Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 957: Ceremonial Ceremony

Chapter 957

Skeletons pile up like a mountain in the abyss.

In the gloomy cave, along a dark passage where you can't see your fingers, it soon became clear, and a dark city shrouded in black mist appeared.

Skeletons and devil bones are all around, and they make miserable wailing sounds from time to time, which is creepy and frightening.

However, those who can reach this place seem to have long been accustomed to the environment here, and there are skeleton killers patrolling around from time to time.

Here, it is the headquarters of Skeleton Abyss.

At this moment, the headquarters of Skeleton Abyss seems to be unprecedentedly tight. Teams of skeleton killers criss-crossed, patrolling without a blind spot, their gazes were alert, Senhan's gaze radiated endless cold light.

Inside the city.

There are only seven people sitting on a long oval table ten meters long.

There are only these seven people in the wide hall.

"The Great Demon King has no intention of starting a fight again, but we have to repay the enmity that year." Sitting in the chief position is the overlord of the Skeleton Abyss, the Skeleton God King!

He was covered in black clothes with a skull pattern and a hat on his head. He couldn't see his true face. His voice contained a strong evil spirit, "In the first World War, my Qiyuan Evil Sect formed an alliance with the Canmo organization, but I was hit hard by the Three Sects! , It’s time to liquidate."

"It's a pity that I can't guess the mind of the Great Demon King. What a powerful force the Remnant Mo Organization displayed in the first World War. Isn't the Great Demon King yet to regain its peak strength after that war?" The overlord of the abyss, the ice-eater mad demon.

"The Great Demon King was originally different from what I and others pursued. I followed him back then. He confronted the Three Sects at the peak. The bigger reason was that the Great Demon King was unruly and wanted to prove his strength. The peak of the teaching showdown. In the first battle that year, the Great Demon King had already proved himself. Before he was absolutely sure, he would probably not fight to death again with the Three Teachings. Rumor has it that the Great Demon King had already spied the threshold beyond Jiuding." Overlord of Canyon Abyss, Ming Demon Tu.

"The specific matters of the Canmo organization have always been governed by the elder Tianxie, and the Great Devil seldom intervenes. However, although the elder Tianxie is ambitious, he definitely does not dare to disobey the orders of the Great Devil." Undersea Abyss Overlord, Whale Qi Motou!

"Fortunately, after the battle that year, our Seven Abyss Evil Sect obtained the Heavenly Order Cultivation Technique, the Immortal Demon's Book! One thought to become an immortal, one thought to transform a demon." Youtan Abyss Overlord Jiuyou Demon said in a deep voice, "Xiang The Demon’s Tome is divided into seven, and the seven of us each hold one, and our strengths are all advancing by leaps and bounds! Together, the seven of us can even fight the big devil!"

"The Three Sects, we don’t know our strength yet. This time, we will definitely be able to catch them by surprise." Hell Abyss Overlord, Demon Yu Hun, his eyes showed fierce light, "Today I meet at the Seven Abyss Evil Gate, with only one purpose. , It was at the Three Religious Sacrifice Ceremony half a year later that the stationed Jianfeng was captured and let the three Religions try the taste of death!"

"Sacred Ceremony, a grand gathering of three religions! Rebuilding the sacred list, heroes will come out! They would never dream that our Seven Abyss Evil Sect would dare to kill at that time." Demon Abyss Overlord Hao Ming also looked forward to it.

"Time is running out. Today, the seven of us gathered to discuss the deployment of the saint ceremonial ceremony and the extermination of the three religions! Secondly, during this period of time, we will run into the magic of the immortal and demons to increase our strength!" The skeleton **** king spoke vigorously.

"If possible, persuade Elder Tianxie to let him help. If the current strength of our Seven Abyss Evil Sect can be equal to that of the Three Sects, as soon as the residual ink comes out, the balance of victory will come to us without any suspense. side."

"Don't forget, we still have a trump card that has never appeared before."

"This battle, the evil door will be won."

The seven monsters discussed for a long time, and after formulating specific plans, they left each.

Not long after, a phantom swayed into the hall.

The long oval table, only the Skeleton King is left.

"Report to the King of God, the mission... has failed." Xu Ying's voice sounded.

The eyes of the Skeleton God King burst out with a sharp light, "Why failed?"

"There has been an accident in the Qian Family, and the line that was expelled from the Qian Family in the past suddenly returned strongly. Not only did it kill the Sixth Junior Brother Qianjun and his son, but also wiped out the power of my Skeleton Abyss in Zhejiang and Hangzhou." Xu Ying went on to say, "The seedlings of the Skeleton Killer and the virgin son whom the Lord God King asked for confession were all rescued."


A monstrous murderous aura broke through the black mist-shrouded city and swept the sky.

"I don't know how to die, dare to ruin my skeleton event."

"Take a few elders to protect the law and destroy a thousand families."

The killing intent is spreading.

The spring city at night is brightly lit.

At the barbecue stall on the street, Shi Panzhi had a skewer of beef in his left hand and a chicken wing in his right.

"Fat brother, if you are like this, you really don't touch the Buddha." Qi Xiao couldn't help but start.

"You know?" Shi Panzhi glanced contemptuously and smiled, "I have eaten meat and wine, the Buddha has enough! Have you never heard such a famous Zen language? Come, brothers, have a drink."

A glass of wine slurped down.

Qi Xiao was speechless.

The four brothers from the 358 dormitory went all the way. After they came to Quancheng, they opened a room in the hotel and ran to this barbecue stall to eat and drink. For Shi Panzhi, the so-called search for Buddha's fate was drinking and eating meat.

Along the way, Luo Feng paid attention to the current situation in Quancheng.

The rumors of the Buddha's enlightenment and manifestation did attract many warriors. Luo Feng would see warriors appear from time to time. However, these people deliberately concealed their identity as warriors.

"It seems that Spring City is going to be lively these few days." Luo Feng drank a glass of wine.

Qi Xiao's cell phone rang.

After answering the phone, Qi smiled and said his position.

"My brother in the same village is coming soon." Qi smiled and said.

Before long, a young man riding a bicycle came over here, with dark skin and a sunny smile, and greeted Qi Xiao from a distance, "Smile, haha, I didn't think you really came."

"I introduce myself." The young man had a cheerful personality, and he said familiarly after he stopped the car, "I Qidong, you call me Dongzi."

"Dongzi, my name is Shi Panzhi." The fat brother ate the chicken legs and his voice was blurred.

"Dead fat man?" Qi Dong was taken aback.

Everyone laughed.

The distance between young people is very easy to close, and soon, Qi Dong easily integrated into the group, drinking and eating meat while chatting.

"By the way, Dongzi, you said on the phone that you saw the Buddha blessing with your own eyes. It wouldn't be fooling me." Qi laughed and started talking about business.

"It's true." Qi Dong lowered his voice, glanced left and right, and then said in a low voice, "In the past few days, a large area on the Qianfoya side has been sealed off. The cliff is maintained, in fact, because the Buddha consecrated the spirit! I know the purpose of your coming. After eating this meal, I will take you down the road and the mountains."

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