Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0153 You should use it sparingly

Du Chong was completely dumbfounded. He had not seen through Meng Liang along the way, and now Meng Liang's words made him completely confused.

How could this be possible?

It was obvious that Meng Liang and Chen Mei'er were very close, so how could he let Chen Mei'er sleep with him?

Chen Mei'er was also confused.

But she soon woke up.

Meng Liang had told her very clearly before.

Tonight was the last chance.

He would not help her kill Du Chong.

Everything depended on her.

She was always hesitant.

Meng Liang was forcing her now. If she didn't do it, there would be no chance.

Meng Liang had actually been very helpful. He brought them out, gave her weapons, told her how to use them, and took her to kill zombies. She already had preliminary combat capabilities. With the help of Meng Liang, she killed many zombies across levels and her level was raised to level 3. This was still secondary. The key was that she had been with Du Chong all the time, and she had adapted to his existence. He was not that scary anymore.

Meng Liang had made all the preparations for her. If she didn't dare to take the last step, then Meng Liang would probably really give up on her. After all, no one wanted to play with a hopeless person.

Chen Mei'er's heartbeat accelerated, okay!

Since that was the case, she would fight hard. This was the only chance. There was nothing to be afraid of. Meng Liang was still by her side and was helping her. Even if she failed, he would not ignore her.


This had nothing to do with Meng Liang. It was her business. Meng Liang said that she had to find her dignity with her own hands, otherwise she would be a worthless woman.

Chen Mei'er suddenly gritted her teeth, took out a heavy-hitting boomerang, and threw it at the back of the poisonous insect.

She actually only had a few seconds to think. Meng Liang was there talking to the poisonous insect with a smile, and the poisonous insect was confused about what Meng Liang meant.

Chen Mei'er suddenly attacked at this critical moment, killed him directly, and fell to the ground and died. There was no suspense.

Everyone in the room was dumbfounded.

Everyone didn't understand, weren't they in the same group? How could they fight among themselves?

Meng Liang looked at the poisonous insect lying in front of him, smiled indifferently, and walked over to Chen Mei'er.

"You bullied me in the past, and I didn't bother with you. Now that I have helped you, the class relationship of knowing each other is gone. If you dare to provoke me in any way in the future, I will kill you."

Chen Mei'er's body trembled and her face was pale. After a few seconds, she finally rushed over and hugged Meng Liang and cried.

Chen Mei'er has a good figure, and Meng Liang can certainly feel it when they are close to each other.

However, Meng Liang's mind was not on her at this time, so he stretched out his hand and pushed her away with disgust.

"Get out, make me cry and have snot all over my eyes, go back to your room, have a good sleep, and think about how you are going to live in the future! Trash, isn't it just the end of the world? Isn't it just an old man who bullied you? And he scared you into a psychological disorder. I really think it's shame to be bullied by you at the beginning."

Chen Mei'er pouted aggrievedly and was still crying.

She really felt that Meng Liang was such a warm man, and it seemed that he was humiliating her, but the effect was great comfort.

Chen Meier even felt that in this life, apart from her parents, she seemed to have never met anyone who was so good to her.

Qu Jiaolan was her best friend, but the two of them were just in a relationship of mutual companionship, and companionship was just a kind of exploitation.

Meng Liang gave her complete help at this time, like a life mentor, leading her out of hell and welcoming the light. Before this, she didn't know how to live, and now she finally had hope. Isn't that like having a new parent?

It turned out that Meng Liang was such a lovely man. Thinking of how she was upset with him before, all kinds of emotions intertwined, making her cry even more sad.

Not wanting Meng Liang to see her so weak, Chen Meier turned and ran into the small bedroom next to her, closed the door and cried.

Meng Liang was in a good mood, crying and looking upset, and this walk just happened to be invisible.

Walking over and holding Li Mu'e's hand and walking towards a bedroom, Zhao Xiaoming finally spoke.

"Um, boss, what are you doing?"

