Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2747: They are all home

Luo Feng conveniently put away the airship treasure. For Luo Feng, flying treasures were quite scarce.

In Baolan City, everyone looked up at this scene.

Today's disaster came too suddenly, but it also disappeared extremely fast.

Nearly thirty killers from the sixth-order domain, all of them died in a blink of an eye, leaving no one behind.

The sword-backed man stared at Luo Feng with an agitated expression. He knelt on one knee towards Luo Feng, "Thanks to the fairy for helping me."

In Baolan City, many people also knelt down to express their gratitude.

The murderous aura from those killers just filled the whole city, and they all thought that it was impossible to escape.

But the appearance of this fairy in front of them, between their gestures, brought them the dawn of life. Luo Feng glanced at everyone, smiled, and said, "You have chosen to come to this city, no matter what the reason is, after many years, for this domain, you are a group of great people, and you are this domain. Face new text

The origin of Ming. So, remember what you said today, this city is sheltered by immortals, and no one would ever want to hurt the people in this city, I said Luo Feng. "

Luo Feng.

In Baolan City, everyone remembered this name.

At this time, Dong Guo Wudi also appeared.

The moment he saw Dongguo Wudi, the sword-backed man immediately looked excited and saluted, "See Daxian."

Dong Guo Wudi looked at Luo Feng for a long time, volleying over everyone, "Luo Feng, is my...friend."

When the people in Baolan City heard these words, they seemed to have taken a pill.

There are two great immortals sheltering, they firmly believe that in time, this area will definitely prosper.

And they are the founders of civilization in this domain.

This is a privilege.

There was a cheering voice in my ears.

Luo Feng and Dong Guo Wudi looked at each other.

The two dashed away at the same time.

If it weren't for the appearance of the snake, the fire and the golden axe, the two would never show up and interfere with the lives of the people in this city.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two figures appeared at the entrance of the domain back to the Immortal Emperor Domain at the same time.

"I'll stay in Baolan Realm first." Dong Guo Wudi suddenly said, his heart still worried. That group of assassins appeared too abruptly, the first assassin organization of the sixth-order domain suddenly appeared in the seventh-order domain, and, by such a coincidence, found the Baolan realm and selected it as their special training base. Dong Guo Wudi is worried, it is Tuntian

The curse of the clan is still at work, making the reconstruction of Baolan Realm's civilization a lot difficult. Luo Feng pondered for a while, and nodded, "Well, after all, the so-called Snake Fire Golden Axe organization comes from the sixth-order domain. We don't know the strength of this assassin organization, and we can't be sure that we killed today. This group of people, will they follow

Shi reported his whereabouts back, in case the people of Snake, Fire and Golden Axe knew that these assassins were killed in Baolan Realm, this is indeed a disaster for Baolan Realm. "

Dong Guo Wudi took a deep breath, his eyes wiped firmly.

No matter what, Baolan City, he will definitely guard it.

The civilization of this domain can never be destroyed for the second time.

"If something happens, let someone go to Xueye City to notify me." Luo Feng looked at Dong Guo Wudi, "I will stay in Xueye City until the start of the rank battle in the domain."

Dong Guo Wudi nodded his head heavily and said sternly, "Before you set off, I will go to Xueye City."

There is still more than a month.

If there is nothing wrong in the Proslide Realm during this time, it also means that the Snake Fire Golden Axe organization has not known that this group of people was killed in the Proslide Realm for the time being. At that time, he will definitely follow Luo Feng to participate in the field ranking battle.

Ranked battles on the territory, once every three hundred years.

In the seventh-order domain, all major domains want to compete for the top three positions.

The danger during the period can be imagined.

Dong Guo Wudi wanted to follow Luo Feng's side, make a contribution, and protect Luo Feng at any time.

Luo Feng is the only hope for resolving the curse of the Heaven-Swallowing Race.

The two men glanced at each other.

For a moment, Luo Feng nodded and said at the same time, "As for Jincaicheng, I will notify the Lord Jingcheng and let him take over the beauty contest on your behalf until you go back."

Luo Feng turned around and stepped onto the road to return to the Immortal Emperor Territory.

In Luo Feng's mind, the words Snake, Fire and Golden Axe could not help.

The killer organization of the sixth-order domain has infiltrated the seventh-order domain unexpectedly.

Luo Feng can understand these so-called ‘special training bases’. If this special training base is successfully established, it will definitely be a disaster for countless people in the seventh-order domain.

They will secretly kidnap selected people, conduct various extreme special trainings, and finally cultivate their own killing machines.

Baolan Realm will become a purgatory on earth.

Such a killer organization, Luo Feng had also met when he was on Earth.

"Snake Fire Golden Axe." A cold light was wiped across Luo Feng's eyes. After the territorial ranking battle, if the earth’s world environment has not been restored to the point where it can accommodate the immortal realm, then he can only step into a higher territory, experience his own strength, and seek to refine his divine mind. Figure material. God

If Niantu fails in one day, Luo Feng's spiritual power will be difficult to use to the extreme.

The sixth-order domain is naturally Luo Feng's first stop.

At this moment, Luo Feng had already listed the snake fire golden axe as his first goal in his heart.

"I want to see how capable this assassin organization is." Luo Feng's mouth raised slightly, and he stepped out of the Yulu exit. The temperature of the air around him dropped sharply, and he looked up and saw a snow-capped mountain that had collapsed more than half before him. .

Luo Feng's expression couldn't help showing a sigh.

Before returning from the Ten Thousand Sword Domain to the Immortal Emperor Domain, he had thought about the possibility of a lot of false messenger status, but as a result, he couldn't even imagine it, the demon demon.

"How many sky-swallowing monsters will endure this **** and heavy torment in the universe, and they will survive, waiting for the opportunity to avenge the sky-swallowing clan." Luo Feng sighed.

For the Sky Swallowing Clan, it is really extremely difficult.

They don't even know the identity of the enemy.

For generations, I have repeatedly suffered the curse of disasters.

They didn't dare to give up, once all the Sky-Swallowing Demons gave up, then the entire race would be destroyed.

"The enemies of the Sky-Swallowing Clan, are they really the same as those on Earth?" Luo Feng's pupils shrank slightly.

If the enemy really has the power of cursing and can curse the fate of a race, how can such an enemy contend?

At this moment, Luo Feng felt that his strength was extremely small and weak.


Luo Feng didn't dare to think about it any more, and went on the road to revival step by step.

Luo Feng did not return to Xueye City directly, but took the Wolong River and Tianlong City.

However, it turned out to be empty.

Xiao Jun and his youngest daughter, Luo Mujun, and mother-in-law Tang Ziyun, have all left Sky Dragon City.

Luo Feng knew their destination.


All people are focused on the earth. They all went home.

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