Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2767: Emperor's body

On the battlefield, many people also discovered the arrival of Qian Yilan and Jun Lianmeng for the first time.

Tang Ziyun's eyes met Lan Lanxie.

Lan Lan Xie Hadi smiled, his figure flashed, and he approached Qian Yilan and Jun Lianmeng.

This means that he is responsible for the safety of the two girls.

If the second daughter had an accident, he didn't know how to explain to his grandson.


Zhuge Wushi's figure also moved.

One of the five great guardians focused on Tang Da'er.

On the Dragon Palace side, the Five Great Tribulations and Seven Layers, Lan Lanxie is responsible for protecting the safety of the two daughters of Qian Yilan and some of the Dragon Palace disciples around them, and the remaining four have each acted and locked their opponents.

At this moment, the powerful aura of the sky-patterned iron triangle and Tang Ziyun's body burst out without any cover.

It was like a flash flood, devouring the battlefield.

The faces of the five guardians changed color at the same time.

They led the crowd to rush out, but they didn't expect that there would be so many peak powers on Dragon Palace.


The battle started.

Kunlun sacred mountain, under a sacred tree, the ancestor of Kunlun with white beard, his eyes suddenly opened.

"Five tribulation realm sevenfold." Kunlun ancestor said with a lightly curled mouth, "Is the Kunlun sacred mountain too important, or, Dragon Palace really looks up to the old man."

The ancestor of Kunlun glanced in one direction, "Since it's here, let's sleep in Kunlun forever."

Next to him, a boy entourage lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Report to the ancestors and protect the temple. You can arrive within half an hour."

"Half an hour." Kunlun ancestor narrowed his eyes slightly, "Very good."

Temple protector is the strongest title of Nether Temple.

Every temple guardian possesses the strength to overcome the peak of the catastrophe.

Kunlun ancestor is also one of the temple guardians.

He was waiting for the arrival of another guardian of the temple.


In front of Kunlun Mountain, the battle continued.

From the very beginning, Dragon Palace firmly controlled the situation and crushed the ancestor gate.

The sky full of vines controlled the overall situation and caused great troubles to the ancestors and disciples.

The Dragon Palace disciples worked together and decisively.

They were all red eyes.

A few days ago, the Kunlun ancestors suddenly came and brought a disaster to the Dragon Palace disciples who were stationed at the Kunlun Mountain.

Today, even the Dragon Palace disciples are forced to die.

They all can't wait to get rid of the old ancestor door immediately and kill the Kunlun ancestor.

The swords in the hands of Qian Yilan and Jun Lianmeng were also stained with a lot of blood.

When the two of them first appeared on the battlefield, in the eyes of the disciples of the ancestors, the two beautiful women, on the battlefield, were dying.

As everyone knows, the two women's combined strength is more than enough to kill the enemy and protect themselves on this battlefield.

Bang bang bang!

On the battlefield, the battle between Tang Dal and the black robe guardian had also reached a fever pitch.

The double axe in the hands of the black-robed law protector has the potential to open up the world, carrying the giant axe on his back, and the phantom, magnificent, every axe cut carries the momentum of the mountain, and wants to split the big-eared youth in front of him directly into two. half. Although Tang Da'er has a few calamities less than the black robe protector, the pure body of the barbaric king is enough to make Tang Daer's power not under the black robe protector. The Tang Daer and Tang Daer fought side by side, living and dying together. Pass, unity of mind, burst out at this moment

Strength, in the face of the double axe, did not lose the wind.

Between the two men, the soldiers collided.

Completely face the shock.

"It's a great time." Tang Dal's eyes rolled, and he swung his troops straight up, and the giant axe in the void was cut down again.


Under the bright moon.

In the distance, some evolutionaries gathered.

They all stepped into this restricted area at great risk.

Because, since the Kunlun ancestors occupied the Kunlun Mountain, in addition to the evolutionaries who took refuge in the ancestors, the rest of the evolutionists will undoubtedly die once they step into the shame line of the Dragon Palace.

Among them, the bold evolutionary took out his mobile phone and desperately recorded the scene of the battle.

The eyes were hot.

The video of this battle was circulated and it was bound to cause a huge sensation.

"I hope that the Dragon Palace will win. This will definitely greatly enhance the morale of the Eastern evolutionary civilization, unite and contend against the Nether Temple."

Each evolutionary clenched his fists subconsciously.

On the other side, the dazzling dragon scale arm suddenly glowed.

In the night sky, the voice of an invisible dragon yin resounded.

Mr. Gong’s practice method, dragon clan, dragon scale arm.

The unparalleled force swept over, and the black-clothed guardian who had fought against Mr. Gong was blown out, and his heart felt as if it was overwhelming.

At this moment, the depths of Kunlun Mountain.

In the endless dark place, thunder light flickers from time to time.

A pair of closed eyes suddenly opened slowly, "Dragon?"

Feeling for a moment, but then he shook his head lightly, "It turns out, it's just a human race who has comprehended the dragon's cultivation method."

"Perhaps, this means that the Dragon Race has already appeared." In the darkness, there was another voice, which rang from another location.

"The Nether Clan, can't wait to do it."

"Luo Feng, he didn't come back. Could it be that he has already broken through to the fairyland?"

Two voices sounded from time to time.

Suddenly, there was a hot breath in the air.

The depths of the endless dark land suddenly lit up.

A blue-purple flame was burning.

The two breaths immediately locked this group of flames. "The emperor and phoenix divine body that was forced to awaken, if it weren't for Luo Feng's special physique, I am afraid that I would not be able to survive you and I would help." One of the voices said in a deep voice, "Now, this girl, I am afraid it is Wanyu. The luckiest emperor and phoenix **** body, even I did not expect that you would be willing to give your natal scales to this girl, nine times Nirvana, she has integrated your natal scale fragments, her strength, The potential is far greater than I expected when I rescued her

Also scary. "

"Xia Zu Palace, it is really not enough to rely on Luo Feng alone." Another voice was relieved, "With this girl by Luo Feng's side, the young Xia Zu Palace Tianjiao is the hope for the future of Xia Zu Palace. "

The cyan flame was shining.

In the flames, a beautiful woman lay calmly.

Like a fairy in flames.

Peerless, Jade Raksha.

In front of Kunlun Mountain.

"Go and die." The black robe guardian had a hideous face, and went all out, sending out the strongest blow. The giant axe overlapped all over the sky, bringing all the power together, and the double axe smashed.

Tang Dal was already ready.

There was a tiger roar, and the sound shook the sky.

Savage King Supreme, his power suddenly burst.

The Tang halberd, straight through the double axe.

Accompanied by a loud noise.

A gap appeared in the double axe in the black robe guardian's hand...At this moment, the black robe guardian's face changed in shock.

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