He wanted to shout out, the meat that he was about to eat was snatched away, as a man he was extremely angry.

But facing Meng Liang, he didn't dare to get angry, after all, Meng Liang was too brave, and a murder case just happened here. It was seen that Meng Liang was also a murderer. Zhao Xiaoming was brave enough to speak out, and he really didn't dare to have a bad attitude. He couldn't find a word to call Meng Liang, so he called him boss to express his awe.

After all, Li Mu'e was still a woman who had never had a boyfriend, and she didn't recognize the reality.

Just now, she didn't have time to resist because of the danger. Now that the danger is gone, of course she resisted.

"Let me go! Don't hold my hand, Dad!"

Unable to break free, she wanted to ask her father for help.

Li Qiaoshan heard his daughter shouting, although he was a little afraid of Meng Liang's methods, he still took a step forward and wanted to come over to talk to Meng Liang.

At this moment, Li Mu'e's biological mother Lu Mei appeared and stretched out her hand to stop her husband who was walking forward.

The woman was not tall and had an average look, but her eyes looked very lively, as if she was a smart person.

She smiled at Meng Liang and said:

"Brother, you are amazing. Thank you for saving us from danger. We never thought that there would be a survivor as amazing as you in the apocalypse. May I know your name? What's your name?"

"Meng Liang."

"Brother Meng Liang, thank you again. Look, why are you bringing my daughter into the room? After all, men and women should not touch each other."

Lu Mei didn't talk in a hurry or make a fuss, so Meng Liang wasn't in a hurry anymore and wanted to see what she wanted to do.

"I just asked her to come to the room and have a heart-to-heart talk to understand how you people feel after entering the apocalypse. This is a kind of investigation. I have a sense of discretion. Even if I lie on the same bed, I won't do anything to her."

Meng Liang learned from Zhao Xiaoming's shamelessness.

The corner of Lu Mei's mouth twitched and her eyebrows raised several times. She was probably a little angry, but in the end she didn't get angry and still said with a smile:

"Brother is really a civilized person, your behavior is like Liu Xiahui!"

Meng Liang's old face was slightly red, and there were many evil thoughts in his heart at this time, and they were not Liu Xiahui's.

Li Mu'e was very uneasy, still thinking about taking her hand out of Meng Liang's hand, and hoping that her mother would come and rescue her soon.

At this time, Lu Mei spoke again.

"My daughter, I used to be strict in my discipline, just to let her keep her reserve as a woman and leave the most precious things to her husband, so that he can love her and cherish her even more in the future.

I didn’t expect that this delay would make her 27 years old, and she hasn’t even had a serious boyfriend so far. Now that the apocalypse has broken out, I blame myself even more. Just when I was thinking about how sorry I was for my daughter, Brother Meng Liang fell from the sky. !

He looks so talented and capable, I really like him.

Alas, since we have to sleep in the same bed, how can we be Liu Xiahui?

Isn't there that joke about being worse than a beast?

Brother Meng Liang, don't be under any psychological pressure. Don't do nothing. Even if you have done everything, we don't need you to be responsible. After all, this is the end of the world.

Just help us when you can, like this time.

From now on, if you have feelings for each other while sleeping, then stay together. If you don't have feelings for each other, just fall asleep and play. It doesn't matter.

After all, Mu'e was twenty-seven, she really deserved a man, otherwise she would die without knowing what it was like to be a woman.

Husband, what are you standing for? Give me something! "

Li Qiaoshan was already confused. When he heard his wife calling him, he frowned and said:

"what's that?"

"That! A safety tool! A thing to prevent your daughter from getting pregnant! It's a good thing to have a man in the apocalypse, but it's not good to have a child."

Li Qiaoshan didn't react, but he was used to listening to his wife, so he subconsciously took out a box from his pocket.

Lu Mei took it and walked to Meng Liang and put it in Meng Liang's hand.

"There seem to be seven more in there, so you can use them sparingly."

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