Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 794: Swear to typhoon

Chapter 794

The sound was stern, such as a bell and drum suddenly rang in Ni Mei’s ear. In a moment, Ni Mei’s body almost subconsciously leaned back, almost falling off the stool, half sounded, stunned, and immediately widened. Eyes, "Killing? I didn't kill."

Ni Mei's face turned pale, and the atmosphere in the interrogation room was as cold as a winter cave. The handcuffs were icy, and she buckled behind her back. Ni Mei's eyes widened, "I really didn't kill."

"Huh! Didn't kill anyone?" He Zhengren's two slender eyebrows were bent, and a pair of white palms were supported on the table, gently tapping, every sound seemed to touch the soul and shock people's hearts .

The back of Ni Mei was completely wet. She had lived for more than 20 years, and she had never encountered such a battle. This was completely different from being surrounded by the river by the Speeding Party that day. Right now, in front of the state apparatus, killing people will pay for their lives.

Ni Mei shook her head desperately.

"Very well, this is a normal procedure." He Zhengren sat back again with a smirk. "Ninety-nine percent of the suspects will not admit their crimes at first. However, when the trial is over. Later, the truth will naturally come to light. Xiao Yuanhao, I will leave it to you next."

"Yes, congratulations." Xiao Yuanhao saluted, and soon his gaze fell on Ni Mei again, "name."

"Mei Ni."

"Oh, I have the backbone, I dare to swear at this time." Xiao Yuanhao didn't seem to care at all, he sneered.

Ni Mei looked melancholy. Since she had this name twenty years ago, similar misunderstandings have occurred every day.

"Comrade police, you... don't you have my information on hand?"

Xiao Yuanhao smiled, "In this place, if I ask you anything, you will answer whatever. You are so much nonsense, are you trying to hide something?"

There are pitfalls in every sentence.

Ni Mei's face was pale with fright a long time ago, but she gradually began to calm down, taking a deep breath, he understood that the more this time, the less he could talk nonsense, "My last name is Ni, and my name is a girl."

Xiao Yuanhao's pupils shrank lightly, and then said blankly, "Gender."




"What is the motive for the murder."

"I..." Suddenly a cold sweat broke out from behind Ni Mei, as if a sharp cone of cold air drilled in from the bone marrow, her whole body exploded in an instant, sucking in the air-conditioning, what a **** treacherous." I didn't kill, so where is the motive for killing."

Xiao Yuanhao glanced at Ni Mei blankly, "Last night, where were you before six o'clock in the morning?"

"sleeping at home."

"Who testifies?"

Mei Mei was startled, "Of course it is my family."

"Family testimony is not convincing." Xiao Yuanhao shook his head, "Are there any other witnesses?"

Ni Mei's face couldn't help but turn black.

At my home in the middle of the night, besides my relatives, who else will testify?

But Mei Mei didn't dare to refute Xiao Yuanhao. After thinking about it, she raised her head honestly and asked, "Inflatable...is it possible?"


Quiet for a few seconds.

"Then there is no evidence that you were not at the scene of the crime." Xiao Yuanhao concluded in a deep voice.

Mei Mei was stunned, this is too **** nonsense.

"The autopsy of the deceased has come out. The specific time of death is between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning." Xiao Yuanhao looked at Ni Mei and said word by word, "The deceased came out of a nightclub and walked alone on the road. , Was attacked with a hard object from behind, but the deceased was not knocked out at once, but fought with the murderer, and was finally stabbed to death with a sharp weapon... The body was also dragged into that alley. Sister, if the information in my hand is correct, yesterday evening, you and the deceased had a conflict in this alley."

"Yes..." Mei Mei nodded, and at the same time she spoke in defense, "But I didn't..."

"What am I asking, you can answer it. Others, there is no need to say more." Xiao Yuanhao continued, "What contradiction did you have with the deceased?"

The corner of Ni Mei's mouth twitched, "I owe him eight thousand yuan."

At this moment, Ni Mei regretted it. Until now, he finally understood that even if he borrowed money with his true ability, he still had to pay it back. Look, not paying back is the result now...

"Well, this is the motive of committing the crime." Xiao Yuanhao recorded and said, "Because you owed the deceased 8,000 yuan, you had a physical conflict with the deceased that evening and broke up unhappy. So, you followed the deceased while taking advantage of it. There was no one in the middle of the night, and last night was a violent storm, killing the deceased, and frantically taking the deceased to the alley where you had conflicts, to vent your hatred. Of course, there is one more thing, the money is no longer needed. Kill two birds with one stone."

Xiao Yuanhao looked at Ni Mei sharply, perceiving her expression.

"No, I didn't kill him." Ni Mei denied, and anxiously defended, "Although I have conflicts with him, why should I kill him? To kill for eight thousand yuan? I can't do it myself."


At this moment, He Zhengren slapped the tabletop suddenly and raised his brows coldly, "It seems that you can't cry without seeing the coffin." He Zhengren glanced at Xiao Yuanhao, Xiao Yuanhao immediately understood, and took out a jade pendant in his hand. , Flashed in front of Ni Mei's eyes, "This jade pendant, is it yours."

Mei Mei glanced at it and nodded hurriedly, "It was mine. It was given to me by my ninth girlfriend when she broke up with me. There is also a "small" engraved on it. I still don't understand her breaking up with me. The reason..." Mei Mei's face was reminiscing, and suddenly a chill came out from behind, "But, this jade pendant, I have not worn it on my body for a long time, and kept it in my drawer. How...how Will it be in your hands?"

"It's yours." He Zhengren sneered. "Did you see the blood on this jade pendant? Skynet is restored, and it is not leaking. You can't even dream of it. When you act on the deceased, the deceased is in a hurry, I grabbed this jade pendant from you, and when the police found the deceased, this jade pendant... was in his hands."


Suddenly like a bolt from the blue.

Mei Mei's face turned pale and her whole body was extremely cold.

How could his jade pendant be in the hands of Shi Bucheng?


"Impossible, impossible!" Ni Mei shook her head again and again, "I didn't wear this jade pendant a long time ago. It has always been in my house."

Mei Mei could only defend her desperately, otherwise she would not be able to cleanse herself after jumping into the West Lake.

"This is only physical evidence." He Zhengren said coldly, "There is another witness, someone heard with his own ears. When you had a conflict with the deceased yesterday evening, you threatened to kill the deceased!"

"What!" Ni Mei's eyes widened steadily, she was even more panicked, clenching her fists, her face pale and she said, "No! I don't, I really don't! I dare to face Typhoon Ni Da' swear, I have never said this, let alone killed Shi Bucheng, if there is a lie, I will be blown across the Pearl River Delta by a typhoon, and then I will go around the city for three weeks, and my head will fall to the ground and die!"

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