Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 784: All the debtors are uncle

Chapter 784

People are still in the dead of night.

The bar is called "Free City", and the strong heavy metal DJ music almost ignited the audience. At this moment, both men and women followed the **** beating body on the stage to twist and release all kinds of hormones.

The deck on one side, three positions, three glasses of wine, one sip.

Luo Feng, iron face, judge.

Under the dazzling light, the iron face looked at the judge and smiled playfully.

"Boss, you have been absent-minded all night...Is it, hehe?" The iron-faced smile made Luo Feng a little impulsive to punch him. This smile was too treacherous and sinister.

Luo Feng looked at the iron face with a smirk, "Tonight is a temporary rest. Before I start school, if you can't practice the dark energy, just wait to take off your clothes and run around the West Lake."

The iron-faced smile suddenly stiffened, suddenly withered into a bitter gourd shape, looking at Luo Feng crying.

The judge on the side also wanted to speak just now, and immediately closed his mouth with interest, and filled Luo Feng with a glass of wine.

Luo Feng picked up the glass and drank it.

"I won't talk about women tonight." The judge laughed. "Boss, did you give the Leopard Shadow guy some irritating potion? Since the beginning of this year, the mercenary world in the Middle East has disrupted! Leopard Shadow set off and overturned a large mercenary regiment in a few months in a row. It was fierce. Now [Huang Quan]’s power in the Middle East can be said to be unstoppable."

The corner of Luo Feng's mouth raised slightly, that guy...

At this moment, Luo Feng's mind suddenly came up with a world-famous face, Peerless, Jade Rakshasa.

Luo Feng's brain seemed to vibrate, and his expression was ashamed.

"Ah, men are emotional animals." Ironmian sighed as if seeing through Luo Feng, "Moreover, there are not many innocent boys like our boss..." Ironmian glanced at Luo Feng. Luo Feng and Qian Yilan’s bet he was naturally heard. It’s not just a kiss. Foreigners kiss each other every day. Sometimes a beautiful woman yells when she falls. Oops, she falls. Only Liang Shao kissed to get up.

Luo Feng squinted with cold light, "It seems that taking off your clothes and going around the West Lake is not enough for you."

The mouth is too cheap.

Tie Mian closed his mouth again and drank a glass of wine.

"By the way, boss, Situ Mingfeng... That kid has asked me countless times about your news, and the tiger cub, just a call in three or two days..." The judge helplessly spread his hands, "Boss, look. , Should we start to gather brothers..."

"It's not the time yet." Luo Feng held the wine glass tightly and took a deep breath. The cold light flashed deep in his eyes.

He vowed that one day he would seek justice for the Jade Rakshasa.

He once thought that the Jade Rakshasa was dead, but the Jade Rakshasa was not dead. This justice is even more important.

"They... are all okay." Luo Feng's voice trembled.

Once born to death together, carried guns together, slept together, floated together...

Luo Feng is more eager for brothers to gather.

However, if you gather your brothers before you are ready, I'm afraid it will hurt them too.


In Liberty City, the iron-faced judge whispered to Luo Feng about the recent situation of the brothers. The three of them laughed wildly from time to time, lost their minds from time to time, and drank a glass from time to time...

Until one o'clock in the morning, the three men walked out of Liberty City and went back to their homes.

Julong Bay.

Luo Feng opened the door lightly, only to find that the lights in the hall were on.

"Who hasn't slept so late?" Luo Feng walked in doubtfully.

It seems that he heard the sound of the door, and the figure sitting on the sofa stood up like a frightened bird. Seeing that it was Luo Feng, he was immediately relieved, "Brother Feng, it's so late."

It's the handsome boy Ni Mei.

However, at the moment, Mei Mei is not handsome at all.

A handsome face has several bruises and swellings, which looks a little miserable.

Luo Feng looked over, his complexion immediately changed, and a burst of anger rose, "Who gave you such a cruel hand?" Even though he has not lived in Ni’s house for a long time, Ni’s family treats himself well, Ni Grandma even soaked the precious Dahongpao mother tree for herself. Now that she saw Ni Mei's tragic situation, Luo Feng couldn't just sit idly by.

"What do you start?" Ni Mei was blank, and immediately pointed to her face with a strong smile, "Brother Feng, you misunderstood, this was not beaten, I fell while walking the stairs." Ni Mei sighed. , "Unlucky."

Luo Feng stared at Ni Mei's eyes for a while, and sneered, "You are really artistic in this fall."

Ni Mei opened her mouth and wanted to explain, but after seeing Luo Feng's eyes, she knew she couldn't hide from Luo Feng, so she lowered her head.

"Is it Ye Wuyi!" Luo Feng's eyes shone like a sharp knife.

"Ye Wuyi? No, it's not him... it shouldn't be him." Mei Mei's tone was also a little hesitant. "It's strange to say that Brother Cheng didn't even mention paying back the money tonight, so he just saw me... …This is indeed a bit abnormal."

"Brother Cheng? Return the money?" Luo Feng looked at sister Ni with a puzzled look.

Mei Mei looked embarrassed, "Brother Cheng, is the boss of an underground casino nearby."

"Are you gambled?"

"No, I'm not interested in gambling money... I... I went to borrow money." Ni Mei said helplessly, "I borrowed 8,000 yuan a month ago. Now that Brother Cheng counts the interest, he actually wants me to pay back one. Ten thousand dollars."

Luo Feng looked at Ni Mei silently, "Repaying debts is justified. Most of these loan sharks are returned from nine out of ten, and you have to repay ten thousand... Wouldn't it be okay if you pay him back? Hit it now."

"You would rather be beaten!" Mei Mei stood up straight, her eyes firmly vibrated and she said.

"Why?" Luo Feng was even more puzzled.

Ni Mei's straight body could not fall, and she smiled coldly, "Why should I pay back the money I borrowed by my own ability."


What a special thing, it really is the uncle who is in debt!

Luo Feng was suddenly speechless.

What a confident Ni Mei said!

quite a while.

Luo Feng could only glance at Ni Mei and walked upstairs.

He really couldn't manage this matter.

After taking a shower, Luo Feng returned to the room, and the charming scene of tonight suddenly appeared in his mind, and the eyes he had just closed opened again.

The hero is sad for the beauty off... which guy makes an excuse!

Luo Feng took a deep breath, and his mind gradually calmed down.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, the Purple Qi Donglai magical work gradually began to work. Today’s Yuhuangshan battle, to be honest, did not help Luo Feng much. At Luo Feng’s current level, there is a mere monster, Luo Feng fundamentally Don't put him in the eye. This is also the reason why Luo Feng didn't pursue him when Pi Demon escaped.

In the middle of the night, people calmed down after all.

One person is still up.

In the remote northwest of the land of Shenzhou, there are high mountains and steep mountains.

Under the big waterfall, a figure, big ears, soaked in the cold water, raised the wooden barrel in his hand, gritted his teeth and rushed towards the center of the big waterfall...

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