined. "I will notify Grandpa, and the tribulation team who sent Snow Night City to go to Earth together to support the Earth Dragon Palace." Luo Feng said in a deep voice, although the news that Xiao Li brought back was only from the mysterious forces. Rise, but Luo Fengjue

There is reason to believe that the Nether Clan will start a big battle.

But he couldn't do it himself, so he could only plan ahead, mobilize troops and generals, and mobilize the strongest forces around him to protect his homeland.

Xiao Fengye immediately began to prepare, and Luo Feng and Xiao Li walked inside together.

"Brother-in-law, why did you become immortal suddenly?" Xiao Li still felt a little unbelievable.

Luo Feng pondered and said, "I just... suddenly came to immortal."

Xiao Li, "..."

I'm such a waste.

Standing by Luo Feng's side, Xiao Li had to admit this cruel fact.

The two stepped into the door of a small courtyard at the same time.

"Second sister, I'm back." Xiao Li couldn't wait to shout.

Luo Feng's footsteps stopped, his eyes fixed on the front.

Xiao Jun held a bunch of flowers that he had just picked in the yard when he was idle. At this moment, his eyes also looked at Luo Feng, and the flowers in his hand also quietly fell.

Luo Feng's figure flashed, and before the flowers fell, he caught Xiao Jun's hand gently, "This flower is so beautiful, for you."

The corners of Xiao Li's mouth behind him couldn't help but twitch. This was clearly the flower that the second sister had just picked.

Xiao Jun wiped a gleam of light across his eyes, took the flowers, and clasped Luo Feng's hand with his five fingers, "Thank you."

Xiao Li, "..."

Seeing the two mouthfuls of love, Xiao Li silently exited the courtyard after being stuffed with dog food.

"Jun'er, I'm sorry." Luo Feng stroked Xiao Jun's lower abdomen with a look of guilt, "I should have been with you."

Xiao Jun grinned, "Aren't you staying with me now? I have a hunch that your little lover will come out in these two days."

"Little lover?" Luo Feng was startled.

Xiao Jun stroked her lower abdomen with a look of happiness, and said aloud, "She is a girl."

Luo Feng's face immediately showed a smile, and squeezed Xiao Jun's hand tightly, "Then she is the little princess that our Luo family dominates alone!"

Xiao Jun lightly leaned on Luo Feng's shoulder, and the two of them uttered the words of the long-awaited reunion.

When the sun went down, Luo Feng stood up, walked into the kitchen, and made a meal for Xiao Jun himself.

During this period, no one came to bother the two, quietly enjoying the world of the two.

The night enveloped Tianlong City, and the wrathful waves of the Wolong River hit the shore, echoing with shocking sounds.

Luo Feng and Xiao Jun walked side by side, along the river, telling stories that had happened to them during this period of time.

Xiao Jun's eyes kept shining brightly, she couldn't wait to accompany Luo Feng to explore the world together.

"When I can go back, our family will live in the Dragon Palace." Luo Feng shook Xiao Jun's hand, "Uncle Xiao and aunts are also with me, as well as my parents and Yu'er. That must be very happy. ."

"You are happier." Xiao Jun gave Luo Feng a white look, "and Qian Yilan."

Luo Feng coughed.

"And Song Daiying."

Luo Feng's old face is not natural.

"And Teacher Jun."

Luo Feng, "..."

"And..." Luo Feng suddenly pointed to the starry sky and interrupted Xiao Jun, "Jun'er, look, there are meteors!"

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