Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 964: Ouyang Yunyun is here

Chapter 964

Bai Zipeng's first thought after coming back to his senses was that he had heard it wrong.

The **** ninth turn holy pill!

The inside of the three religions all regarded it as the most precious elixirs, accidentally spilling one, it will cause a **** disaster every minute.

No matter how capable Shishu Luo is, it is impossible to take the Nine-turned Holy Pill as a genuine book signed by Liang Shao as a gift.

"Master Luo, what kind of pill is this?" Bai Zipeng took a deep breath and couldn't help asking again.

Luo Feng glanced at the kid obliquely, "Nine-turned Holy Pill, would you like it?"

"Yes!" Bai Zipeng quickly took the Ninth-Rank Sacred Pill, excited as if stroking the skin of a girl. After careful observation, he felt the extraordinaryness of this pill, and his eyes showed a strong and unbelievable look. The voice trembled, "This... really is the Nineth-turned Holy Pill?"

"Replacement as fake."

Yang Yunfei couldn't help but exclaimed.

Nine-turned Holy Pill!

Three Treasures!


Didn't the special Uncle Luo just say to give Bai Zipeng a small gift?

If this is a small gift... what a generous gift from Nima.

What is wealth?

This is called wealthy!

Yang Yunfei and her two "little friends" were stunned.

"Thank you Master Luo." Bai Zipeng was extremely excited.

"Come on." Luo Feng smiled and waved his hand, "If I ask you to give this Nine-turned Saint Pill to the girl next to you, would you...will it?"

As soon as the words fell, Yang Yunfei was stunned.

Bai Zipeng was also stunned.

Needless to say how precious the Nine-turned Holy Pill is.

Anyway, as far as Bai Zipeng was concerned, none of the panacea he knew could match the Nine Ranked Holy Pill.

However, Bai Zipeng did not hesitate for long. He looked at Yang Yunfei, his eyes flashed with affection, and he took a deep breath, and solemnly held the Nine-turned Holy Pill with both hands, "Miss Yang, this nine-turned Holy Pill, Give it to you."

Yang Yunfei was dumbfounded.

This guy... this fool!

This is the sacred pill of Rank Nine, not the big sweet potato!

He, he was willing to give it to himself?

Yang Yunfei pursed her red lips, how could she not understand Bai Zipeng's heart?

This nine-turn sacred pill is better than the indispensable diamond ring in the secular marriage of men and women!

"Bai Shaoxia, this gift is too expensive." Yang Yunfei felt a warm current in her heart, but the temptation of the Nine-turned Sacred Pill was great, after all, this was a gift from the senior Bai Zipeng Zongmen! "I can't take it."

"Lingdan is a foreign object after all. What is precious or not?" Bai Zipeng's tone was as free and easy as possible.

Luo Feng glanced at Bai Zipeng contemptuously, foreign objects? You're drooling just now.

Bai Zipeng's intention was only to hope that Yang Yunfei would accept the Nineth Rank Holy Pill.

Yang Yunfei was not greedy and refused Bai Zipeng's kindness.

The xinxing of these two people matched Luo Feng's appetite.

"Okay, don't fight anymore." Luo Feng smiled and took out another Nine Ranked Pill. "The one just now was a gift from my nephew. This one... is just me. A gift may be given in the future."

Luo Feng glanced at Yang Yunfei meaningfully.

Lang Cai female appearance.

Bai Zipeng has affection for Yang Yunfei, and Yang Yunfei also has a good impression of him. Sooner or later the two will become a pair.

Yang Yunfei's mind was more exquisite, and her face turned red.

Bai Zipeng's nerves did not expect this level. He saw that Luo Feng took out another Nine-Rank Sacred Pill, which was directly petrified!

Fuck, this uncle is too generous!


Bai Zipeng hurriedly winked at Yang Yunfei.

Yang Yunfei hesitated, and followed respectfully with both hands, "Thank you Master Luo."

Luo Feng laughed!

After the gift was given, Luo Feng and the two walked into one of the caves in Qianfoya.

"Thousand Buddha Cliffs, a total of nine caves. The previous Buddha's light, which fell from the sky, roughly fell in this position." Bai Zipeng said repeatedly, "However, before Luo Shishu came, some warriors had come to investigate early. Nothing has been gained."

