"What nonsense are you talking about! My son-in-law is very kind to me! Let me tell you, he took special care of me all the way. If it weren't for him, I would have died countless times. Also, I am already level 10 and now have a race. With you My husband, like your brother-in-law, is an orc. The orcs are very powerful. When you reach level 10, you will also choose this race. Then our whole family will be beasts." "Mom, you are already level 10." "

"How can this be?"

"How many zombies have you killed?"

"The crux of the matter is how dare my mother kill zombies?"

"Mom, you are as timid as a mouse. A spider can scare you to tears."

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝗍𝗐𝗄𝖺𝗇.𝖼𝗈𝗆]

Lu Anke was somewhat embarrassed about her children's distrust.

He frowned and said:

"People will change. I didn't dare to do it at first, but my good son-in-law was inseparable from me. He helped me through the most difficult initial stage. After that, I wasn't so scary anymore. I got used to killing. Practice makes perfect, you know, in the end it’s as easy as chopping cabbage.”

Qu Jiaoyang showed excited eyes.

"My son-in-law is really so powerful. Mom, I envy you so much. I also want to become a master! Then my goddess can fall in love with me."

"I told you! From now on, you are not allowed to call me your eldest brother-in-law, but your eldest brother-in-law! Oh, by the way, it's okay if you want to become a master. I will tell your brother-in-law later that I will take you out tomorrow. This zombie must be killed. , if you don’t upgrade, won’t you be eliminated in the end?”

Lu Anke talked eloquently and used what Meng Liang told her to educate her children.

It worked really well, and the three of them were stunned for a while.

Lu Anke was very happy. It seemed that they finally knew how useful she was as a biological mother.

But little did they know that the children began to wonder again, is a young woman who understands this truth really a close mother?

Qu Jiaolan spent a long time with her mother, and finally returned to her room to be with Chen Meier.

Chen Meier looks a little weak, she is sick.

She lost seven pounds in just a few days.

As a beautiful woman, she followed Qu Jiaolan out and suffered a lot when she met Grasshopper, even more than Qu Jiaolan.

Because Grasshopper rewarded her and housekeeper Xu Feng to his brothers.

A group of men surrounded her and she resisted.

Those men are not human at all, they don't mind that she is a beauty, they don't need to consider that she is a rich second generation, they don't see her as a weak woman, let alone a human being.

A group of people gathered around and held her down, while a man sat on top of her and slapped her face with a huge hand like a cattail leaf fan.

She clearly remembered ten times!

Unlike the humiliation Qu Gueran suffered, what she felt at that time was fear.

The fierce man grabbed her hair and pulled her up. Their noses were almost touching, and his terrifying eyes stared into hers.

"You little bitch, do you still dare to struggle?"

She gasped desperately, her heart almost stopped beating, and her body trembled as she looked at the man.

"not talking?"

After the man finished speaking coldly, he pushed her down again, stretched out his hand and slapped her six more times. Her face was swollen and she thought she might be beaten to death.

The man grabbed her hair again and pulled her up.

"I'm a poisonous insect! Hehe, I like beating women the most. You will be ours from now on! After my brothers have finished enjoying it, I will make you my private property. You will definitely be very happy by then."

"no no"

Her voice was trembling with fear.

"I'm asking you, do you still dare to be naughty? Just lie there and don't move, okay? I want to take off your clothes now, okay?"



Another slap came as he spoke.

Fear swallowed up all of Chen Meier's pride and integrity. She was afraid to death and afraid of being beaten. She didn't want to do this.


She gave up her dignity just to avoid being beaten. She never thought that she was such a coward. When she said the word "OK", she cried. She cried so sadly, like a child. She felt that the past After she died, she was no longer a proud second-generation rich lady. She was worthless and contemptuous, unlike a human being.

Just when she was at her most humble, the poisonous insect laughed wildly.

That smile penetrated deep into her heart and became her nightmare.

Later, Grasshopper finally stopped all this because Hongling completed the communication with him.

This saved her body.

After she finally came back, she lay in bed every day, seldom spoke, and felt uncomfortable all over her body. She couldn't sleep at night. She was afraid of sleeping and would have nightmares when she fell asleep.

Every day was the same as she was confused. She often lay in bed and stared at the ceiling in a daze. She had to let herself be empty like a fool. If her mind was running, she would think of poisonous insects, and then her whole body would tremble with fear.

Today was no different from usual. Qu Jielan went out and Qu Jielan came in. She knew both, but she didn't react at all.

Qu Jiaolan sat next to her and didn't speak for a long time. She couldn't speak either. The room was quiet, just like every day.

Finally Qu Jiaolan broke the silence.

"Meng Liang is back."

Chen Meier heard these five words without any reaction.

Meng Liang is back, just five words, meaningless.

After a long time, she heard Qu Jiaolan sighing. Then her voice became much softer and she said slowly:

"We are free. Hongling has been kicked out of the villa area by Meng Liang. He is still the leader of this territory. My mother said he is very powerful and has supreme power here."

Chen Meier blinked her eyes after half a minute, and her mind began to revive, slowly.

Three minutes later, she spoke softly, her voice a little hoarse.


"Well, my mother said that everyone is afraid of him. Although there are many people here, although three battle groups have been formed, and although the three women are not easy, Meng Liang is more powerful. I don't know what is wrong with my mother. She is full of words. Meng Liang was mentioned all over, and he was praised to the heavens, and even asked me to coax him into becoming a real couple with him. As you know, sister, I don’t like Meng Liang. I have never had a liking for him. It’s not because of his status. I generally don’t like him, it’s just a matter of pure love. I didn’t like him before. Is it because he has become powerful and has status, so I have to love him? If so, what kind of person will I become? of."


Chen Meier couldn't help tears falling from her eyes.

Qu Gueran hasn't reached the cliff yet, she still has a chance to protect her dignity.

And she, Chen Meier, has fed her dignity to the dog a long time ago. She has no dignity anymore!

Meng Liang is back.

He is the leader.

He is supreme.

Who is Meng Liang?

Dog son-in-law?

Chen Meier began to recall that in the past two years, she and her husband-in-law were quite familiar with each other. She often made sarcastic remarks to him, and he occasionally smiled and sometimes tit-for-tat. She was not afraid of him at all.

He is supreme.

poisonous insect!

Are the poisonous insects still in the territory?

If Meng Liang is supreme, can he deal with poisonous insects?

Chen Meier's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and her blood surged throughout her body, making her even feel like her body was heating up.

Maybe she still has a chance to get her dignity back, but she must get Meng Liang's help, because he is the supreme being here!

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