Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 802: Catch the thieves first

Chapter 802

Qian Yilan didn't realize it at all, but continued to speak, with a solemn expression, "Ouyang Tiangong, one of the seven elders of Xuanyuan Pavilion, controls the power of Xuanyuan Pavilion." Qian Yilan took a deep breath, "Ouyang Mubai said It’s not the best of his descendants, but with this level of identity, Ouyang Mubai doesn’t give face to my master at all. Although my master and Ouyang Mubai’s master Chi Konglin are brothers in the same discipline, In a contradiction many years ago, the two of them were rivals, and Ouyang Mubai would not let go of this opportunity to deal with me."

Qian Yilan pressed her lips tightly, the conflict between the masters, Ouyang Mubai, as a disciple of Chi Konglin, would naturally confront Qian Yilan.

But Ouyang Mubai's identity is so special that very few people dare to provoke him.

"I just moved my hand in the interrogation room. With Ouyang Mubai's character, I definitely won't give up." Qian Yilan said, "I have called my master to see if I can deal with it."

While talking, several people stepped out of the police station.

They all stopped at the same time.

His face changed color.

The entrance of Jiuxi Police Station is an empty square.

However, at this moment, a row of armed police vehicles appeared on the square, with a total of more than a dozen vehicles. In front of everyone, many armed policemen with armed police surrounded the entire police station.

Whoosh whoosh!

Seeing Luo Feng and others came out, many armed police raised their guns and pointed them at Luo Feng and others.

"Ouyang Mubai, even the armed police force was used." Qian Yilan's eyes flashed an angry expression, "It seems that he is determined to stay here."

"Is it because Ye Wuyi is so invigorating the teacher?" Luo Feng squinted, "This Ye Wuyi's face is indeed big."

"There is a kind of love, it is spoiling." Qian Yilan said in a deep voice, "Everyone in the capital knows that Ye Wuyi can become one of the three masters of the Ye family. It is because his mother Ouyang has an amazing background and treats him and Many things Ye Wu intends to do have his mother's indulgence behind him. This time, I am afraid it is the same."

"Everyone, I said, before investigating it, I think you shouldn't leave here." Ouyang Mubai's voice rang, and a few people walked out with a slight smile in his expression.

Wang Jinyin followed closely, his eyes shocked.

He didn't expect that a homicide in this district would alarm so many people again and again, and even the armed police with armed police had dozens of people. Is this interrogating an ordinary homicide or counter-terrorism?

Luo Feng glanced at Ouyang Mubai indifferently, "What if we don't go back?"

"The suspect escaped from arrest and attacked the police and wounded others." Ouyang Mubai smiled, "Believe it or not, I dare to order the shooting."

The two men stared at each other.


"Boss!" Tie Mian couldn't swallow this breath, and clenched his fist.

Luo Feng gently shook his head.

Don't act rashly.

If there were only three Judge Luo Feng with iron face, he would continue to go out without hesitation. However, there are also Ni Mei, Ni Xiaoqing and Qian Yilan.

Knowing the identity of Ouyang Mubai, Luo Feng had no doubt that he would order the shot.

The armed police came in large numbers, and at the same time, they isolated and sealed off the outside, not allowing any people or reporters who had heard the news to approach. No matter what happened here, Ouyang Mubai had the final say.

Even if the armed police fired, Ouyang Mubai would claim that he and others tried to attack the armed police, and the armed police fired in self-defense.

"Come here, torture the suspect." Ouyang Mubai waved his hand vigorously and stared at Luo Feng coldly, "including... this person who also had a dispute with the deceased yesterday."

Wang Jinyin led several policemen to Luo Feng.

"I see who dares!"

After walking outside, Ni Xiaoqing has been supporting Ni Mei.

The judge of the iron face suddenly took a step forward, one left and the other right, standing like two gods of war, his eyes widened in anger, and Wang Jinyin stared coldly.


Wang Jinyin stepped back almost meaninglessly.

The two in front of them were fierce.

Moreover, Wang Jinyin also knew their identities.

One is the boss of the Huangquan Gang, the first underground force in Zhejiang and Hangzhou.

One is the general manager of the Mandala Security Company, which is rising strongly in Zhejiang and Hangzhou.

He didn't want to offend both of them.

"Copy it all!"

Seeing Wang Jinyin's face showing fear, Ouyang Mubai's eyes became cold, and he immediately shouted angrily.

The atmosphere seemed to freeze.

The corner of Luo Feng's eyes swept away. At this moment, Mei Mei's body was trembling slightly, obviously she was holding back her physical discomfort.

"Catch the thief first, catch the king."

Luo Feng's voice was even colder.


Tie Mian waited for Luo Feng's words.

The grandson of Ouyang Tiangong?

so what!

The figure flickered, and in a blink of an eye, the iron face had rushed to Ouyang Mubai's front.

At this moment, the pupils of many people were shocked.

Including Qian Yilan, she had already told Luo Feng Ouyang Mubai's identity, but he did not hesitate to give orders to shoot.


What a lunatic!

Even though she thought so in her mind, Qian Yilan's footsteps actually moved a bit intentionally, occupying a favorable position. If Ouyang Mubai had a chance to retreat, it must be Qian Yilan's direction...

Although Qian Yilan thought Luo Feng was crazy, she did not hesitate to go crazy together without hesitation.

Once Ouyang Mubai retreats, Qian Yilan will definitely take action!

However, Qian Yilan couldn't wait any longer.

The iron face shot did not give Ouyang Mubai a chance to retire.

He didn't even use Yaoyang's palm, and clenched his fist, as if he was sinking into Mount Tai, he rushed to Ouyang Mubai between the flashes of lightning...


Ouyang Mubai is also a genius of the 9th rank of Ming Jin, but facing the iron face, even the most basic reaction ability seems to have been lost.

A fist hit Ouyang Mubai's nose hard.

The bridge of Ouyang Mubai's nose seemed to be collapsed. Before he could scream, two nosebleeds flowed down.


Ouyang Mubai felt his throat tighten, and his body was controlled by the iron face.

Too fast!

Everything happened in half a breath, and the situation suddenly changed.

"Let go of Master Ouyang!"

"Stop! Do you know what you are doing?"

"This is a capital crime!"

At this time, the few people behind Ouyang Mubai just reacted, immediately stunned but furious, and screamed.

They did not expect that the other party would dare to attack Ouyang Mubai.

Moreover, the same is a trick to win.

Although they were threatening and cursing, none of them dared to rush forward.

"Ouyang Mubai?" The iron-faced voice rang in Ouyang Mubai's ear, "Tsk tsk, what do you think you are? In my boss's eyes, you can't even count as a fart."

With nosebleeds flowing down, Ouyang Mubai's face looked funny and hideous.

However, there was no sign of losing control of his emotions. Instead, he licked his blood lightly, his eyes were extremely cold and severe, "You...you all chose to kill yourself, I am happy to make it happen."

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