Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2717: Probably zero

A good person card from Luo Feng was issued and buckled on the head of Great Immortal Black Mountain.

What a nice person.

Luo Feng looked at the Black Mountain Immortal with a smile. When he was in Xishan Square, Luo Feng didn't have much feeling for the Black Mountain Great Immortal. Later, the Black Mountain Great Immortal suggested that Luo Feng take them to the place where the Fairy Blossoms bloomed. Then, the battle for the Fairy Blossoms had nothing to do with Luo Feng. Luo Feng still thinks this

Black Mountain Great Immortal, it seems pretty good.

But as soon as he got to the dry well, the Great Black Mountain Immortal spoke again and let Luo Feng break the field, Luo Feng understood that this Great Black Mountain Immortal is an out-and-out smiling tiger. He is much more sinister than others.

Moreover, from beginning to end, Heishan Daxian did not even show any malice towards Luo Feng.

When Huo Zengren and Chu Fang wanted to take Luo Feng's life, a word from the Great Immortal Heishan made Luo Feng feel sick.

Luo Feng didn't expect that in the end, the Youtan Immortal Flower would be picked by the Black Mountain Great Immortal.

At this moment, Black Mountain Great Immortal's white hair was particularly dazzling.

The curse of Youtan is really so terrifying.

The Black Mountain Great Immortal, who gathered together with celestial flowers, was unavoidable.

Black Mountain Great Immortal's expression has been completely gloomy.

Luo Feng's remarks revealed too much information.

Especially... You Tan Xianhua, these four words.

Luo Feng, had long known the origin of this evil flower in the dry well.

He deliberately drew people into contention, letting a hapless guy pick this evil flower for him.

And he is the hapless one.

Black Mountain Daxian's face was completely dark, and his eyes flashed with sharp light, "Utan Immortal Flower? Luo Feng, what do you mean?" "I mean, Daxian, you are a good person, but unfortunately, we are different from each other. "Luo Feng sighed softly, "Actually, I didn't lie to you either. This is really a sacred flower of the Buddhist family. If you usually read more books, learn more.

Knowledge outside the domain, you will definitely have heard of it, Youtan Immortal Flower. "

Luo Feng's gaze swept across the audience slowly, "The Utopia, the most mysterious method of the Buddhist family, is said to be inviolable. Therefore, any person who picks the Utopia will have white hair for a moment, and will die for a hundred days. ."

Luo Feng said the last five words to the Great Immortal Black Mountain.

Black Mountain Great Immortal felt that his brain was struck by thunder, and his body shook violently.

White hair for a moment!

Heishan Daxian only noticed that the moment his life was drawn, his hair had turned white.

‘Grey hair for a moment’ means that vitality is drawn.

Heishan Great Immortal thought that he would be fine if he threw out that excellent celestial flower decisively, but unexpectedly, from Luo Feng's mouth at this moment, he heard five more terrifying words...a hundred days of life.

This means that I only have a hundred days of life left?

Youtan curse.

"Impossible, impossible!" Heishan Great Immortal's eyes widened, as if madly, staring at Luo Feng, his eyes filled with blood, "Luo Feng, how dare you set up a situation to harm this immortal? ."

Luo Feng seemed to have not been affected by the momentum of the Black Mountain Great Immortal. He held the Great Tempest Immortal Flower and looked calm and relaxed. "I set the game, but I didn't mean to harm the Great Immortal. I just said that Daxian is a good person. ."

The Black Mountain Immortal couldn't hold back a blood spurt out.

She was trembling all over.

A hundred days of death.

These five words are really terrible.

The Great Immortal Heishan has a feeling at this moment that he is dying every second...

At this moment, the rest of the five domains even had goose bumps all over their bodies, shivering involuntarily.

Youtan curse, it sounds terrible.

They were fortunate that the person who had the opportunity to pick off the celestial flower was not themselves.

Otherwise, they are now the "good people" in Luo Feng's words.

Huh huh!

His eyes stared at Luo Feng again, his eyes gushing with anger.

The five big areas, the strong gathered, was actually played by a young boy in applause.

From beginning to end, this was Luo Feng's game.

They didn't put Luo Feng in their eyes from the beginning, but from now on, Luo Feng, hasn't he been watching their jokes all the time?

"Luo Feng, have you considered the consequences of doing this?" Huo Zengren stared at Luo Feng with a cold expression, "Hand over the Utan Immortal Flower, you can leave Xishan."

A smile appeared on Luo Feng's face, "It seems that there are so many kind people."

As soon as Luo Feng flipped his hand, Utan Immortal Flower disappeared in Luo Feng's palm, "Unfortunately, I just don't know good people."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Feng's figure flashed directly.


Where Luo Feng had stood before, a fierce attack came.

Black Mountain Great Immortal's charged blow.

It's just that Luo Feng had been prepared for a long time, especially the Black Mountain Great Immortal, he would definitely want to smash him into pieces.

Luo Feng rushed out of the dry well.

Boom boom boom!

There was a loud explosion, deafening.

The powerhouses of the five domains have broken through the dry well space and rushed out strongly.

"Luo Feng, you have no choice now. It's a dead end if you don't hand over the Youtan Immortal Flower." Chu Fang shouted coldly, and at the same time, his eyes were sharp, "I ask you, two from Fengleiyu Slayer, where is it now?"

Luo Feng glanced at Chu Fang, "You can be reunited with them soon."

Hearing this, Chu Fang's expression was gloomy as water, and his eyes surged with murderous intent.

"In the face of the five major domains, seven immortals gathered in the presence of the strong, and dare to say these things, Luo Feng, you really don't have any consciousness." Murong Nian stared at Luo Feng sarcastically, watching him. Come, today's Luo Feng is already hard to fly.

Luo Feng was surrounded, his expression unchanged, and he said slowly and unhurriedly, "Just now, under the dry well, I seemed to vaguely hear that some people said that I was a waste of wood from the field."

Luo Feng suddenly raised his head and chuckled weirdly, "Then, I would like to invite you all to learn, "Nine Songs of the Yellow River Array"." As soon as the words fell, Luo Feng raised his hand, and the best crystals appeared in his palm. stone.

The thunder cannot cover the ears.

Luo Feng ejected these top-quality spars, and roars sounded in all directions.


Between the heaven and the earth, there was a deep boom, shaking in all directions.

In Xishan Square, the many sword fairies who have been waiting all raised their heads and looked forward...

""Nine Songs of the Yellow River Array" has started." Liufeng Jianxian couldn't help but lifted his spirits. He was so excited that he subconsciously clenched his fist tightly, his expression showing fiery worship.

On the side, Dingyang Sword Immortal couldn't help being curious, and asked, "Is "Jiuqu Yellow River Formation" really scary? If the five of us join forces, how likely is it to pass "Jiuqu Yellow River Formation"?"

Hearing this, Liufeng Jianxian's mouth couldn't help but twitched, and he glanced at Dingyang Jianxian, "You should ask, how likely is the chance that the five of us will survive."

The minds of several people were shocked at the same time.

"The probability of surviving...what is it?" Dingyang Jianxian asked cautiously. Liufeng Jianxian looked at the "Nine Songs of the Yellow River Formation" that had been slowly activated, and the entire Xishan Temple area had disappeared in no time, "I think... it's probably zero."

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