Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2698: Deceive Buddha

The honor of once in three thousand years!

Classmate Tang Dal's eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

Master Yuande's face changed, and his pupils subconsciously widened to the extreme.

He never dreamed that Luo Feng would actually give him the opportunity to pick the nymph.

At this moment, a line of words emerged in Master Yuande's mind...

Youtan cursed, white hair for a moment, and a hundred days of death.

Master Yuande shuddered.

He could not afford this honor.

If he can break this domain by himself, Master Yuande will order someone to help him pick the Utan Immortal Flower, and he will take special care of it. But now, Master Yuande certainly dare not speak out in public, and Utan curses.

"Master." Tang Dal couldn't help but uttered again, awakening Master Yuande.

Tang Dal said enviously, "Master, go, and we will witness the moment when the master picks the celestial flowers with our own eyes." "Poor monk... can't bear it." Master Yuande bowed deeply and sighed. "The Qian’s troubles the world, and the poor monk is obsessed with ghosts for a while, helping to abuse him. Now he is the body of sin. If you pick the celestial celestial flowers by yourself, it’s a blasphemy against the celestial flowers.

. "

Luo Feng said with a smile, "The four major monks are all empty, so what is the cause of the master. Take a step back, if you are really guilty, the master has the cause of assisting the Qian family, and you should cultivate the fruit of picking the fairy flower. Under the cause and effect, the sin will disappear naturally."

Master Yuande couldn't help but change a few times.

The few words Luo Feng said casually just told him what he meant.

This task of picking the best celestial flowers is none other than him.

Master Yuande felt a cold air coming from all over his body and shivered subconsciously.

"Master, don't be so excited," Tang Daer said involuntarily.

"Master, please." Luo Feng looked calm and waved his hand with a smile.

Master Yuande took a deep breath and walked towards the dry well step by step.

Standing at the mouth of the dry well, Master Yuande suddenly swept his body and rushed to one side to flee.

He has no other choice.

The Buddhist scriptures he had seen accidentally clearly recorded Utan's curse, Utan Immortal Flower, and he would never touch it with his own hands.

Those who touch it will undoubtedly die.

At this moment, Master Yuande can only hope to escape the front line of life.


A sky thunder fell from the sky and appeared in front of Master Yuande.

A devastating breath enveloped the whole body.

Master Yuande was shocked and retreated in horror.

"Master, your direction seems to be wrong." Luo Feng's voice rang behind Master Yuande.

Master Yuande turned his head and looked at Luo Feng, shaking involuntarily.

After a while, Master Yuande suddenly realized that he stared at Luo Feng, "You... all know?"

Master Yuande couldn't believe it.

When I first saw this withered Utan Immortal flower, I checked countless information, and even went to the sixth-order domain several times, and tried my best. In the end, it was confirmed that it was a withered Utan Immortal flower.

After all, this is too rare. He believes that no one in the Ten Thousand Sword Region would recognize the U-Easter Flower. The curse of Utan was even more so that Master Yuande accidentally saw it in the ancient Buddhist scriptures. He thought that everything was perfect, and he was even looking forward to it. When Luo Feng touched Utan Immortal Flower, his gray hair appeared, and everyone panicked and shocked. , Took the opportunity to escape, but

The look in Luo Feng's eyes at the moment seemed to tell him that in Luo Feng's eyes, he was like a clown, directing and acting in a scene.

Crappy and ridiculous.

"Master, the honor of once in three thousand years." Tang Dal said with a sneer.

Master Yuande felt that his face was hot and his body was trembling.

Mo Zhongxing and others were even more confused, looking puzzled.

"Youtan cursed, those who pick celestial flowers will have white hair for a moment, and will lose their vitality in a hundred days." Tang Dal's eyes suddenly became cold, "Old bald donkey, I'm not wrong."

Hearing this, the hearts of several sword immortals were shocked.

Utan curse!

His eyes fell on Master Yuande.

Master Yuande's face was constantly changing, and finally, he raised his head with a sullen expression, "I won't help you pick balm flowers, you don't think about it!"

Luo Feng's expression was calm, and he said faintly, "You still have a hundred days to live by picking the nymphs. On the contrary, Xishan today is your burial place."

"Old bald donkey, my brother Feng is to give you a chance." Tang Dal snorted coldly, "Even if you don't pick the balm, we can find someone else to replace it at any time." "One day, one hundred days, what's the difference? "Master Yuande suddenly laughed wildly, eyes bursting with crazily blood, "The Buddhist scriptures say that those who are cursed in the body cannot be reincarnated in all ages." Master Yuande roared, "Poor monk would rather One

Even if you die, you don't touch the Utan Immortal Flower. "

Master Yuande suddenly rushed towards Tang Dal.

