Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 3011: Obsession

The entire Zhujian Peak shook suddenly.

Some people even staggered a few times and almost fell to the ground.

One after another, his eyes followed the direction of the sound.

The frozen world suddenly cracked.

A large dense rainforest appeared in everyone's eyes.

The young man in the green robe came from afar, and with every step he took, it straddled a kilometer, the snow under his feet cracked and opened, and a rain forest appeared.

Tang Dal was carrying the Great Tang War Halberd, looked over, curled his lips, "Is this pretending that I am not afraid of being struck by lightning?"

However, the gaze of the green-robed youth was not on Tang Dal's body. His goal was directly locked on Xiao Yu who was on the summit of Jianfeng.

He didn't hide his breath.

Crossing the peak of the robbery realm.

The strongest realm that the current world environment can accommodate.

The appearance of the green-robed young man made the heaven and earth environment of Zhu Jianfeng some signs of collapse.

This is the limit that this world can bear.

At the moment when the green-robed youth appeared, the Kunlun Mountain, the two auras were also alarmed at the same time.

"Jiuyou Shengzi!"

"Xiao Yu, this girl is really going to meet her opponent."

"Unexpectedly, the Netherworld clan actually gave birth to the Saint Child of Nine Yous, but Xiao Yu is not a pure emperor phoenix divine body, she also incorporates the power of my dragon scales, which may not be invincible."

The two auras did not continue to communicate, and their divine consciousness was locked on Jianfeng.

This is a crucial battle for the evolution of the earth’s civilization.

All the important tasks fell on Xiao Yu.

Defeat Jiuyou Shengzi, she can carry this piece of sky.

Xiao Yu also noticed the aura of the green-robed youth at this moment, her expression gradually becoming solemn, and she also noticed that the person in front of her was probably the existence of the two masters who were worried.

Nether Clan, Jiuyou Shengzi.

At the same time when Jiuyou Shengzi appeared, behind him, in all directions, a silhouette appeared.

The Nine You Legion descended on the world.

There was a strange and heavy atmosphere in this vast world.

The Dragon Palace children gathered and held the weapons in their hands.

Everyone knows that the evolutionary civilization of the earth has reached the final critical moment of survival.

The Eastern Dragon Palace is the only line of defense for the earth's evolutionary civilization.

At the moment, standing on Jianfeng, almost gathered the strongest fighting power of Dragon Palace. Once they fell, Dragon Palace would fall, and the evolutionary civilization of the earth just restored would be destroyed.


The lavender flame burned the sky.

The war intent in Xiao Yu's eyes rose to the extreme.

No matter who came, she could fight.

Without any extra words, this battle broke out directly.

Tang Da'er rode on the Ling Yao Yao who had transformed into his body, his figure resembling electricity, holding the Great Tang war halberd, rushing and rushing towards the Jiuyou Legion.

Among the Nine You Legion, there were also strong men who immediately shot to stop Tang Da'er.

"The evil demon died."

Tang Daer leaped forward and faced the strong man. Within ten moves, the strong man of the Nine Yous Legion was beheaded by Tang Daer.

This scene invigorated the heart of the Dragon Palace Legion.

A big duel kicked off. Standing on the top of the sword peak, the fascinating fairy in the lavender flame confronted the green-robed youth in the air. After a while, the green-robed youth suddenly shot his hands, waving his palms, filled the sky with a ghostly breath, this world seemed to have become the Nine Nether Yellow Springs in an instant. responsible for

The method of the skull is shot towards Xiao Yu.

The next second, the flames skyrocketed.

The palm of the emperor and phoenix god's palm contains the special flame of the emperor and phoenix clan. When they encounter the skull-cranial aspect, they seem to have the meaning of restraining each other, destroying and rotten, and the skulls are all broken. The pupils of the green-robed youth shrank slightly, apparently he had miscalculated Xiao Yu's strength. After a while, a smile appeared on his face, "Unexpectedly, the broken evolutionary civilization has just been restored, and this level can be born. Tianjiao, really worthy of being

The descendants of Xia Zu in the past. "

However, when the green-robed youth said this, his eyes were more joking.

High above, the cat plays with the mouse.

"Master asked me to come, just to see your eyes struggling in despair, and to temper my state of mind." The green-robed youth smiled, "You know that the Nine Nether Legion I brought is Who is it?"

In this battle in all directions, Dragon Palace had the absolute upper hand at this moment.

But the young man in the green robe didn't care, and said lightly, "These are just people who have strayed into the passage leading to the Nether Clan for thousands of years from all over the earth. Now they have become the puppet army in the hands of my Nether Clan."

The green-robed youth laughed, and suddenly increased his voice, "You have to be more precise, maybe, among them are your old friends."

The voice resounded from Zhu Jianfeng.

Many people's hearts were shocked, and their consciousness swept around subconsciously.

This Nine Nether Legion really seemed to be just a killing machine, each face was numb, not even painful, until it fell down, it still subconsciously waved the knife in his hand.

These people are all puppets of the Jiuyou clan.

They also come from the earth.

Many of the Dragon Palace disciples were attacked by the Jiuyou Legion when their hearts were shaking.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Luo Qing crossed his knees on a high place, and the strings in front of him were plucked, and the sound of the piano rang across the battlefield. Emperor Luo Qing's voice also sounded, "The Dragon Palace congregation will listen to the orders. Although these are in the same vein as me, their spiritual consciousness has been completely manipulated by demons and even destroyed. Today they are just walking dead. , This battle, no

Can hesitate. "

The sound of the piano shook the soul.

Many people suddenly realized, sharp blades in their hands, decisively cut off.

Yes, they are in the same vein as themselves.

But now, they are slaves and puppets, and they must be beheaded, otherwise, the knife in their hands will kill themselves.


The blood stained Zhujian Peak.

The battle reached a fever pitch, and the frozen peak of Zhujian, blood flowed into a river, and corpses were everywhere.

With a wine gourd pinned to his waist, Jiu Chi Lao Dao walked around this battlefield.

The words of the green-robed youth just made Jiu Chi Lao Dao's heart tremble, and in his mind a figure that had disappeared for many years appeared uncontrollably.

Jiu Chi Lao Dao, the name of Jiu Chi comes from...

Alcoholic, alcoholic, alcoholic, alcoholic, alcoholic, alcoholic, alcoholic, alcoholic, alcoholic.

This is the answer Jiu Chi Lao Dao once faced his disciple, the current dragon lord Luo Feng's question.

He is an alcoholic.

However, no one knew that his obsession with wine began from the moment that figure disappeared into his life...

The two strayed into that road at the same time, leading to an unknown destination.

When facing the skull storm, she abandoned everything, pushed him away, and protected him.

She disappeared in the distance of that road and was no longer visible.

Jiu Chi Lao Dao thought he had forgotten this dusty past, until this moment, he suddenly had a strong premonition.

The figure that disappeared, perhaps... is in the army right now.

"Are you...are there?" The figure of Jiu Chi and the old way shuttled through this **** battlefield. This was an obsession deep in his heart that could never be erased.

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