Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 893: Electric flint

Chapter 893

Bai Jiakou flew away, and this incident was left to Bai Yanzhong.

Bai Yanzhong's face was gloomy and uncertain, and Bai Missian's whereabouts, no one knew better than himself in Bai's house. Bai Si Nian was able to sneak out early this morning. In fact, Bai Yanzhong was also operating in the dark.

After Bai Sinian left, Bai Yanzhong reported to Bai Yanhua, but did not say the specific location of Bai Sinian. Bai Yanhua was eager to send all his confidants at once, and the defensive power around him was reduced to freezing point.

At the same time, a phone call entered thousands of houses.

For Qianjia, this is undoubtedly a golden opportunity.

Both sides act at the same time!

Everything is in order, proceeding according to plan.

The Bai Family Daquan also watched to fall into his own hands. But at this moment, Bai Si-nian actually called back, saying that she had escaped!

This is a missing piece that can ruin the entire plan.

Since it escaped, it must be destroyed!

"Missing, don't blame Sanshu for being ruthless." Bai Yanzhong's eyes also burst out with a fierce light.

Don't do two things!

In front of Bai Yanzhong, ten cold men in suits stood.

They are all bodyguards hired back at high prices.

They only recognize money in their eyes.

Moreover, everyone has a gun in their hands.

During this period of time, the contradiction between Qianjia and Baijia has been escalating, and both families have recruited troops to improve their armed forces.

If it hadn't been for Bai Yanhua's confidant forces to send out to find Bai Si Nian, it would be impossible for Bai Jiakou and others to easily take Bai Yanhua.

It can only be said that this is a conspiracy that Bai Yanhua cannot defend against.

"I'm almost at the Bai's house." Inside the car, Bai Si-nian pointed to the front, "This road is almost at the end, turn left and you will see the Bai's manor." Bai Si-nian glanced at Luo Feng, pressed her red lips lightly, hesitated After the meeting, said, "Can you go to my house and sit for a while?"

"Sorry, another day, I'm already late."

Luo Feng's voice was calm, and the last time he faced the Bai family, it obviously made him feel grieved. Moreover, today's military training has indeed begun.

Bai Si-nian nodded lightly and said nothing.

Soon, the car had approached the door of Baijia Manor.

Luo Feng saw Bai Yanzhong.

At this moment, behind Bai Yanzhong, bodyguards stood with awe-inspiring expression.

Their gazes were also concentrated on this slowly approaching car.

The car gets closer...

Suddenly, Luo Feng's cell phone rang.

Luo Feng picked up the phone and glanced at it.

"It's an iron face." Luo Feng answered the phone, "Is there a result so soon?"

Luo Feng pressed the hands-free button.

"Behind these two guys, Qian's family is indeed making a ghost." Tiemian's voice rang, "However, there is another interesting thing. Bai Si Nian's whereabouts turned out to be revealed by the Bai family."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Si-nian's complexion couldn't help turning pale.

I feel a kind of coldness in my hands.

He was betrayed by the Bai family?

Who the **** is it?

Looking at the familiar building ahead, Bai Si-nian suddenly felt an extremely strange feeling in his heart.

"I see." Luo Feng hung up the phone, turned his head and glanced at Bai Miss. The helpless face that fascinated thousands of fans at this moment was unbearable, "Ahead, which one is your father? Luo Feng asked.

Bai Si-nian shook his head pale.

"It seems that the Bai family is not very peaceful." Luo Feng muttered to himself, "but, don't worry, I will accompany you in, even if the Bai family becomes the Dragon Lake Tiger's Den, why not?"

Bai Si-nian glanced at Luo Feng. At this moment, the calm and calm self-confidence exuding from Luo Feng's body was like a ray of sunlight in the cold winter directly hitting Bai Si-nian's heart.

A trace of warmth permeated, and Bai Miss's expression gradually calmed down.

The car has reached the door of the Baijia Manor.

Bai Si-nian and Luo Feng got off the car one after another and walked to Bai Yanzhong's front together.

"Luo Feng?" Bai Yanzhong glanced at Luo Feng unexpectedly, and he couldn't help but wipe a trace of fear in the depths of his eyes. If Bai Yanhua's analysis was not wrong, the person in front of him, but the killer Huajianxiao is in the same circle.

No wonder that Bai Si-nian came back safely and was saved by him.

"Uncle San." Bai Si-nian yelled, and then asked, "Where is my dad?"

Bai Yanzhong's expression returned to normal in an instant, and he smiled slightly, "It just happened that an important guest came, and your dad is entertaining guests. Let me pick you up first."

Bai Si-nian nodded lightly and glanced at Luo Feng.

"Let's go." Luo Feng smiled slightly at Bai Si-nian.

However, at this moment, Bai Yanzhong stretched out his hand to stop Luo Feng.

"Sorry, Mr. Luo Feng." Bai Yanzhong said with apologetic eyes, "Something happened to my Bai family today. The owner has ordered and declined the visitor. Thank you for sending our young lady back."

Bai Si-nian frowned, "Uncle San, Luo Feng is my savior."

Bai Yanzhong stretched out his hands bitterly, "Missing, don't make it difficult for me, we can find a time some other day and make a special visit, thank you Mr. Luo Feng."

Luo Feng stared at Bai Yanzhong.

At this moment, on the side of the entrance to the manor, inside the fence railing, a small hand stretched out, and at the same time, a childish and anxious voice yelled, "Sister, run away, they are all bad guys, and Dad was caught by them."

It's Xiaoyu!

Bai Si-nian suddenly turned his head to look...

Xiaoyu's hand desperately beckoned towards this side, her voice was extremely anxious, her eyes were already full of tears, she looked pitiful.

"Get her up!"

Bai Yanzhong's face changed drastically.

Huh huh!

While one bodyguard rushed towards Xiaoyu, the others stretched out their hands and drew their guns almost simultaneously.

The pitch-black muzzle exudes an icy breath, pointing at Bai Si Nian, and... Bai Yanzhong!

"Let go of Sanye!" someone shouted angrily.

Each of his eyes showed incredible expressions.

Bai Yanzhong said a word between the lightning and stone fire just now, and he was already under control.

A sharp and eye-catching dagger directly hit Bai Yanzhong's throat.

Even the people standing in front can see that blood has spread from Bai Yanzhong's throat.

As long as Luo Feng exerted a little more force, this dagger could pierce Bai Yanzhong's throat.

"If you want him to die with us, just shoot." Luo Feng glanced at everyone coldly, "Otherwise, just get me back five meters away!"

"Bai Yanzhong, what do you think?" Luo Feng's voice rang in Bai Yanzhong's ear.

Bai Yanzhong couldn't help but trembled.

There was a look of horror.

"Back, all back!"

Many bodyguards slowly backed away.

Soon, the bodyguard who ran to catch Xiaoyu had returned.

He clamped Xiaoyu with one hand, and at the same time, the gun was against Xiaoyu's head.

"If you don't want her head to bloom, let San Ye exchange it!"

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