Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2759: Go, Kunlun!

They can bear the beating of two little cute babies, but they can't bear it, they are the sons of dragon lord Luo Feng.

To say that in today's world, the figure who is popular all over the world, the dragon lord Luo Feng, must have a place.

Although he hasn't appeared for a long time, "Dragon Wu" has already spread all over the world. Who else doesn't know the Oriental Dragon Palace, the dragon lord Luo Feng?

Dragon Lord Luo Feng's only global shot, led the Hell team, swept the world with just a few people.

No one can compare this record.

Although Zhao Cai and Zhang Yu are ordinary people, they have heard of some of them now that the earth's evolutionary civilization is flourishing.

He actually kidnapped the son of Dragon Lord Luo Feng!

Without the courage to commit suicide, he can only pass out.

Luo Xing Luo Chen looked at each other.

"Brother, what should I do?" Luo Chen was in trouble, and both uncles were unconscious. Who would take them to Kunlun?

Luo Xing's expression was also blank.

He is not many seconds older than Luo Chen.

The two little cute babies walked out of the woods.

The grove was close to the high-speed exit. At this moment, a car drove out suddenly.

Suddenly brake directly next to the small forest.

A young man hurriedly opened the door of the car, looked around, and hurried into the grove.

"It's so comfortable." The young man opened his trouser chain and let out a long sigh of relief.


Suddenly, one left and the other right, two small heads poked out.

The young man shuddered directly and stopped abruptly.

"My day, kid." The young man wiped a cold sweat. "Where did you come from? Where's your family?"

"The two uncles over there brought us, but they are asleep now." Luo Chen pointed to the small forest.

The young man couldn't help but walked over. When he saw the picture of Zhao Cai and Zhang Yu being in a coma, the young man was directly shocked.

It can be seen at a glance that the two had just experienced a severe beating.

It's miserable.

"Who are they? Who knocked them out?" The young man took out his cell phone and wanted to call the police.

"It's me and my brother." Luo Xing said, "the two uncles are liars."

"You?" The young man looked at Luo Xing and Luo Chen for a long while, couldn't help but laughed, "Boy, you still want to lie to me, you know, the dream of winning uncle is to deceive the world and rob the rich and help the poor."

This young man, surprisingly the young master of the Ying family in Australia, won.

These days, I have stayed in Australia and managed the family's business. With my winning character, I was of course tired. I finally found a chance to leave the family and rob the rich and help the poor.

The destination for winning is also very clear, which is Zhejiang-Hangzhou.

The most popular place in the East today is naturally the Dragon Palace.

Of course you have to punch the card if you win.

Who knows, there was a sudden urgency on the highway, and I came out after winning a turn and saw the small woods here...

After winning, I felt that the two children couldn't explain clearly. They returned to the car, took out two bottles of water, and poured them on the heads of Zhao Cai and Zhang Yu.

The two woke up violently.

I saw that the winner was standing in front of him, and the two little cute babies were standing next to the winner.

Zhao Cai and Zhang Yu immediately shed tears and nose together, kowtow desperately, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we have no eyes, let us go."

Winning frowned, suddenly shouted, "Shut up."

Winning As the young master of the Ying clan, who has been in control of the Ying clan group these days, he suddenly shouted. In the words, there was an aura of superiors, glaring at both Zhao Cai and Zhang Yu.

The two of them were trembling with fright.

After winning a glance, both of them had obvious marks in their crotch, and their eyes could not help but show disgust. "You will tell the ins and outs of the matter carefully."

The two naturally did not dare to conceal the identity of Luo Xing Luo Chen from the time they lost money in the underground casino.

After winning, he was stunned and looked down at Luo Xing Luo Chen.

These two brave kidnapping robbers were actually brought down by two little cute babies.


Still the cousin's son!

In the heart of winning, Luo Feng is a cousin-in-law one day, and a cousin-in-law all his life!

"The two of you are really courageous." After winning, Zhang Yu couldn't help but kicked Zhang Yu and took a sip of water. "Young master of Longgong, you dare to move too, are you impatient?"

Winning glanced at the two of them, "I have already called the police. You think you can escape the Dragon Palace's investigation, but you can leave."

After that, I won and picked up Luo Xing Luo Chen, and walked outside the small forest, "If I remember correctly, one of you is called Luo Xing and the other is Luo Chen, right."

Luo Xing opened his eyes wide, "Uncle, how do you know?" The two robbers just didn't dare to mention Luo Xing Luo Chen's name.

"Hey, your father and I are good buddies." Winning said with a smile.

He naturally knew the existence of the two young masters of Dragon Palace.

When Luo Xing Luo Chen was full of the moon, the banquet was held, and the Ying family also received the invitation.

After winning, he stopped suddenly, his eyes widened, "If I remember correctly, you guys...just over a year old..."

After winning, he looked back at Zhao Cai and Zhang Yu, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

My brother-in-law’s genes are too strong.

The one-year-old little cute baby actually hangs a strong man in her twenties.

"Sit firmly." The winner took Luo Xing and Luo Chen into the car and fastened their seat belts. "Go, Uncle will take you home."

"No." Luo Xing Luo Chen said in unison.

I just started the car. Hearing the words, he couldn't help but turned his head, looking confused, "Are you not going home?"

Seeing the cute eyes of the two little cute babies, he was naturally happy when he won. This is Luo Feng's son.

After winning, he readily agreed, "Okay, uncle will take you to the amusement park first."

"I'm not going to the amusement park, I'm going to Kunlun." Luo Chen was anxious.

"What?" The win was dumbfounded.

After some negotiations, the win finally understood.

When the two little cute babies ran away from home, Luo Xing took his brother Luo Chen to Kunlun to find his mother.

"You two ran out so recklessly, the family must be worried." Win said, "I will take you home first, and your mother will go home soon."

"Uncle is also a liar." Tears welled up in Luo Chen's eyes, "I also said he was a good friend of Dad."

"Even Kunlun would not take us there." Luo Xing was also angry.

Won a bit dumbfounded.

He seemed to be despised by two one-year-olds.

Winning silently opened the map of the phone and took a look at the navigation.

Ten hours' journey!

"Xiaochen, let's go by ourselves." Luo Xing directly stretched out his hand and snapped his seat belt off.

Luo Chen also imitated Luo Xing's actions.

The winning mouth opened wide and became an O.

Are these two little evildoers born with supernatural power? "Wait a minute." Winning spoke quickly and stopped Luo Xing and Luo Chen. At the same time, his eyes were faintly shining, "I am going to the Dragon Palace to check in, and I am also rushing to the increasingly hot evolutionary civilization recently. I heard that Kunlun is an eastern evolutionary civilization. Of the birthplace of

One, the cousin's husband has appeared there several times..." Winning looked at the two, "This is the first time that you have something to ask your uncle for help. Uncle will definitely satisfy you. "Winning is also a big nerve. I made a decision in an instant, patted the steering wheel, and shouted, "Go, Kunlun!" "

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