Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2737: Are you... the demon demon?

Seeing this scene, Luo Feng's eyes narrowed involuntarily.

From the beginning to the end, he believed that the news he had received in the Ten Thousand Sword Region, Yuping River Region, there was no such person as Dongguo Wudi.

This is already the proof that the person in front of him is not a slayer. Luo Feng originally thought that as soon as he talked about it, the hypothetical ambassador would immediately reveal his true shape, turned around and ran, or acted on him, but he didn't expect that the other party was still a dramatist, with this aggrieved appearance in front of him. Let Luo Feng just one

I doubted my own judgment.

"In that case, there is only one way." Luo Feng said lightly, "You follow me for a trip to Yuping River, this is the most direct way to prove your identity."

Dong Guo Wudi's eyes flashed fiercely, "City Lord Luo, you are not afraid, you can't get out after entering the Yuping River."

Luo Feng smiled slightly, "This point, I won't bother Guo Xian."

Dong Guo Wudi's expression was gloomy and his eyes flickered, "What good will this do for you."

"I said, this is the Immortal Emperor's Domain, my site." Luo Feng said, "Since someone from unknown sources enters, then I must check it out." Dong Guo Wudi's eyes were cold, and he took a deep breath for a moment. With a sigh of relief, his face eased a lot, and he said in a deep voice, "If this is the case, well, I will accompany you on a trip to Yuping River. But don't blame me for not reminding you of being so offensive.

, Even if I don’t pursue it, my strong man in Yuping River Region may not forgive you. "

"Please, then." Luo Feng waved his hand.

Dong Guo Wudi snorted and walked out of the hall with a hand shake.

"Jing Kun too!" Dong Guo Wudi yelled, his voice loud and loud and resounding in all directions.

Jing Kun also didn't go far, and his figure swept over.

"My Immortal Envoy." Jing Kun also looked respectful.

"I have something temporarily, you will be responsible for tomorrow's beauty contest." Dong Guo Wudi left a sentence and left directly.

Seeing that the backs of Dong Guo Wudi and Luo Feng disappeared, Jing Kun's expression could not help but reveal a burst of doubt.

Immortal Dong Guo's sudden departure must have something to do with City Lord Luo's late-night visit.

After thinking about it for a moment, Jing Kun also shook his head without thinking any more. He definitely didn't dare to neglect what Dong Guo Wudi confessed to him.

Under the moonlight in the middle of the night, the two figures left Jin Caicheng.

Headed straight to the direction of Yuping River.

Along the way, neither of them spoke, and Luo Feng's attention had always been on Dong Guo Wudi.

Dong Guo Wudi's expression was gloomy, his eyes flashed with anger, and he glanced at Luo Feng from time to time.

Both are extremely fast.

An hour later, Luo Feng suddenly felt the air drop in front of him.

"It's coming soon." Luo Feng looked at the star map, and the road connecting the Immortal Emperor's Domain to the Yuping River Region was under the canyon of a snow-capped mountain.

"City Lord Luo, the immortal envoy can give you another chance." Dong Guo Wudi looked at Luo Feng coldly.

"Please." Luo Feng swept down on the snow-capped mountains, and quickly noticed the location of Yulu.

In all directions, a white sullen, Luo Feng approached directly towards Yulu...

Dong Guo Wudi quietly slowed down and followed Luo Feng.

The eyes suddenly burst into two beams of extremely cold and fierce light.

A terrifying and fierce aura permeated all directions.

In an instant.

The majestic and powerful mental power swallowed towards Luo Feng's mind.

Luo Feng's pupils suddenly widened.

The spiritual power like a tide flooded Luo Feng's soul in an instant.

The attack of the spiritual master!

The information Luo Feng obtained included the battle between Dong Guo Wudi and Ye Guyun. When he was defeated by Ye Guyun, Dong Guo Wudi had never shown the attacking power of the Mind Master.

At this moment, a sneak attack was suddenly launched.

Behind Luo Feng, taking advantage of Luo Feng's absence of any defense, a terrifying divine mind attack surrounded Luo Feng.

Luo Feng's body was violently shaken, his face paled a little bit, a **** arrow spurted out, his feet staggered, his body fell sideways and fell down Xuefeng.


A huge boulder on the ground broke directly.

"Huh!" Dong Guo Wudi stood with his hand in his hand and landed on the snow-capped mountain.

Seeing the debris of the boulder flying around, Luo Feng was no longer visible. "I told you just now, this is your last chance, but unfortunately, you haven't cherished it yet." Dong Guo Wudi coldly said, muttering to himself, "Am I a messenger of demons? For you, Has no effect at all, but,

You just have to keep pressing..."

The corner of Dong Guo Wudi's mouth curled slightly, "This time, spare your life, but if you want to recover, it will take at least ten and a half days. By then, I will have already left the Immortal Emperor's Domain."

Dong Guo Wudi turned around.

At this time, suddenly, a voice came from the debris.

"Originally I wanted to act in a scene to let you take the initiative to say your identity. Unexpectedly, you would leave like this." Luo Feng's figure walked out slowly.

Dong Guo Wudi turned around, his expression could not help showing a hint of surprise, "Are you okay?"

Dong Guo Wudi could not believe it, his eyes fixed on Luo Feng.

He originally thought that under this wave of divine mind offensive, Luo Feng would stay in this place for at least ten and a half days, and it would be difficult to get over. He didn't expect that he would step out unscathed.

"Wasted a mouthful of blood." Luo Feng replied.

Dongguo Wudi's eyes were wiped with a cold light, his eyes met Luo Feng, his body released a tyrannical aura, "I advise you, don't be nosy. Don't worry, I can guarantee that I will never hurt people in the Immortal Emperor Realm." ."

During the days when Dong Guo Wudi stayed in the Immortal Emperor Realm, he had also heard many legends about Luo Feng.

Luo Feng was unscathed in the attack he made just now. It can be seen that Luo Feng's strength should not be underestimated.

Without a last resort, Dong Guo Wudi didn't want to establish an enemy like Luo Feng. "But, if you don't tell me your true identity, how can I trust your guarantee?" Luo Feng's gaze narrowed coldly. Just now Dong Guo Wudi suddenly attacked, he instantly decided to pretend to be injured, if Dong Guo Wudi thought about it. Kill him

If he is not, maybe he will say a few scenes to expose his identity, but Dong Guo Wudi did not do so, and, without killing him, he turned around and left.

Dong Guo Wudi's expression was gloomy, staring at Luo Feng, and the tyrannical mental power amplitude spread out again, "Luo Feng, I didn't kill you just now, you don't know how to advance or retreat."

The two eyes met each other.

When Luo Feng was sneak attacked just now, in an instant, he noticed that Dong Guo Wudi's divine mind attack had a familiar feeling.

At this moment, Luo Feng noticed it again.

He narrowed his eyes coldly, staring at Dong Guo Wudi. "Are you... the demon demon?"

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