Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0105 The true meaning of growth

Meng Liang rushed outside. He hadn't thought it through at all. He just wanted to get out of the pile of monster corpses.

If there were still monsters outside, they would rush up and eat him. He deserved to die.

In fact, he still had no feelings for everyone, and he didn't have to save them. It was the frustration that made Meng Liang so brave and fearless.

He was dirty and bloody, and his blood made him dizzy. He finally pushed away all the corpses, holding a red blood blade in his hand, surrounded by wind and fire shields, and looked around.

The monsters disappeared?

Meng Liang was stunned for a few seconds, his eyes red with excitement.

They must have found other survivors, so they left here.

"Hurry up! Come out!"

He shouted to the bottom.

In fact, there was no passage. There were still corpses under his feet. They were piled up as high as a floor, and they were still submerged in the windows on the first floor. They had to push the corpses from below to climb out.

Those who planned to follow Meng Liang out finally got outside after a lot of effort. Seeing the empty space around them, two of them knelt on the corpses and cried.

Meng Liang regained his composure, grabbed Jiang Shu and carried him on his back.

"I need to get you something to eat right away. Fortunately, there is food here, but it may be spoiled. You can't move now. Don't waste your energy, or you may die at any time."

"Meng Liang, why are you like this? A saint won't live long in the apocalypse, why did you save me?"

Jiang Shu said this weakly.

"Not for you, but for myself."

"For yourself?"

Jiang Shu was a little curious.

Meng Liang didn't say it out loud, but said in his heart:

To prove that I'm not a waste!

Every successful person will encounter setbacks on the road. No one can become strong overnight. All strength is another brand new self built in the heart after defeating oneself again and again.

Meng Liang is doing this now, defeating his past self and building a brand new self.

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity and ability to do this.

Many people are self-satisfied and self-righteous, thinking that they can live well without reflection and progress.

Such people will eventually become one of the common people, and finally drift with the tide and lose the ability to think, living like humans.

Meng Liang rushed into a nearby food store at the fastest speed.

It was a mess here, with dust everywhere, but there was a lot of food.

Meng Liang took a package of plastic-sealed food and opened it, and then put something inside that he didn't know whether it was spicy strips or sausages into Jiang Shu's mouth.

At this time, everyone came and also wolfed down.

Meng Liang himself ate, Lu Anke and Lan Miao were eating, and only the sound of eating could be heard in the room.

After eating for a full ten minutes, everyone began to pant.

It was too fast and too urgent, which made people choke.

Meng Liang stood up and found a few bags and started to pack food.

"At present, we have only completed one-tenth of the task of killing monsters. That house is a good place, and we still need to rely on it. Everyone should take the food back quickly, and then clean up the corpses, and then look for survivors to attract monsters to fight. That side will become our position."

This time, Meng Liang's orders were actively responded to by everyone.

It was Meng Liang who led them out to find food. This leader finally worked.

If he hadn't dared to come out, basically no one would dare to come out. No one knew that the monsters had disappeared.

People transported a lot of food back and cleared out the bodies near the building. After the food was sent in, the people inside began to cheer.

The monsters retreated, and they survived temporarily. How could they not be happy.

Meng Liang was even more straightforward and decisive. He immediately took Lu Anke out to investigate.

Sure enough, two kilometers away, the monsters had accumulated and surrounded a building. There were also survivors there. The number was unknown, but the monsters had already rushed in and would probably kill them all.

"Son, let's go back quickly."

Lu Anke was scared again.


Meng Liang didn't argue with her this time. "Fear" is also a good quality in the doomsday, which can always remind people to be cautious.

The two returned to the position. Everyone here was busy and cleared out a lot of corpses. Lan Miao finally found her robots, Dragon and Snake. It turned out that they were pressed under the pile of corpses. They were intact and could still fight, but they were covered with blood and looked dirty and disgusting.

The 38-man team quickly got back on track after the leader Meng Liang became strong.

They still collected survivors nearby, but in the next three days, they only found eight people in total, making the team a total of 40 people.

Meng Liang had a new battle plan.

Six people were arranged in a department store about 500 meters away from the position, led by Lan Miao.

When Meng Liang started fighting with the monsters, Meng Liang first attracted the monsters, and then used the position to fight until the pile was full of corpses.

Then Lan Miao released firecrackers near the department store over there. There was a lot of stock of this thing in the department store.

As soon as the firecrackers sounded, Lan Miao immediately took people to hide in the basement, and the monsters would be attracted by the sound.

The siege on Meng Liang's side was lifted, and they came out to clean up the corpses, prepare supplies, and rest and adjust before the next battle.

After another seven days, their total number became 47. No one died during this period. Everyone grew into a powerful warrior. Many people were upgraded and gained experience from killing these monsters. Even Lu Anke was already level 8, but Meng Liang still hadn't reached level 20. Logically, he should be able to upgrade. This only proves that it takes a lot of experience to upgrade from 19 to 20.

In the difficult battles every day, they killed a large number of monsters, and the goal of 100,000 monsters was getting closer and closer.

It was another quiet night.

There were fewer and fewer monsters killed nearby, and at this moment they were all attracted by Lan Miao.

Meng Liang sat on the ground with a cigarette in his hand.

He didn't smoke much before, but now he can't let it go.

As the leader's first follower, Lu Anke had the right not to work. The others were cleaning up the monsters' bodies and preparing for tomorrow.

Meng Liang took a deep puff and exhaled the smoke.

Lu Anke coughed after inhaling the secondhand smoke.

"Won't you stay away from me?"

Meng Liang glanced at her and turned his head to avoid the smoke and dust from drifting towards her.

"Ahem, it's okay, you smoke, it's okay. Son, should we go find a razor? Your beard is getting longer and longer."

"I'm not in the mood."

"Hehe, yes, you are the leader now, and you think about big things every day. Don't worry about it, leave it to me. I will go out to find supplies before the battle tomorrow, and I will definitely find you a razor."

As Lu Anke spoke, she was looking at her face in the mirror, and with her other hand, she was holding a lipstick and gesturing back and forth at her lips, as if she was considering whether to apply it.

Meng Liang yawned, pouted, and said nothing.

At this time, Dahei came from the other side.

This strong man no longer has the arrogance he had ten days ago, because Meng Liang proved himself with his actions.

Dahei walked up to him and saluted with a straight step, and then said respectfully:

"Leader, the position has been cleared, you can rest."

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