Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2696: Hundred Days

Master Yuande's eyes filled with a burst of blazing heat.

You Tan Xianhua!

For Master Yuande, the attraction is not even under Luo Feng's mysterious Buddhist practice.

If it can be picked off during its seven-day flowering period and stored in a special container, it will undoubtedly have a huge treasure.

Even if he doesn't know how to refine the Utan Immortal Pill, he can take the Utan Immortal Flower to a higher level and trade with the great power of the Buddha to get rich returns.

"Unfortunately, I can't get it." Master Yuande's expression flashed with regret. If he got the Utan Immortal Flower, he might not risk offending Luo Feng again, and he would not be a prisoner now.

"When the Utan Immortals were in full bloom, the dry well field also recovered." Master Yuande said in a deep voice, "I have not studied the field deeply, and I have not entered the dry well at all."

Tang Dal's eyes and Ao Qiu glanced at each other.

Ao Qiu's eyes gleamed subconsciously, Youtan Immortal Flower, presumably the treasure he had been searching for these days.

"Tell me the specific location of the dry well." Tang Da said indifferently, "If you get the Youtan Immortal Flower, I can spare your life."

"A word is definite." Master Yuande nodded hurriedly.

Tang Dal and Ao Qiu turned around and left. Master Yuande looked at the two people’s backs, the panic on their faces gradually disappeared, and replaced by a hideous color, "The Buddhist scriptures record that the flower of the gods is the flower of the gods, and the flower blooms for seven days and is not to be violated. , Any hand-picked excellent

Those who are in the Tanimian Flower will encounter the curse of Utan, their heads will turn white for a moment, and they will lose their vitality for a hundred days. You won't let me go, and I won't make you feel better. "

At this moment, Master Yuande even hoped that Tang Da'er and the others could break the dry well and pluck the Youtan Immortal Flower.

Master Yuande believes that no one except the Buddhists will know the curse of Utan Immortal Flower.

It is a sign of auspiciousness, and likewise, it is also a messenger of purgatory.

The night enveloped the earth.

Tang Dal and Ao Qiu went straight to Xishan.

After the First World War in Xishan, almost no one stepped on the Xishan area.

Xishan Temple, many places have collapsed under the influence of the fighting.

Two figures appeared above Xishan Temple.

"This direction." Ao Qiu glanced around, and with the approximate location given by Master Yuande, coupled with the dragon's special smell for treasures, Ao Qiu quickly brought Tang Da'er to the location of the dry well. .

In the dark night, at the mouth of the dry well, a faint divine light filled it, and at the same time, it was accompanied by a burst of special fragrance.

Tang Dal strode up and looked down, his pupils couldn't help but shake.

At the bottom of the dry well, there is a fairy flower, full of enchanting peerless.

Every petal is extremely holy and beautiful.

It seems to be a fetish that does not belong to this world.

At this glance, it was extremely shocking.

Even with the ability to contemplate the soul, Tang Dal's mental power suddenly became a little trance.

"Big ears." Ao Qiu patted Tang Daer.

"This is Utan Immortal Flower." Tang Dal was excited, "Xiao Qiu, wait for me, I will go down to pick the flowers."

After all, Tang Dal's body jumped down.

Ao Qiu stopped talking and looked down at Tang Dal.

The light of the dry well flashed.

Tang Dal went straight back and returned, with a look a little embarrassed, "I forgot, I don't know much about the field."

Ao Qiu glanced.

Obviously just know nothing.

Ao Qiu didn't say much, but immediately jumped and disappeared at the mouth of the dry well.

About a quarter of an hour.

The divine light at the mouth of the dry well flashed, and Ao Qiu's body was directly shot out.

"How is it?" Tang Dal came over immediately.

Ao Qiu's brows frowned, "It seems that we still have to ask Big Brother to do it." Tang Dal also spread his hands helplessly, "I originally planned to bring Youtan Immortal Flower back directly to give Brother Feng a surprise. Lan My aunt can’t go on the path of evolution. If the Youtan Immortal Flower in the dry well can refine the City Youtan Immortal Pill, you can give

Aunt Lan shaped the body of Youtan, thus embarking on the path of evolution. "

Tang Daer knew Luo Feng's thoughts very well. He knew that Luo Feng had always had a wish in his heart to let his mother embark on the path of evolution.

The emergence of Utan Immortal Flower may be an opportunity.

"Xiao Qiu, you stay and guard." After Tang Dal confessed, he turned and left.

Money house.

Its daybreak.

In the back garden where the flowers are in full bloom, the rhythm of the piano sound lingers again.

The sun shines on the earth.

Luo Feng and the two daughters of Zheng Wei and Liu Mei walked out of the hall together. The two women held Luo Feng's arm tightly all the way, and their eyes were full of tenderness.

In the hall, Tang Dal was waiting long ago. Seeing Luo Feng walked out, the meteor rushed over, "Brother Feng, there is a big happy event!"

Luo Feng smiled, "Let's talk and listen."

"Have you heard of Utan's elixir?" Tang Dal said mysteriously.

"Excellent elixir?" Luo Feng was stunned. In his mind, the "Pill Code" automatically flashed out, the elixir level, Luo Feng had never refined it, most of the materials needed by the giants are too harsh, Luo Feng also There is no time to comprehend the alchemy every day.

Soon, Luo Feng found the record of the Utan Pill.

"A magical elixir that can be used to shape a beautiful body?" Luo Feng's eyes widened subconsciously. He really hadn't noticed this elixir.

Tang Dal was stunned. He was still thinking, bragging in front of Luo Feng to show off his extensive knowledge, but he didn't expect Luo Feng to say it directly.

"Yes, this is the elixir." Tang Dal glanced at Luo Feng, "Since Brother Feng knows this elixir, I shouldn't need to introduce it."

"Don't tell me, Ten Thousand Sword Domain, there is an elixir of superiority?" Luo Feng's voice was a little excited.

Although he has never seen it before, but according to the Dandian records, Youtan elixir can shape the body of Youtan.

The first thing Luo Feng thought of was his mother, Lan Yafu, if he succeeded in shaping the immortal body of Youtan, he would definitely be able to embark on the path of evolution.

There is also the golden-blooded horse Yunlin, the elixir of superiority, which will surely make him on the path of evolution again.

"That's not true." Tang Dal's answer was like pouring cold water.

Luo Feng glanced at Tang Dal, "Then what do you want to say."

"I found a Utan Immortal Flower, and it is still in the blooming time." Tang Dal said excitedly, "Just pick the Utan Immortal Flower and refine it into Utan Immortal Pill. I believe that this It's not difficult for Brother Feng."

A bright light was wiped across Luo Feng's eyes.

You Tan Xianhua!

Naturally, there will be an introduction about the Utan Immortal Flower on the materials for refining Utan Immortal Pill.

Suddenly, Luo Feng's face changed color, he suddenly raised his head to look at Tang Dal, and asked nervously, "Aren't you already plucking the Utan Immortal Flower?"

Tang Daer was startled by Luo Feng's sudden change of expression, and shook his head subconsciously, "There is a field barrier, I can't get in." "That's good." Luo Feng sighed in relief, and took a look at Tang University. Ear, "Otherwise...you only have a hundred days left. The blooming balm, the one who picks it off, will encounter a mysterious curse, white hair for a moment, and a hundred days of death."

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