Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0109: Looking for the Goddess

"Why should we cooperate with her! She is a devil!" At the end of the team, Lu Anke protested to Meng Liang in a low and excited voice.

"What's the use of you? You are just a boss at home, and you scared a little girl to tremble."

"She killed hundreds of people along the way!"

"I have killed people too."

"But you are different!"

Lu Anke shouted angrily.

Meng Liang looked at her with great interest.

In the past, I really didn't understand my mother-in-law. I just knew that she was a straight-forward person who was loyal to one person.

Now that she looks younger, she should have changed psychologically, and she actually showed the potential of an angry young man.

"What's the difference? Aren't they both killing people?"

"You haven't killed as many as she has!"

Meng Liang twisted his mouth and tried not to laugh.

"Yes, but is there any difference besides this?"

"You are for justice!"

"Tsk, I kill people for my own benefit, not for justice? I'm telling you, Lu Anke, I've finally built up a doomsday worldview that keeps me away from the likes of the Virgin Mary, so don't pull me back."

"Anyway, we shouldn't be in the same group with her!"

"I agree with you on this point, and she thinks so too. I tell you, she is the one who wants to kill me the most among all people, because I'm the biggest threat to her.

"Then why are you still cooperating with her?"

"I've said it before, we can use each other, our overall strength is stronger, they have more people, and it's beneficial to cooperate with each other. As for what happens in the end, it depends on our own ability. Don't forget that only three people can get out in the end. "

Lu Anke moved her mouth, frowned, and stopped talking.

Seeing her suddenly look worried, Meng Liang thought to himself that his mother-in-law would not really forget about this matter, right?

Of course Lu Anke did not forget, but now she was the least dangerous one following Meng Liang, so she ignored this "small" problem.

Thinking that everyone would die in the end, and she might be among the dead, she became speechless and walked slowly beside Meng Liang, feeling very melancholy.

Meng Liang stopped talking, looking at the large group of women in front, weighing the next plan in his mind.

The team returned to Meng Liang's base.

Meng Liang and Ding Keai did not communicate on the way.

She is very smart.

Since they are disgusted with each other, there is no need to meet. Anyway, they are just in a relationship of mutual use, which they are all very clear about.

But she still sent a deputy over, who is also a beautiful woman.

This woman communicated with Meng Liang about some of their own affairs, and then set the combat target at Meng Liang's base, killing 100,000 zombies first.

Because of the addition of these people Enter, the speed of killing monsters is indeed much faster.

It took about three days, and the other 20,000 monsters were finally killed, and they completed another task.

Some people cried, some laughed, and more people were numb.

Only two of the nine conditions for leaving the dungeon were completed.

There are even more terrifying seven.

Kill the dungeon BOSS

Find the main god Lankana

Complete the task assigned by Lankana

Kill the task BOSS

Wait for the wolf demon to revive on the night of the full moon

Kill the wolf demon to obtain important parts of the artifact

In the end, only three people were left in the entire map

Is this a joke?

There are at least three more BOSSes to deal with. Can these people do it?

Ding Keai asked the woman to send a message to Meng Liang again, saying that she might know where the main god Lankana is, and let them follow her.

Meng Liang was very hesitant, not knowing whether this was a conspiracy.

Lan Miao finally returned to the team and suggested to Meng Liang:

"Follow her, anyway, we are in a relationship where we will kill each other at any time, there is no need to be too cautious, but of course we can't be careless. "

Meng Liang felt that what she said was right, so he followed her, but he pulled his men a little distance away and walked in front and behind them.

Ding Kaiai's destination was no longer in this city, so he walked south after leaving. This process took a full five days. They finally crossed the wilderness and saw the huge statue in front of them.

"This is the city of Agis."

Lan Miao guided Meng Liang.

"A place full of statues. In our legend, it is the origin of the Holy Fire Goddess."

"The Holy Fire Goddess is Lankana?"

"No, she has no name, it's just a legend, originated more than 10,000 years ago, when we didn't have a written history, but there were written records 9,000 years ago, saying that more than 3,000 years ago, the Holy Fire Goddess appeared in the early Homo sapiens group, lived for 2,000 years, and guided human civilization. "

Meng Liang and Lu Anke were shocked.

Lan Miao usually doesn't talk much, and this reminded them that this woman is from another world.

It turns out that humans are really insignificant, and their worldview is limited to their own virtual world. In fact, all of this is controlled by people behind the scenes. If it doesn't really happen, who can believe it?

"I guess Ding Keai guessed that the goddess was here because she must have seen various goddess statues in the city. But the question is, if she has this guess, it means she has been here before, so why did she leave again?"

Lan Miao asked a very smart question.

Lu Anke frowned and thought hard.

She actually wanted to express some opinions occasionally, but her brain really let the audience down.

Meng Liang saw her thinking hard and smiled slightly:

"Because this place may really be where the goddess is, but this may also be where the dungeon boss or mission boss is. Ding Keai and his team may have encountered it before. After escaping, they began to wander and snowball. They slowly completed the task of killing 100,000 monsters and had to come here. Our team is her reinforcement."

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it!"

Lu Anke said in annoyance.

Meng Liang secretly thought that if you can think of it, then you'll be damned.

Lan Miao ignored Lu Anke and said to Meng Liang:

"This shows that we are in the right place, and Ding Keai will not calculate us for the time being. When we enter the city and are about to face the boss, she should throw the problem to us. This is the easiest operation for her. Then she will see what we do!"


Meng Liang likes Lan Miao more and more. This woman is calm and wise.

If there is a chance to take her out, Meng Liang doesn't mind letting her become the leader of the second regiment under him.

It's just that she is a feminist. I don't know if she will listen to me?

While thinking about these things, the team drove into the city of statues.

As expected, there were a lot of statues, and they were all huge.

Meng Liang was blinded by the light. He saw a huge statue in the center of the city. He couldn't tell how tall it was, because it was probably several kilometers away, but it was still clearly visible.

"See, that's the statue of the goddess of fire, 1,300 meters high, and there are 6,428 100-meter-high lady statues within five kilometers around it. This is the majesty of the holy city of Agis. Everyone who came here used to kneel down and worship devoutly, but now it is desolate and deserted."

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