Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 966: Crazy thoughts

Chapter 966: Crazy Thoughts

Ouyang Tianfu walked to the window sill and looked at the opposite hotel room.

The curtains were still pulled and not opened.

"Still in bed?"

Ouyang Tianfu disagreed, standing on the windowsill watching the scenery, his expression calm and relaxed.

Half an hour passed.

One hour.

Three hours passed.

Ouyang Tianfu glanced at the time, frowning.

It is already one o'clock in the afternoon.

After thinking for a moment, Ouyang Tianfu turned and left the room.

ten minutes later.

At the entrance of the hotel opposite, Ouyang Tianfu looked gloomy.

"Despicable boy."

Ouyang Tianfu has found out that Luo Feng and others checked out in the middle of the night.

"I don't believe it, you won't go to the Young Master Yun." Ouyang Tianfu's eyes flashed with coldness, and he walked away. Unconsciously, in a corner of this street, a gaze had been watching him.

"Who is this person?"

Luo Feng narrowed his eyes coldly.

He felt a strong breath of danger from Ouyang Tianfu's body.

From the moment he saw Ouyang Tianfu, Luo Feng secretly thanked him for his decision last night. If Ouyang Tianfu really did something to himself, Luo Feng asked himself if he tried his best to retreat, but he couldn't protect the brother in the dormitory at all.

"The aura on his body is far stronger than that of Ouyang Jingtian." Luo Feng's expression was solemn, "I'm afraid... there is the late Jiuding stage."

Take a deep breath.

Luo Feng borrowed the power of the Jiuli Sacred Sword to instantly increase his power to the late Jiuding stage.

But if it was really against Ouyang Tianfu, would he be able to kill this person with that instant of explosive power?

Luo Feng is not sure.

"Ouyang aristocratic family, there are such super powers unexpectedly." Luo Feng's expression is solemn, this is the foundation of the super aristocratic family, and it is absolutely impossible to judge the true strength of a family's sect from the external power.

"Then Ouyang Yunyun must have a lot of powerhouses by his side." Luo Feng said to himself, "This person attracted me to Quancheng, and he must be trying to borrow Ouyang Yunyun's power..."

Luo Feng did not have the absolute certainty to kill Ouyang Tianfu, and similarly, Ouyang Tianfu did not have the absolute confidence to kill Luo Feng.

"When I go to kill Ouyang Yunyun, this strong Ouyang family will definitely appear." Luo Feng followed Ouyang Tianfu secretly all the way, thinking in his heart, "This is undoubtedly equivalent to a potential bomb!"

"With this person, it is not easy to successfully assassinate Ouyang Yunyun!"

Luo Feng's eyes became colder and colder, and a crazy thought rose in his heart.


The other party set a trap, step by step to lure Luo Feng into stepping in, with the goal of only one...killing Luo Feng!

"If you want to kill me, Luo Feng...you must be prepared to be counter-killed!" Luo Feng's mouth was lightly raised, his eyes showed madness, "But, you would never have thought of..."

Luo Feng wanted to hunt Ouyang Tianfu!

His power is only in the middle stage of the Jiuding, but Ouyang is an out-and-out talent in the latter stage of the Jiuding.

The reason why Ouyang Tianfu didn't make a move was not because he was not sure to win Luo Feng, but because he was not sure not to let Luo Feng escape! So he is waiting.

But Ouyang Tianfu couldn't even dream of it. His prey was now staring at him in secret.

"Chance, only once."

Luo Feng understood very well.

There was only one chance to attack Ouyang Tianfu. Once the opponent was prepared, it was too difficult to kill Ouyang Tianfu with his current strength.


Luo Feng is tracking Ouyang Tianfu very secretly, his tracking ability, Ouyang Tianfu wants to find him, the probability is too low. However, on this day, Ouyang Tianfu was indeed looking for Luo Feng.

Almost all over Quancheng, nothing was gained.

"Could it be that... he has noticed the crisis and left Quancheng overnight?" Ouyang Tianfu frowned and walked into a hotel to rest.

