Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0129 Lord God Xiang Meng

Two guys who looked cool and handsome, started fighting with kids. One grabbed the other's collar, and the other grabbed the other's hair, and started rolling on the ground. What the hell.

They really don't know how to fight. Their ancestors didn't pass down any fighting skills.

For them, the instinct of fighting is to hug each other and grab each other.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, it's nothing!"

Meng Liang walked over to separate the two people, and was really speechless about them.

"Lu Anke, I'll give you a task. Gather all the people in the village. I want to teach them how to fight!"

Lu Anke is Meng Liang's lackey. She never refuses such seemingly harmless things, and nodded immediately.

Soon, all the four hundred survivors in this small town were gathered.

Meng Liang is not a bad person. Since he knows that these people only need a little food to be satisfied, he will not be stingy.

He took out his backpack, gathered the people with 1 blood together, and gave them a little food each.

It was really just a little.

After these people ate, their health points went directly to more than 5 points.

This is too easy to feed.

People were confused at first, but after receiving Meng Liang's things, they all showed gratitude, kneeling on the ground, and kowtowed continuously. They couldn't be stopped.

This has something to do with their culture.

They are a god culture, a slave culture. Once someone treats them well, they will treat the other person like a god and make themselves like slaves.

This quality is of course easy to manage, and it may also be the original purpose of the god. The so-called gods in this world can't be gods at all. They are just a group of advanced life forms that can control everything. No. 0 humans, Meng Liang really suspects that they are real humans, or like the goddess BOSS he met before, they are just the souls of real humans who enter the virtual world to make trouble.

Thinking of this, Meng Liang suddenly had a guess.

Could it be that real humans can't enter the virtual world at all?

They can only connect wires to their heads or wear some kind of advanced helmets to let their consciousness enter here and become a body?

This brain hole is a bit big, but it doesn't feel impossible.

At this time, everyone had finished kneeling, and Meng Liang asked them to stand up and line up for military training.

In fact, these people's physical fitness is really good, Meng Liang conducted a test.

Any adult, regardless of gender, can jump up to a height of about two meters in a standing position, and can jump at least four meters in a long jump. Some of the best can jump more than five meters.

If it were placed in his own world, netizens would probably say that this would make Newton angry to death, but there is no Newton in this world, they just have this quality.

So Meng Liang is very optimistic about these people, and he really wants to take them all out.

Basic skills do not need to be practiced, Meng Liang only wants to teach the experience of fighting.

Meng Liang is an expert in this area, after all, he has been fighting since he was very young.

Northerners really have a tradition of fighting.

When I was a child, there was a railway track in the city at home, so there was a distinction between the south and north.

The children were automatically divided into two major gangs.

The children from the south of the road could not reveal their identities at will when they crossed the railway track to the north of the road.

Otherwise, it is likely to attract a group fight from the children from the north of the road.

The reverse is also true.

This is the territorial consciousness of human beings.

Anyway, Meng Liang had many fights with people because of this, and eventually became the king of Daobei. Of course, when he became a martial arts master, he unified all the children in the city.

Strictly speaking, he was not a child at that time. He was a half-grown boy of fourteen or fifteen years old, very wild and rampant.

Meng Liang was very cute when fighting. At this moment, he used the simplest method to tell these people how to fight, and then let them fight two by two. Practice is the hard truth.

These people were taught by Meng Liang for an afternoon, and they all admired Meng Liang.

They never knew that there were so many ways to fight. In their hearts, Meng Liang became a mysterious master.

Of course, Meng Liang didn't really work hard. After all, they had good basic conditions and were born calves who were not afraid of tigers. As long as they learned the basic essentials, they only needed a heart to fight. This was difficult, but they all had the desire to change. The world had changed, and they were eager for someone to lead them so that they would know how to survive.

Nothing happened the whole day and night, and I slept quietly all night. As soon as I got up in the morning, the sentry came to report that the colored people were coming! Just a few hundred meters outside the village, they were not afraid of poisonous weeds at all!

Meng Liang had organized these people according to the army model. The first time to be a sentry was very responsible. It seemed that they ran here and were out of breath.

There was one thing that Meng Liang was not used to about these people. They respected themselves too much.

The sentry knocked on the door and came in, and knelt on the ground to talk, just like the eunuchs in ancient times.

Meng Liang sat up and kicked Lu Anke who was still sleeping.

Lu Anke turned over and got up, took out her bow, and looked around nervously.

Meng Liang laughed, okay, alert enough.

Seeing that there was no danger, Lu Anke put away her weapon, yawned, and looked at Meng Liang with a pout.

"Let's go, I guess your prey has come, let's go and see what kind of stuff it is!"

Lu Anke was a little sleepy at first, but she immediately became energetic after hearing Meng Liang's words.

"Then can I secretly shoot him with an arrow from behind?"

"Good plan!"

"Is it really a good plan? Meng Liang, you are not mocking me, are you?"

"No, it's very good. You find an opportunity yourself. As long as you think you can succeed, shoot him in the back."

This method is feasible, but Meng Liang is indeed mocking Lu Anke, because this idea is definitely not a strategy.

Lu Anke was praised and was very excited. He was full of fighting spirit.

Soon they arrived at the entrance of the village. Everyone hid and waited for the people over there to come. There were six of them in total.

They were slow and leisurely. After approaching, two of them attracted Meng Liang's attention.

One was a two-meter-tall black man, and the other was a beautiful woman with the same skin color as himself, of course whiter than himself, and looked like a mixed-race, very beautiful.

Everyone didn't talk in their respective hiding places. They were close enough to hear their voices. It turned out that the black man was the target character Yu Kun, and the woman was called Xiang Meng.

"Xiang Meng, you have been in hibernation for a long time this time, for three hundred years. I miss you so much. How are you? Are you happy to come to the world I manage?"

"Yu Kun, stop talking nonsense. How long have you been walking? Where are the people?"

"There are quite a few in this village. They dare not get too close to Atlantis. You know, it is the land of gods."

"Hmph, are you worthy of being called a god?"

"Of course I am not. You are the big man among the main gods. I am just a small god, a small god, hehe."

"So much nonsense. Find them quickly. I am here to have fun with my friends. I don't want to waste time."

"Okay, main god, look, aren't we here? I promise to make everyone happy!"

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