Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 863: Special forces as instructors

Chapter 863 Special Forces as Instructors

Luo Feng seemed to see a group of Tai Sui meat squirming, sitting in front of the computer, the mouse kept operating, and he was still muttering words.

This fat man is simply fatter.

Luo Feng looked at his group of Tai Sui meat, with deep emotion and a strong sense of hierarchy.

Luo Feng glanced at the time. It was already two o'clock in the evening.

But apart from Shi Panzhi, Qi Xiao didn't even sleep. However, Shi Panzhi was playing a game, and Qi Xiao was sitting on the bed leaning against the wall and reading.

Seeing Luo Feng push the door in, the two jumped up at the same time.

"Second, hehehe..." Shi Panzhi's smile was so horribly mean, "Have a home run."

Luo Feng, "..."

"I thought you wouldn't be back tonight." Qi laughed a little dejected.

"Be less wordy, give the money quickly." Shi Panzhi laughed loudly, "I bet 50 cents with the third child, you will definitely be back tonight."

"Fat brother, you're so good-for-nothing." Qi Xiao had to admire it.

"Of course." Shi Panzhi glanced at Luo Feng, "Just like my second child, how dare you stay all night."

Most of the night can't have a good chat.

One night passed.

At dawn, Shi Panzhi turned off and went to sleep, which really made Luo Feng and Qi Xiao wonder whether they played a gomoku game on the Internet, and they could even go all night.

Really deserves to be a fat brother.

Luo Feng met Zhejiang University in the morning for the first time.

The fresh air seems to contain the scent of scholarship, the heritage of Zhejiang University is immersed in it, and at the same time there is no lack of modern flavor. School has not officially started yet, and there are very few people jogging early in the morning, and occasionally pass by, just smile at each other and leave.

After walking around the Zhejiang University campus, and familiar with the environment here, Luo Feng returned to dormitory 358.

Fat brother’s snoring sound shook the sky, Qi Xiao didn’t know where he went early in the morning. Luo Feng couldn’t help but glance at the last vacant bed. Today is the last day of Xinsheng’s report. This roommate It's time to come.

Luo Feng took a bath, sat on the bed, closed his eyes and rested.

Even if someone walked into the dormitory, they would never notice that Luo Feng was practicing the Purple Qi Donglai magic power at this time.

Not long after, Qi Xiao also returned with two bags of breakfast in his hand.

"Luo Feng, I didn't think you were earlier than me." Qi smiled and said with a smile, "I'm used to getting up early in the village, but I can't see you when I get up this morning."

There are only two breakfasts, and Qi Xiao is sure that Fat Brother will not get up for breakfast anymore.

Not even Chinese food.

Until sunset, the fat brother got up excitedly and yelled, "I have breakfast, fat brother is starving to death."

The bedroom was quiet for a while.

"Speaking of which, why hasn't the last roommate in our dormitory come?" Qi Xiao put down the book in his hand and said questioningly, "Today is the last day of the new student report. I heard that after the meeting tomorrow, military training will begin. "

Fat brother's body shivered.

"What's special, the most annoying thing is military training." Shi Panzhi said in a nutshell.

"Fat brother, with your figure, when it comes to military training, it is estimated that it is the focus of the instructors." Qi smiled and laughed, "Furthermore, I have heard a piece of news, our new military training instructor It seems that the background is not small, it seems that some special forces are coming, and the intensity of military training may be heavier than previous sessions."

The fat brother is stunned again.

"Youngest, you will soon become know-it-all." Luo Feng smiled, "However, this shouldn't be true, right? People special forces, how can we train a group of college students."

"Who knows." Qi smiled and spread his hands.

"During the best month of military training, it rained, torrential rain, and extremely heavy rain." Shi Panzhi prayed silently.

September 7th!

The opening ceremony of Zhejiang-Hangzhou University came as scheduled.

Many school leaders all attended. This will be the only opportunity for many students to see so many school leaders sitting together in four years of university.

The atmosphere is warm, one by one is impassioned, each face is vigorous and upward.

After the speech by Mr. Deng Zhaoquan, President of Zhejiang Hangzhou University, there was even more applause.

"Yes, there is one more news. I am here to tell everyone in advance." Deng Zhaoquan said with a smile on his face, "Tomorrow is the day when our military training for freshmen at Zhejiang Hangzhou University will begin. Military training is every time. A required course for a college student before he officially enters college life. The one-month military training life will be a great asset in your life in the future."

Under the rostrum, all the students held their heads upright, only Fat Brother was frowning. This principal, which pot or not to pick up, Fat Brother is very sure that one month of military training will definitely be a huge nightmare in his life. .

"In order to allow everyone to experience military life better, to enrich everyone's military experience, and to let students see the real Yanhuang soldiers, this year, Zhejiang University is fortunate to cooperate with the Nanjing Military Region." President Deng Zhaoquan threw out an explosive message. "In our military training, all instructors are composed of special forces soldiers sent by the Nanjing Military Region. This is an opportunity and a challenge for you!" Principal Deng Zhaoquan clenched his fist, "Are you all ready?"

"Ready!" The voice was earth-shaking, trembling in all directions.

Special forces!

Most of the students couldn't hide their excitement in their eyes.

This is too magical in Yanhuang.

"Special soldiers, they must be handsome. They must perform well in the military training tomorrow."

"The legendary Yanhuang Special Forces actually became my instructor. I feel like I'm going to heaven."

"I don’t know if the special forces mentioned by the principal are the same as the ones on TV. They have all kinds of abilities, the guns and gunpowder are superb, and their personal combat skills are extremely strong. If it is really... I really want them to teach me. ."

The students were full of enthusiasm and wanted to start military training right away, running in the sun!

Shi Panzhi has fainted on his seat.

Fuck, special forces training must be a hundred times harder than usual.

Shi Panzhi really couldn't think of a reason to make himself as excited as these students.

It's so sad that I want to cry!

After the opening ceremony, the students returned to their own department...Continue to the meeting!

The beginning of school is all kinds of meetings. Once you know each other, you will officially start your college career.

The three people in Room 358 where Luo Feng is located are all majors in classical literature. There are a total of 34 students in this professional class. The three of Luo Feng occupy the last row. In Fatty’s words, this is the position of the commander-in-chief. , Advance can attack, retreat can defend.

"Sure enough, it's beautiful like a cloud." Shi Panzhi glanced over, and his eyes kept shining. In his own class, there are many back shadow killers. Shi Panzhi uses a fat body to ensure that, among these back shadows, Seventy percent are beautiful women.

"Unfortunately, the second child's tablemate is not in our class." Shi Panzhi sighed with regret.

"someone is coming."

The students in the class were all quiet.

The sound of high heels ticked, getting closer...

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