Luo Feng stood in the distance from the hotel entrance, watching this scene, suddenly turned around, and disappeared without a trace.


"Boss, get me the medicine on this list, a lot."

Night fell.

The medicinal materials of many big pharmacies in Quancheng were bought by a mysterious man.

Late at night, deep in the mountains.

Ignite, open the furnace!

The fire light reflected on Luo Feng's face.

There are many medicinal materials that have been processed next to him. Luo Feng will open the furnace to make alchemy tonight!

Assaulting Ouyang Tianfu is naturally useless just relying on blood.

"If this plan is successful, the chance of attacking and killing the super strong of Ouyang Family must be much greater." Luo Feng took a deep breath, and the refining technique of this spirit pill flashed through his mind.

Luo Feng, the alchemy master who was half-way through his ancestors, is most confident in refining the spirit pills, naturally the'four impenetrable spirit pills.'

Luofeng also refined a lot in Australia.

Jiu Zhuan Dan!

Powerful Dan!

Soul Pill!

And... Qilidan!

Qili Dan, Danxiang Qili, is the collective name composed of seven different spirit pills.

Luo Feng smoothly refined the detoxification pill in the Qili Pill.

What he wants to refine tonight is among the seven li pill, the red spirit pill!

"Qilidan, yellow tracking, orange psychedelic, green detoxification, red...Very poisonous!"

Luo Feng's eyes flashed coldly.

He has not refined the Crimson Poison Pill in the Qili Pill, but the Qili Pill and Jiuzhuan Pill are listed at the same level. Luo Feng is confident that this Crimson Poison Pill will definitely have an impact on Ouyang Tianfu.

Even if it is just a breathing effect, for Luo Feng, it is also an excellent opportunity to attack Ouyang Tianfu!

If people in the martial arts world know that a martial artist in the middle of the Jiuding stage wants to attack and kill the super powerhouse in the latter stage of the Jiuding stage, I am afraid there will only be one idea... this guy is stupid.

But this thought has grown crazily in Luo Feng's mind, and it cannot be suppressed!

Ouyang Tianfu will become a sharp knife that appears behind him whenever he kills Ouyang Yunyun!

Luo Feng absolutely does not allow such existence.

Of course, this also takes a huge risk!

Luo Feng took a deep breath, his eyes calmed.

"Before dawn, successfully refined the red Qilidan."

Luo Feng muttered silently and began to grab a pile of medicinal materials, and still went into the furnace.

The medicinal materials were instantly swallowed and melted by the fire.



Luo Feng's movements were swift, and at the beginning of alchemy, he did not allow the slightest distraction.

This is the non-favourable spirit pill recorded in the pill code in Luo Feng's mind, but for the current martial arts world, it belongs to the top spirit pill.

Whether it is the Nine Turns Pill or the Seven Mile Pill, no one in the martial arts world can refine it except Luo Feng.

Time passed by every minute.

Luo Feng's figure swayed quickly, and various medicinal materials were put into the alchemy furnace in an orderly manner.

The fire is dazzling.


A ray of morning light drilled out of the edge of the clouds, inlaid with a faint fairy air, fascinating, the mystery of the sky.

The fire below the furnace tripod had already been extinguished.

Sitting on the side cross-legged in white clothes, calmly felt.

Luo Feng found that every process of alchemy, there will be certain gains.

Not only the perception of alchemy, but also the diligence of strength.

The martial arts reach the sky, and the same goes by different routes!

Alchemy is also a practice.

Luo Feng's eyes suddenly opened, as if a sharp sharp cut across the deep forest.

With the palms open, several red spirit pills the size of soybeans appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Qilidan, red."

The corners of Luo Feng's mouth raised slightly. These pills were made by himself, and he could feel the poison contained in these red Qili Dan!

Extremely scary!

However, from the outside, these red Qili Dan did not exude any trace of breath.

"Everything is ready."

Luo Feng's figure jumped up, suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke, and swept away in the direction of the mountain.

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