Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 991: Luo Feng is here

Chapter 991 Luo Feng Is Here

The judge and others didn't know why Luo Feng wanted to travel through the province of Australia, so they didn't want to ask.

This team has always looked to Luo Feng as the leader.

Its daybreak.

The ship drew ashore. After Bai Zipeng and Yang Yunfei bid farewell to Luo Feng and his party, they parted ways and left.

The news that Luo Feng had left Quancheng hadn't spread. Outside of Quancheng, Luo Feng didn't feel anything unusual.

At noon.

A plane bound for Pengcheng took off.

Go to Pengcheng first, then transfer to Zhuhai.

In front of Gongbei Port.

"Boss, are you really going there alone?" Tie Mian looked at Luo Feng anxiously.

"One person is enough." Luo Feng said with a smile, "I'm going to heal my wounds. You think you are going to take a vacation in a group. Go back to Hangzhou as soon as possible and do whatever you want."

"But boss, your injury..." the blood demon worried, "in case something happened over there in the past..."

"Don't worry, now in Australia, the winners are in full swing. I have a little friendship with the winners, and nothing will happen." Luo Feng smiled and said, "What's more, the only purpose of my trip is to heal my injuries. Look at me...Neither It's like a hatred person."

Luo Feng's last sentence fell, and the four judges were even more worried.

Speaking of the kung fu of pulling hatred, who should I choose?

Feeling the eyes of the four people, Luo Feng seemed to have an arrow in his heart, and his injuries aggravated.

"Judge, Tiemian, you rush back to Hangzhou as soon as possible, and turn the Mandala Security Company and the Huangquan Gang and other forces from bright to dark. I believe that with the temperament of the Ouyang family, in the future, you will follow me. Anyone who has a relationship may be retaliated by Ouyang Family. You, arrange everything as soon as possible. What is the use of going to Australia with me?"

"Well, three brothers and four brothers go quickly." The Gorefiend immediately said, "I and Leopard Shadow will follow the boss to Australia."

"Get out!" Luo Feng waved his hand and scolded with a smile, "You two should go back soon, and beg your master, and practice swords with Senior Yan. This is an opportunity everyone dreams of."

Luo Feng refused the four of them to follow, and walked into Gongbei Port.

After passing the pass smoothly, Luo Feng stopped a taxi and said his destination.

Although I told the Tiemens that there are winners in Australia, Luo Feng did not seek to win. The influence of Mantian Sect is not only in the martial arts world, but also in the secular world. Luo Feng is unwilling to give The winner brings trouble.

Leaving a thought, Luo Feng didn't go directly to the mountain where the third mysterious bead was hidden, but got off the car at a park five miles away.

After paying, he turned and walked into the park.

Facts have proved that Luo Feng is not wrong.

Xuanyuan Pavilion eyeliner is spread all over the country, Ouyang Tiangong is overwhelmingly powerful in Xuanyuan Pavilion, and Australia is naturally impossible to be absolutely safe.

Luo Feng walked into the park. Behind him, the ordinary-looking taxi driver narrowed his eyes, "This...not Luo Feng? Why did he come to Australia."

The driver took out his cell phone and immediately called.

Luo Feng, in Australia!

The news reached Ouyang Tiangong's ears within three minutes.

"Bastard!" Ouyang Tiangong rushed into the crown. Almost everything that could be thrown in front of him had been thrown all over, his forehead was violent, and his anger attacked his heart. Rubbish! Are you all raised by a bunch of bitches?" Ouyang Tiangong lost all his demeanor, angry and yelling frantically.

Ten minutes later, Ouyang Tiangong calmed down.

"Australia!" Ouyang Tiangong's brows gradually frowned, "Luo Feng...how did he go to Australia? Does...he wants to borrow from Australia and leave Yanhuang?"

Offending the Man Tianjiao and killing Ouyang Yunyun, apart from walking away and flying away, Ouyang Tiangong really couldn't think of a second option for Luo Feng.

"Never let him escape." Ouyang Tiangong clenched his fist tightly, "Australia is nothing but a small place, Luo Feng, you will never escape this time."

The news spread out at an extremely fast speed.

"I'm going, Luo Feng is gone?"

"Impossible, could he really fly into the sky and escape? Damn, I've been looking for this ghost place all night, and it's wasted."

"We have overlooked another level of Luo Feng's identity. He is Xuanyuan Pavilion's once the strongest team, the head of the Hell team. What bullet gun rain forest has not experienced? He is going to leave, even if he is injured, he can figure out a way. Come."

"Then, shall we go to Australia?"

"Go! Why not go? The blind cat can still run into dead mice, didn't Senior Nan Fengyun also said? Luo Feng's injury will not recover in a month. We still have time to deal with Luo Feng."

"Yes! A golden opportunity."

The warriors set off one by one.

Go to Australia.

Luo Feng didn't know all of this. He walked in through the front door of the park and walked out of the back door, and he immediately noticed someone following him.