There was no trace of fear in Tang Dal's eyes. He knew very well that this was just the last madness of the old bald donkey.

Tang Daer was only a little regretful that the old bald donkey would rather die than touch the Youtan Immortal Flower.

Youtan's curse is worse than death.

"Cut it off." Luo Feng's voice rang.

Liufeng Jianxian stood beside Tang Da'er, drawing his sword in a flash.

The edge of the fairy sword flashed by.

With the strength of Liufeng Sword Immortal, it is easy to cut Master Yuande.

Master Yuande didn't have any room for resistance. He was killed on the spot, and his body fell to the ground.

"Let's go down and take a look." Luo Feng first walked to the dry well and jumped down.

The others followed suit.

The space under the dry well, as Master Yuande said, was very wide. When everyone fell, their eyes fell on Utan Immortal Flower.

The unique floral fragrance is still permeating, flooding the world.

Luo Feng's eyes were fixed on the Utan Immortal Flower, and he thought about Utan's curse.

At this moment, Luo Feng even had an idea and wanted to try it, but he quickly denied it directly.

You Tan cursed, Xia Xuewu was recorded in the "Pill Code", Luo Feng didn't want curiosity to leave him with only a hundred days of life.

"This is the fourth day." Tang Da'er said, "There are only three days left in the blooming period of Euphorbia. Feng, how do we pick this Euphorbia?"

Luo Feng looked at Utan Immortal Flower, and frowned subconsciously.

Those who pick Utan Immortals will definitely encounter Utan's curse. "I'll make arrangements." Mo Zhongxing walked out on the initiative and said in a deep voice, "I personally choose a group of people to come out and inform them of the situation of Utan's curse, and choose those who voluntarily pick Utan Immortal flowers. This person, he Family, family descendants, all by us

protection. "

"But, this is always a life." Zheng Wei couldn't help but blurt out, "He also has relatives, even if he wants, he can die for picking fairy flowers, what should his relatives do."

"Perhaps we can choose someone from the Qian's gangsters we have caught in the past few days and let him pick fairy flowers. These people should die too." Songhe Jianxian suggested.

Several people looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng is the final decision maker. "Luo Feng, we must make a decision as soon as possible." Mo Zhongxing couldn't help but reminded, "The floral fragrance of Utan Immortal Flower spreads in all directions. Maybe, the Origin Immortal Domain Slayer Envoy who stayed in the Ten Thousand Sword Region has noticed it. Although he may not necessarily You know you can do it from this flower

To judge by Xiang, it is definitely not a common product. I am afraid that the longer the delay, the change will happen. "

Hearing this, Luo Feng suddenly flashed a thought in his mind.

His eyes narrowed slightly. After a while, Luo Feng smiled, "Weiwei is right, and I also think that it is precisely the person who is willing to sacrifice, the less we can let him die. And the Qian's comrade... It is so easy to be picked, then

Isn't it, the Utan curse was wasted for nothing. "

"You should be picked by the real powerhouse, the best... or from the so-called Five Domain Alliance."

When Luo Feng's words fell, everyone's minds were shocked. Tang Da'er's eyes suddenly lit up, "Brother Feng meant to use the Utan Immortal Flower as a bait to attract the powerhouses of the upcoming Five Domain Alliance. The best, they will fight for the superior Tan Immortal Flower. The winner picks the best night celestial flowers, but

Later, I encountered the curse of Youtan... cooked in a pot. "

Tang Daer was extremely satisfied with the three words he finally summed up. "Today is the fourth day of Utan Fairy Blossoms in full bloom. We still have time to wait and arrange some things." Luo Feng narrowed his sight. If the strongest of the Wuyu Alliance can be buried in Xishan, then he will take over the field. Top 3 chances

, Will add some more. "Senior Mo, from now on, Xishan will be sealed off and no one will be allowed to enter." Luo Feng said in a deep voice, "However, Xishan will be blocked, and the news about the blooming of Utan Immortal Flower will be spread out. The Buddhist holy relic appeared, Xishan

, Suspected Buddha Mountain. "The corner of Luo Feng's mouth raised slightly.

Haven't they been looking for Bodhi Mountain?

There is no Bodhi Mountain, but the appearance of the Utan Immortal Flower is enough to divert the attention of the powerful person in the sixth-order domain of the Samsara Palace. After all, all this was just calculated by him, and he may not be sure that Bodhi Mountain is in the seventh-order domain. "Lending flowers to deceive the Buddha, cursing the extinction, kills two birds with one stone." Luo Feng's expression showed expectation.

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