For Chen Mei'er, this was her real doomsday. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘAt the edge of the quarantine zone, zombies were finally seen on the streets outside, but the most terrifying thing was not them. She had seen poisonous insects coming from the direction of the camp, a hundred meters away, and would soon join them.

Her body was already trembling, and her teeth were chattering.

At this moment, Meng Liang, who was beside her, pulled her into his arms.

"Chen Mei'er, I'll tell you. Dignity is not given by others. It doesn't mean that you can get it back through others' charity after you throw it away. You don't understand such a simple thing where you fall and where you get up? I'm by your side, and nightmares are with you. How do you want to get back what you lost? You can figure it out yourself."

In Meng Liang's arms, Chen Mei'er's mood was a little more stable. She was a little surprised. She didn't expect Meng Liang to say such words to her. Obviously, it made sense.

Meng Liang smiled and looked ahead, then said:

"I am holding you and talking to you with a smile, the poisonous insect must think that my relationship with you is special, so he dare not touch you. It's up to you from now on. If you can't seize this opportunity and do nothing, then you will either die outside or live in the shadows in the future. I emphasize to you again that this is the only chance."

After Meng Liang finished speaking, the poisonous insect had already walked over here, looking very bad.

"Chief, Miss Chen."

"Well, let's go now that we are here. The poison insect is of a high level and needs to take care of Chen Mei'er."

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"Yes, with the chief here, why do you need me to take care of you, Miss Chen? I was wrong last time. I apologize to you and ask for your forgiveness.

The poison insect was obviously a man who could read the eyes. He knelt down and kowtowed to Chen Mei'er.

Chen Mei'er was stunned. The man who was so terrible in her heart that he could not describe it actually behaved so badly.

All this was because of Meng Liang.

Has Meng Liang's majesty reached this point?

Spoiled since childhood, Chen Mei'er's position has always been the master, but she has never experienced such a thing. She was so scared that she knelt down!

A poison insect seemed to have encountered a natural enemy and never dared to release his venom again.

"Okay, poison insect, I said it's useless. Your conflicts need more contact to resolve. Let's go out and kill zombies. "

Meng Liang turned around and left after saying this, and took Chen Mei'er's hand.

Chen Mei'er was flattered.

Meng Liang had said before that he would not care about her, but I never thought that he would treat her like this now. I really couldn't see through Meng Liang's mind.

The poisonous insect knelt there with mixed feelings, thinking that Chen Mei'er was actually having an affair with Meng Liang? If so, it would be bad, and this time he would definitely be in danger.

But what can we do? We still have to get out in the end.

The three of them left the quarantine area, and after walking out of the intersection, they saw many zombies on the street.

The highest one was actually level 14, named "Bronze Armor".

"The Bronze Armor zombie has 3000 HP and strong defense. Attackers below level 10 cannot cause any damage to it, and even 1 HP cannot be knocked off. This is its special feature, so as long as the level is lower than it, you can only run when you meet it, and there is no way to fight. "

Meng Liang threw out a pair of ice and fire spikes while speaking, and -200 HP flew over the bronze-armored zombie more than 50 meters away.

The zombie immediately called out and quickly locked onto Meng Liang.

"Once attacked, it can determine the attacker's position, which is also its characteristic. However, this kind of zombie does not have the ability to command ordinary zombies, so as long as you are higher in level than it and have long-range attack means to attract it and create a duel situation, it is also easy to kill it. "

Meng Liang asked the two to step back while he was talking.

The bronze-armored zombie roared and rushed over. When he met ordinary zombies along the way, he waved his big hands to push them away. He was very strong and some ordinary zombies could be knocked several meters away.

Zombies above level 10 usually have a different appearance. They still look human, but they can hardly be seen as human. This kind of appearance is usually very scary, but Meng Liang likes to kill high-level zombies. It's like fighting monsters instead of killing people. The battle is difficult but there is no psychological burden.

The steel-armored zombie finally rushed over, and Meng Liang also stepped back. The giant blade came out and cut it.



The poisonous insect's face turned green.

He is a member of the combat team. At this stage, he goes out to contact zombies every day. He is familiar with many zombies above level 10. He not only knows the bronze-armored zombies, but also has encountered them.

Those are people from two squadrons.

In the second battle group, the team has 10 people , 50 people in the squadron and 100 people in the battalion.

The combat effectiveness of the two squadrons is quite high. After all, the group of people gathered around Meng Liang is the first group to kill zombies and upgrade in the doomsday, and they are already ahead of most humans.

So not only are their levels not level 1, but they also have good combat experience.

But that day they encountered a steel armor and attracted it into the isolation area. A group of people beat it up but still failed to kill it. They wasted three hours and twelve people died. In the end, they only knocked down 126 points of its health. It was impossible to deal with it.

There was no choice but to send people to lead it out of the camp. In the future, they will stay away from such zombies.

So Meng Liang's attack was -1000 health points, which has subverted the cognition of poisonous insects.

Everyone knows that Meng Liang is powerful, but they don't know that he is so powerful!

Is 1000 points of blood the full attack power of Meng Liang?

It shouldn't be. When facing high-level zombies, general attacks will not cause real damage, especially for zombies with high defense. It's good to cause one-third of the attack value.

Thinking of this, Du Chong felt even more terrifying. Could he reach 3000 attack power?

This is absolutely impossible!

It's really impossible. Meng Liang's attack power is only 2500.

Raising his hand and swinging the blood-red giant blade, the second knife dealt better damage.



Du Chong's legs began to go limp, and Meng Liang almost took his knees.

Without suspense, he returned the third knife and killed him.

"It's not difficult to fight zombies above level 10. The key is that for zombies above level 10, their attribute skills are sometimes not fully guided by the system. Then you have to explore and accumulate the abilities of these high-level zombies by yourself. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses, it will be much easier to deal with them. Chen Mei'er, I have a long-range boomerang weapon here, let you use it."

The heavy-hitting boomerang with a real damage of 50 is really useless to Meng Liang.

The so-called true damage is also relative.

For example, the Ice and Fire Double Thorn can break through the defense of any monster so far, which is much better than the heavy-hitting boomerang.

Meng Liang felt that the boomerang was more suitable for Chen Mei'er, so he gave it to her, explained to her in detail how to use it, and asked her to try to kill a few nearby zombies.

After the zombies died, there was a bloody smell, and all the zombies within a hundred meters nearby began to become irritable and began to wander more actively.

"Let's go, you two, it's time to kill zombies, Chen Mei'er, after killing zombies for a day, I promise you will never know what fear is again."

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