Although he was injured, his ability to perceive is still there.

"So fast." Luo Feng wrinkled his brows lightly and quickened his pace.

After passing through supermarkets, shops, roads, and borrowing a few places to hide, Luo Feng successfully got rid of the tail behind him and dived into the mountain.

Along the familiar path, he quickly reached the bottom of the cliff, raised his head, his heart was slightly relaxed, and the signal he made was still there, which meant that no one had touched the mysterious bead.

Luo Feng had already noticed the breath of the mysterious beads.

The reason why the beads were left in Australia was because Luo Feng could not integrate them.

During this period of time, with successive battles, time after time, Luo Feng's Purple Qi Donglai Magical Art has reached the second level of perfection. He is confident that he can fuse this pearl and step into the third layer of Purple Qi Donglai Magical Art.

Luo Feng's wounded body took a lot of effort to remove the mysterious beads from the cliff.

There is no immediate integration.

The whereabouts have been exposed, Luo Feng must find a place undisturbed, otherwise, if someone finds out during the process of fusing the mysterious beads, the consequences will be disastrous.

Luo Feng's situation makes him unable to go down the mountain.

He took out the Jiuli Sacred Knife, and dug a stone cave less than two meters wide in an inconspicuous place directly on the cliff, carefully arranged it to conceal the cave entrance, and Luo Feng entered Inside the cave.

Sitting cross-legged, breath calm.

Luo Feng held the mysterious beads in both hands. On the beads, the light lingered, and the brilliance was radiating.

"The third bead."

Luo Feng transported the purple qi to the east, and the beads floated in the sky, spinning constantly.

Purple light flashed.

An energetic aura spread across the cave in an instant, Luo Feng closed his eyes lightly and entered a realm of mystery.

Time passed slowly.

Outside, countless people are looking for Luo Feng.

The place where Luo Feng once appeared was the center, spreading in all directions.

This mountain has also become the target of search.

At the bottom of the cliff, inside the cave.

The mysterious beads spin faster and brighter.

Suddenly, it turned into a stream of light, directly drilling in from the heavenly spirit cap on Luo Feng's head.

In that instant, all Luo Feng's clothes exploded.

Behind the scenes, the Big Dipper pattern that seemed to have disappeared slowly loomed out again. The position of the seven mysterious beads, the third... gradually approached.

An immense energy instantly spread all over Luo Feng's body.

Severely damaged meridians, such as long-term drought and nectar, regenerate almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Luo Feng's injury is recovering at an incredible speed.

The meridians are tempered and the internal strength is improved.

The fusion of a mysterious bead brought Luo Feng a transformation.

Wash the marrow and cut the bone.

Qualitative changes.

This, Luo Feng can already feel from the two fused beads.

The sky outside, it was night.

Wan Lai was all silent.

The valley under the cliff was silent.

The stars shifted, day and night replaced, and soon it was sunrise again.

"Luo Feng only showed up once in Australia, and disappeared again, most likely, he went into the mountains to avoid tracking. This is his specialty."

"For 200 million, I decided to dig this mountain today."

"It's too vulgar. Money is something outside the body. I just respond to the call of the leader Ouyang Wuji."

"Man Tianjiao has come to several guardians of the law, all of whom have shocked the martial arts world decades ago. They are extremely powerful."

"Someone saw Nan Fengyun appear at the airport early in the morning."

More and more warriors appeared on the mountain. They didn't expect that their own whispered words would pass into Luo Feng's ears without missing a word.

Inside the cave at the bottom of the cliff.

Although Luo Feng's eyes were lightly closed, his perception at this moment was unprecedentedly clear.

Everything around him is like a high-definition pattern printed on his head.

Subtle control!

In my mind, the third layer of Ziqi Donglai's exercises had appeared in suspension.

Mysterious bead fusion, transform overnight.

Luo Feng's injury was not only healed, but also improved a lot, his internal strength stepped into the third level of the Purple Qi Donglai.

"Now, I think Luo Feng... is a soft persimmon?"

Luo Feng opened his eyes lightly, his eyes flashed with sharp sharp light.

From Thousand Buddha Mountain to the Australian Province, although he broke through without any danger, Luo Feng was...unhappy!

He has never tried to be hunted down like a bereaved dog.

It's nothing more than a strong like Nan Fengyun, people have this strength.

But now in the martial arts world, all cats and dogs have joined the search for Luo Feng.

"Come on." Luo Feng whispered to himself, with a smear of self-deprecating at the corner of his mouth, "This is a game of cat and mouse."

Luo Feng walked straight out of the cave.

Walking casually along a mountain road.

"Unexpectedly, I combined the third mysterious bead and got... it turned out to be..." Luo Feng felt all the way and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Suddenly, several figures in front appeared.

The moment they saw Luo Feng, the few people were startled first, and then ecstatic.

"Luo Feng is here!"

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