Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 953: Retribution

Chapter 953

In the dark cave, with their backs leaning against the cold wall, there were a dozen girls with disheveled hair and bleak expressions, and their eyes were blank, expressing despair.

They don't even know what fate they will face.

A sudden bad luck came to them, from the first few people to now, one after another, a total of more than a dozen girls were caught in this cave, except for people who came to deliver food every day. No contact with the outside world at all, let alone asking for help.

The gang caught them here, and never said they were required to contact their families for ransom.

In this way, they are in panic all day long.

"Han Ying, what's the matter with you?" A young girl suddenly said, touching another girl's forehead with her hand, her face changed drastically, and she hurriedly said loudly, "Han Ying, you have a fever."

"What should I do."

"Han Ying's body is already weak, and there is no anti-fever medicine here."

A young girl rushed out, and not far away was an iron door.

It is this door that ruthlessly isolates them from the outside world, "Come here, come!" The girl's hair swayed, and her dirty face could not hide her pure and flawless appearance. This woman is Cen Jingshu. Cen Jingshu's eyes were anxious, "Come here, one of our sisters has a high fever and is very weak now."

"What are you shouting?" A black-clothed man walked in and frowned. "You can't die! I'll tell you uncle when you die! Damn, it's noisy all day long, and I want more Don't sleep?"

"You..." Cen Jingshu shook the iron gate angrily, "You beasts! You, how can you not save yourself?"

"Oh, my little lady has a sense of justice." The black man looked at Cen Jingshu with a smile, with evil light in his eyes, "Or... you accompany me to sleep, and I feel good, then Everything is easy to say."

Cen Jingshu's face turned pale, her eyes filled with anger.

Holding the iron gate tightly, "You will have retribution!"

"Haha!" The man in black laughed, "I like to hear the curse of you weak people the most. Wait, soon you will welcome the favor of the Skeleton King."

Cen Jingshu was pale and trembling.

At this moment, a figure appeared in Cen Jingshu's mind involuntarily.

That slender and straight body, with a calm and confident smile on the corner of his mouth, is fascinating.

If he is there, that would be great.

Cen Jingshu muttered, her eyes staring forward...

As if a flash of lightning fell.

Cen Jingshu stayed still.

In front of her eyes, behind the man in black, that impossible figure appeared in her eyes unexpectedly.

"Hey, girl, what are you doing looking at Lao Tzu like this?" The man in black laughed, "Is it already clear?"

Cen Jingshu covered her mouth, not letting herself scream out.

She couldn't hear the man in black anymore. She fixed her eyes on Luo Feng and looked at the slowly walking body. At first, Cen Jingshu thought this was an illusion, but after rubbing her eyes a few times, she found... Really!

The man in black felt uncomfortable being looked at by the lady on the opposite side, sweeping Cen Jingshu with evil gazes, hehe smiled and said, "I am not afraid to tell you, you people are dedicated to the King of Skeletons, God of Skeletons. The king needs to use your virgin body to practice the supreme magic. Once you are offered up, after sucking away the virgin primordial yin, you will run out of blood and die. However, the skeleton **** king requires quantity, maiden , If you think carefully, just follow me, I will give you endless fun! Haha..."

The man in black, died, at the age of thirty-one!

Death came so suddenly that it could not be described in words.

Reaper's sickle was stabbed from behind, without saying hello.

When the man in black fell to the ground, his face was still smiling.

"Luo Feng!"

At this time, Cen Jingshu finally shouted excitedly, shaking the iron gate with both hands, tears in her eyes.

The other girls also noticed Luo Feng's arrival, and rushed over one by one.

"Please, save us."

"help me."


They complained one by one, the panic and panic on their faces couldn't hide.

These days, all I have seen are wicked men in black. Now an outsider finally appeared and knocked the man in black to the ground. The women seemed to have grasped the last help in the quagmire of despair. The straw, desperately for help.

"Don't worry, everyone, calm down." Luo Feng walked over, showing a sunny smile, calming the emotions of the girls, "The people in black outside have been knocked down, and you are all safe now." Luo Feng's eyes fell. On Cen Jingshu's body, seeing that she was fine, her heart was relieved, "Jingshu, you make everyone back, I will open this iron door."

Cen Jingshu touched the crystal clear tears at the corner of her eyes, and said quickly, "Everyone is backing away. Luo Feng is my friend. He is here to save us."

The women backed away.

Luo Feng walked up and took a look. He picked up a stone directly from the ground on one side and slammed it down against the big lock on the iron door.


The entire iron gate seemed to tremble.

The big lock was directly interrupted.

The iron gate is open!


The girls embraced and wept.

"Thank you so much!"

"Am I really dreaming?"

"Han Ying, don't be afraid. Let's go out. I'll take you to the hospital."

Luo Feng commanded the girls to go outside. Just after walking out of the cave, Tie Mian and the judge also came out with a group of children at the other side of the cave.

"Why..." Many girls were shocked at first. When they learned that these children had been caught in the same way as them, their maternal love immediately overflowed, and they walked up and led the children down the mountain together.

"Boss, a total of twenty-six children..." Tiemen's complexion was ugly, and his voice was difficult. "But, I heard from the children that it was originally 28 children, two of them were starved to death and dragged out. threw."


Luo Feng's pupils shook violently!

The eyes burst into a strong murderous intent!

"From today onwards, at any cost, we must find the nest of Skeleton Abyss!" Luo Feng was murderous, "The so-called Skeleton God King, even if it is broken into pieces, it is not an exaggeration!"

The iron face gritted his teeth and nodded, he hated the skull abyss to the utmost.

Luo Feng took a deep breath and dialed Qian Yilan's call blankly.

"The person has been rescued, yes, the girl and the children have been rescued safely." Luo Feng's voice was indifferent, and Qian Yilan seemed to be able to deeply feel the killing intent even through the phone.

"Qianjun, it's time to get on the road."


After Qian Yilan hung up the phone, he pondered for a while, and a killing intent flashed deep in his eyes.

"The former Qian Family Patriarch, he sinned very badly and did nothing, after the Dongchuang incident... committed suicide in fear of sin!"

One order!

A remote house in Qian's family, with its heads down.

How can the wicked end well?

There are some, it is not that they are not reported, the time is not up!

Thousands, completely changed.

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