Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0137 How do you prove it?

The scene was completely silent. The child was about to cry, but his mother covered his mouth.

It was so horrifying. Everyone was still immersed in the memory of the peaceful times. They couldn't accept the cruelty and ferocity of Meng Liang.

Meng Liang walked towards the man who confessed and nodded at him:

"You mean you met some survivors and those men attacked you?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Well, very good! Fight back against those who attacked you and kill them, you should be rewarded."

The man cried even harder when he saw Meng Liang's smile, thinking he was like a devil.

"But I don't believe you, you have no evidence!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Liang raised his hand to kill the third person.

Everyone's heartbeat almost stopped.

Just now these people said that Meng Liang had no evidence to prove their guilt.

Now Meng Liang said that they had no evidence to prove their guilt?


Isn't this a sure death?

The fourth person was so scared that he wet his pants, and he shouted hurriedly when he saw Meng Liang coming.

"I have it! I have evidence!"

"Well, tell me, how do you prove that you killed those five women?"

"We went to search the house and saw a few people asking for help on a building, so we took them downstairs. They were the couple of Team 5, with three children and two elderly people! It was indeed the captain Zhang Weidong who thought the five women were all pretty, and then he found an opportunity to kill all the men, elderly people and children! That Wang Jian! He was the one who led us to carry out the execution. He was Zhang Weidong's lackey and his military advisor, and he came up with many ideas! I am the evidence! I am a witness! Yes! I am a witness!"

He pointed at Wang Jian frantically. Meng Liang in front of him killed people without blinking an eye. He was afraid of death and felt that life and death were just a thought away.

"Haha, you are quite smart. You are a witness, but your statement is different from that of the man just now. You met the survivors, and they did not attack you, so you killed them? Oh, what can I do, you said different things."

"He lied, I told the truth."

"Well, I also think what you said seems to be true, but you have no evidence, you have no evidence to prove that you are telling the truth, right?"

The man was dumbfounded, and all the audience were petrified.

This is really a dead loop.

Meng Liang raised his hand to chop him, and he was covered in blood, but he turned a blind eye.

At this time, everyone ran out. They felt that no matter what they said in front of Meng Liang, they would die.

"Break their legs if anyone dares to run!"

Meng Liang said coldly.

Haili and the others regarded Meng Liang as a god, and they had been fighting with Meng Liang for a long time, so they were very obedient.

When these people ran over, they were beaten and kicked by them. They were very strong, and several of them had their legs broken. No one could escape.

Meng Liang walked towards the fifth person, squatted down and looked at him. This person was not very old, about eighteen or nineteen years old, and he was so scared that he couldn’t breathe.

Meng Liang's eyes were very gentle, and he said:

"Tell me, what happened?"

"What the man said just now is right, he is right! This is what happened."

"Well, so those five women were bullied by you, did you do anything? I mean, did you sleep with them?"

"I didn't!"

"You didn't? Why do I feel like you are lying? How do you prove that you didn't?"

"I did! I have a leader! They forced me, they said everyone must participate and have fun together! I am only seventeen years old, I am a minor, I have no choice, I was forced! Leader, don't kill me, I am still young, I am so pitiful! Don't kill me!"

Meng Liang looked at him and nodded:

"So you are still a minor, it is really understandable, after all, your thinking is not mature yet, and sometimes you can't judge the right or wrong of the decisions you make."

"Yes, yes, yes! The leader is right, I must change my ways and be a good person, I will never dare to do it again!"

She cried so hard that her nose was running.

"Well, I believe you are sincere. You can turn over a new leaf and be a good person. Maybe ten years later, when you are twenty-seven years old, married and have children, you will still repent because of this memory, because ten years ago, you did something not so good. It's okay to survive in the doomsday. Humanity is already miserable. Why kill each other if there is no need?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Chief! I will definitely repent! By then, I will regret it."

"Okay, I believe you this time. In order not to make you regret it, go now. Remember, if there is another chance, just go after robbing their things and sleeping with those women. Why kill them? You can sleep with them again next time, right? This is called leaving a step for others so that we can meet again in the future. I hate saints the most. I don't want you to be saints. I just want you not to be too bad!"

After Meng Liang finished speaking, the knife fell and killed the fifth person.

Meng Liang had thought about it when he started. None of these people would be spared!

Use severe punishments at the end of the world.

He didn't want guerrillas, not the kind who would go out and say to the survivors outside: I have a base, you listen to me, come and join me.

He didn't want them to go out and rob houses, bully and insult women.

He just wanted a strong fighting force that could continue to improve, grow stronger, and survive in the doomsday.

To be honest, if you meet a lone woman and really play with her, it won't matter in the doomsday.

But if the whole team has such a trend, Meng Liang feels that he won't go far.

So he wanted to use this opportunity to let people know that even if there is a wall, it is not easy to live here.

The sense of urgency cannot be lost, and it is important to be prepared for danger in times of peace!

Meng Liang stopped talking nonsense, slashed with a sword, and killed everyone except Wang Jian. Then he walked to Wang Jian and looked at the guy who was scared like a quail.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Look, now they all tell the truth. You killed those women, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Chief! They are all dead. I know I was wrong. I know you want to kill the chicken to scare the monkey! I know you want to shock everyone, and your goal has been achieved! Leave me, drop me on the top of the city, let everyone see me, it can have a better deterrent effect, let them know your majesty!"

"Hahaha! You are really amazing, this set of words almost made me excited, but Wang Jian, our bet is not over yet, I don't believe what they just said, did you really kill those five women? How do you prove it?"

"Devil! You are a devil!"

Wang Jian went crazy and pounced on Meng Liang, trying to bite him.

Meng Liang kicked him away, threw the sword, and spun in the air, finally fell and killed him!

There was already a bloody scene in front of them, and finally the timid audience was scared to tears.

Meng Liang turned his head to look at them and said softly:

"Don't get me wrong, no one asked you to be a saint, this is just a small matter, I will not kill innocent people, and I don't want you to be afraid of me, but from today on, what kind of team the Four-party Legion will become, you all have to think about it carefully! Bai Na, if you don't discipline your subordinates strictly, I will punish you by not allowing you to eat for three days and putting you in solitary confinement, do you hear me?"

Bai Na raised her hand, wiped the sweat from her forehead, gritted her teeth and said softly:

"Yes, leader!"

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