Luo Feng nodded slowly, watching various strange Buddha statues with interest.

Entering the Buddhist cave, Luo Feng still couldn't feel any breath of the mysterious beads, and he had concluded in his heart that the vision on the Cliff of Thousand Buddhas had nothing to do with the mysterious beads, and Luo Feng's interest suddenly decreased a lot.

"Zipeng, do you know the reason for the Buddha's enlightenment?" Luo Feng asked.

"It is rumored that there are treasures to be born in Qianfoya." Bai Zipeng spread his hands, without gain, shook his head and said, "I don't know exactly what it is. There are various rumors."

Luo Feng nodded.

The three of them could not find any clues in the Buddhist cave, and then left Qianfoya.

Saying goodbye to the two, Luo Feng returned to the hotel alone.

Without disturbing the sleeping three brothers in the dormitory, Luo Feng lightly took a bath and then lay on the bed to practice the Purple Qi Donglai magic.


The rising sun is rising.

Xuanyuan Pavilion Spring City Branch, the highest standard welcome ceremony.

Jiang Dong, the new head of the branch with a smile, led all members of the Quancheng branch of Xuanyuan Pavilion with a red card level and above, standing at the entrance of the branch, waiting for the arrival of the big man.

Jiang Dong, Dongsheng Spear King!

He knew who he was about to meet. He had no sleep last night, and he still couldn't hide his excitement today.

Ten minutes passed.

Half an hour passed.

There was no trace of impatience on Jiang Dong's face.

Finally, a luxurious extended version of the car appeared in Jiang Dong's eyes.

Jiang Dong shook his body suddenly, straightened his spine, and strode forward.

The car stopped.

Several figures went down first, their breath was tyrannical, and their eyes swept Jiang Dong coldly. At this moment, Jiang Dong seemed to have fallen into an abyss, almost unable to breathe, his heart trembled and he didn't dare to leave. near.

The few people in front of me are too powerful!

These are the guards of Young Master Cloud.

Although there are only five people, Jiang Dong can be almost 100% sure of the aura from them. These are all superpowers at the Jiuding level.

One of the guards respectfully opened the side door.

A figure appeared in everyone's eyes.

The purple dress is noble, his face is handsome, and his eyes are dazzling like gems.

Ouyang Yunyun!

Dressed in countless auras, it is a collection of thousands of favorites.

His status is noble, talented evildoer, in the Mantian Sect, one person is above ten thousand!

"Respectfully welcome the young master." Jiang Dong bends down almost to his knees, his voice is respectful and excited.

Almost at the same time, everyone behind him bowed at the same time.

"Welcome the young master."

The Quancheng branch of Xuanyuan Pavilion is already a member of the Ouyang family.

They all knew the identity of Ouyang Yunyun in advance.

Ouyang Yunyun glanced at the people lightly, and stepped into the Xuanyuan Pavilion.

Jiang Dong signaled everyone to leave, and then quickly walked into the Xuanyuan Pavilion hall.

Ouyang Yunyun was already sitting upright, holding a cup of tea, and glanced at Jiang Dong indifferently, "What is your name?"

"Return to Young Master." Jiang Dong hurriedly replied, "Under Jiang Dong, the head of Quancheng Branch."

"How is the situation of Qianfoya?" Ouyang Yun directly asked in a low voice.

Jiang Dong cheered up and said in a deep voice, "After I was sent to take control of the Quancheng branch, I immediately sent someone to seal off Qianfo Cliff. Ordinary tourists are not allowed to approach Qianfo Cliff. However, there have been two consecutive Buddha Lights in recent times. This world has attracted a lot of warriors. As far as I know, in the past few days and nights, some warriors have sneaked into Qianfo Cliff to find out, but they all returned empty-handed."

"A group of ants, also want to investigate the secrets of Qianfoya?" Ouyang Yunyun raised the corner of his mouth lightly, and then said quietly, "It's not the time yet... let these people wish for a few more days."

Ouyang Yun looked at the direction of Thousand Buddha Cliff with anticipation in his eyes.

Jiang Dong nodded and said yes.

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Dong suddenly took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth and spoke in a deep voice, "Tell the young master, there is a person who is also in Quancheng."

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