Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 891: Save beauty

Chapter 891

The scene of the car accident is a bureau!

Tiemian quickly determined the location where the car was most likely to appear based on the location reported by Huangquan's gang, and immediately set up the scene of the car accident.

The opponent really appeared!

However, when Bai Si-nian was in the car, there was no chance of hitting it with a single blow, and Luo Feng did not dare to act rashly.

As the car got closer, the expressions of Zhou Qiang and Zhou Liang in the car were also a bit nervous. After all, they were not professional gangsters. They just collected money from the messenger behind them and let them kidnap Bai Si-nian.

"Don't move, don't talk!" Zhou Liang lowered his voice, clenched the sharp knife in his hand, and said in a deep voice.

The car had arrived at the scene of the accident, and there was only one road left that could accommodate a car.

When the car that Zhou Qiang drove passed slowly, the abnormal change happened suddenly!

The people who had been red-faced in contention suddenly moved their hands and pushed each other.


One of them was pushed over, hit the front of the car and fell over.

"Damn!" Zhou Qiang couldn't help yelling while he braked, which is too unlucky.

"Encountered such a thing." Zhou Liang couldn't help complaining, "Reverse and go back. Don't make any extravagance."

"Damn." Zhou Qiang scolded, "If it is normal, I will go down and kill them."

However, before Zhou Qiang had time to reverse his car, the car windows were slammed.

Zhou Liang's expression changed, "What do they want to do?"

"Paralyzed, can you blame me for hitting them?" Zhou Qiang's eyes widened in anger.

"Don't be impulsive!" Zhou Liang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Don't forget that there is still someone in our car." Zhou Liang turned his face to Bai Si Nian and stared fiercely, "You will dare to say something later. Half a sentence, I will stab you to death!" After that, Zhou Liang said to Zhou Qiang, "Open a little car window and see what they want to do."

Zhou Qiang nodded, lowered the car window, and at the same time took a card and handed it out, "Dear friends, I am Mr. Bai Yanhua's bodyguard and driver. Please give me some face, and I will invite you to have tea next time."

"Stop talking nonsense! I care who you are. You hit my brother. Come down and talk about how to deal with it."

Zhou Qiang's expression sank.

However, the opponent's posture is obviously not willing to give up easily.

"Go back quickly, lose some money." Zhou Liang lowered his voice, and at the same time glanced at Bai Miss. This girl is still obedient, otherwise it will be bad.

Zhou Qiang bowed his head and cursed, then opened the door and walked out!

Zhou Liang's eyes have been watching Zhou Qiang.

Without realizing it, a figure walked around to the side of the car from the back and attacked decisively.

The side of the car door where Zhou Liang was sitting was directly opened. At this moment, Zhou Liang had no time to react, and suddenly turned his head...

A stern face appeared in Zhou Liang's eyes.

It's him!

Zhou Liang's body shook, and he instantly recognized Luo Feng.

Almost subconsciously, the sharp knife in Zhou Liang's hand stretched to the side of Bai Si Nian, she was the biggest bargaining chip in her hand.

However, the moment Luo Feng opened the door of the car, he didn't give Zhou Liang a chance to take a shot at Miss Miss Bai again.

Fast as lightning!

Entering the blade with no hands, he instantly snatched the sharp knife from Zhou Liang's hand, and directly pressed the sharp knife against his throat.

It's not a battle between levels, it's over before it starts.

"Miss Bai, I didn't scare you." Luo Feng smiled slightly at Bai Si-nian.

Bai Si-nian's eyes were completely attracted by Luo Feng, and his eyes were staring at Luo Feng, and suddenly became dull.

The hero saves the beauty, the scene that many people have longed for, but when this scene really happened to him, Bai missed the feeling in his heart at the moment, and it was impossible to describe it in words.

Almost at the same time, Zhou Qiang, who was outside, was also knocked to the ground, and the scene was under control.

"Boss, what to do with these two grandsons?" Tie Mian went out in person and walked to Luo Feng. At this moment, Bai Si-nian got out of the car and stood beside Luo Feng.

Luo Feng turned to look at Bai Si-nian, "What are the two people's intentions?"

Zhou Qiang and Zhou Liang had been tied up, shoving and kneeling in front of Bai Si-nian.

Bai Si-nian frowned, "Who is the boss you just mentioned?"

Zhou Qiangzhou took a look at the appearance and shut up.

"After they tied me up, they called a boss, and then they kept taking me around." Bai Si-nian told Luo Feng of his experience, "Someone ordered me to kidnap me."

"It seems that you don't want to say anything." Luo Feng stretched his hands, "Then only call the police."

Hearing this, Zhou Liang's mouth raised, obviously not caring.

"Boss, they are someone with a background, and are you afraid of calling the police?" With a grin, "I'd better give them to me and I will play with them."

"Also, I heard that the Huangquan Gang is a little bit powerful in Zhejiang and Hangzhou. I wonder if it can hold the two dear brothers." Luo Feng glanced at Zhou Qiang and Zhou Liang.

"Huangquan Gang?"

Both their complexions changed at the same time.

They are not afraid to report to the police, because behind them, there are big people covering them! Once in the game, they will be out soon.

However, once it falls into the hands of the Huangquan Gang, this is the largest underground force in Zhejiang and Hangzhou! For the Zhou brothers, the Huangquan Gang is more terrifying than the police!

"You... are Huang Quan's people?" Zhou Liang's expression was chilly.

"You can remain skeptical." Tie Mian shrugged and waved his hand indifferently, "Take them in the car." Tie Mian turned to look at Luo Feng, "Boss, I will give you an answer at noon."

Luo Feng nodded.

Tie Mian took Huang Quan to help everyone leave, leaving a car to Luo Feng.

"Are they...really from Huang Quan's help?" Bai Si-nian turned to look at Luo Feng.

"It should be." Luo Feng said, "Miss Bai, should you call home first? I think they kidnapped you, but they wouldn't ask for nothing."

At this moment, the Bai family had already exploded.

For the temporary emergency family meeting, almost all the senior leaders of the Bai family arrived.

But when Bai Yanhua said the other party's purpose, she immediately met with strong opposition.

"No! The Longteng project is about the future of the family! Never withdraw!" An old man said vigorously. This person is Bai Yanhua's fifth uncle, Bai Jiakou, who has mastered many businesses in the Bai family.

"Wu Ye is right. Once you withdraw from the Longteng Project, the loss to the Bai family is immeasurable!"

"How can you abandon the Longteng plan just because the other party has a word?"

In the conference hall, the voice of opposition intensified, and some of the silent, but no one agreed to withdraw from the Longteng Project to save Bai missed his life.

Bai Yanhua looked in her eyes, but her heart was sad and cold.

Human feelings are cold and warm, which can be seen from this.

People of the same family see only benefits in their eyes.

"You... haven't you considered, the life you miss?" Bai Yanhua said slowly.

The conference hall became quiet.

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