Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0016 Going to the toilet is a big problem

"Son of a bitch! Come on, eat me! You bastards!" Meng Liang's head was a little dizzy, and he fell into another psychological barrier, the demon of killing!

The creatures in front of him were hideous, without souls, and only knew how to bite people and turn humans into zombies.

But after all, they were humans before, and they are still in human form now.

As an ordinary person living in peacetime, Meng Liang suddenly had so much killing, of course his blood would boil, his heartbeat would accelerate, and the nerve cells throughout his body would be stimulated, making him a little abnormal.

At this time, he completely forgot everything, and didn't even care whether he would be bitten by zombies.

Of course, he didn't need to care at all.

A night of fighting made him form a natural fighting quality. When he was fighting, he would subconsciously prevent being bitten by zombies.

At this time, the corridor was blocked again, and the zombie corpses had even filled a three-bedroom apartment of a family, so Meng Liang took the corpses to another family and cleaned up all the way to the first floor.

No zombies came in?

He pushed open the bloody unit door and looked outside. There were no zombies nearby. The previous accumulation had been cleared. He didn't know if there were any level 10 zombies among them. There shouldn't be any. It seemed that all the zombies died after a few cuts, which meant that most of them were low-level.

Meng Liang's body was swaying. He had retched when he saw the blood before, but now he felt nothing when there was blood all around him. He had adapted to this environment.

After standing here for a while, Meng Liang went back. He went to the warehouse where the food was stored and lay directly on the ground. He fell asleep in less than half a minute.

Too tired.

He slept for several hours. When he woke up, the sun was in the west.

Meng Liang ate something before opening the door to go out. It was okay outside. There were still not many zombies.

He pushed open the unit door and left, walking slowly on the street.

He wanted to find a way back. This was the purpose of his hard work all night.

To get home, he had to cross several roads, two communities, and a bungalow area.

With the killing demon in his heart, Meng Liang rushed forward without fear, and finally passed through the wall and returned to the villa.

Lying on the grass in the safe zone again, Meng Liang laughed foolishly.

After a long time of calm, he was a little scared. He was almost bitten by zombies at least three times on the way back. If that happened, he would be doomed.

It took almost ten minutes for Meng Liang to relieve his knot, calm down a little, and then sit up.

The sun continued to move westward, and it was almost dusk.

Standing up, Meng Liang staggered towards the villa. When he was about to reach there, he heard a woman's scream inside, and then Qu Jiaolan and Chen Mei'er rushed out, and the others just watched from upstairs.

"Meng Liang, what's wrong with you? How did you get covered in blood?"

"You went out?"

Qu Jiaolan and Chen Mei'er asked together.

"Well, I wanted to go out to find food, but I was trapped by many zombies. Later, other survivors escaped from there. They all died, but I survived. This blood may be caused by escaping. It's terrible.

Meng Liang wanted to brag about how brave he was outside.

But he felt that it was not the right time, so he should not tell them the truth.

"Yoyo, son-in-law still wants to take responsibility. You are the only one who can go out here. Is it useful? Did you bring back food? Humph, you almost died outside, you are such a waste!"

Chen Mei'er was not polite at all and attacked directly.

Qu Jiaolan frowned and sighed:

"Finally you are back. Are you not injured?"

"No, I am just a little tired of running around."

"Well, go and send food to Pan Li and the others first. There is only 1 drop of blood left. I observed the situation outside. If you run out of blood, you will become a zombie."


"Don't go out for the time being. Although you are the only one who can go out, there is no point in sending yourself to die. "

Qu Jiaolan is a pretty good person, but Meng Liang doesn't appreciate it. She looks down on me, and it has been like this for the past two years.

Go straight back to the room and get food for Pan Li and Luo Dacheng.

When Meng Liang went in, the two were bidding farewell to each other across the glass, which looked quite pitiful.

Meng Liang just felt a little compassionate, and Luo Dacheng shouted.

"Meng Liang! Where have you been! You just want to starve us to death! I must tell the eldest lady! You are such a bad person, your heart is black!"

Meng Liang sneered, he really didn't die if he didn't ask for death.

Although he trapped them, they now rely on themselves to survive, and they don't know how to be grateful.

Fortunately, Pan Li played her well-behaved character at this time, and gently knocked on the glass and said to Luo Dacheng:

"Don't shout to save your strength, aren't they back now? "

Meng Liang gave Luo Dacheng two packs of biscuits, and then brought Pan Li two loaves of bread, two sausages, and a bottle of water.

There was a smell in the room, coming from the bathroom. It seemed that the problem with the bathroom had to be solved.

Meng Liang took his clothes and left. He went to the warehouse to get some water to wash his body. After changing his clothes, he carried the wooden planks and stakes to the corner of the yard, and then went back to get a shovel, nails, etc.

On the third floor, Qu Jiaolan, who was at a loss for what to do about the predicament, saw Meng Liang and kept peeking.

Meng Liang started digging a hole with a shovel.

"What is he doing?"

Behind him, Chen Mei'er came over and looked curiously.

"I don't know."

After saying this, the two of them stopped talking and looked together.

Meng Liang's movements were very skillful. He knew how to do it when he was a carpenter in the village.

After a while, the pit was dug and piles were set up, and then the base was built in the soil. The toilet does not need a foundation. A base in the soil is very strong. Then the wooden boards were nailed.

After more than an hour of busy work, the two women upstairs watched for more than an hour.

"Ah! He is working on the toilet."

Qu Jiaolan finally saw it.

Chen Meier pursed her lips and said nothing.

In fact, she wanted to go to the toilet as soon as she got up in the morning, but she really couldn't find a place to go.

The toilet cannot be flushed, which is a big problem for women of Chen Meier and Qu Jiaolan's status.

Their literacy makes them never go to the toilet in the room without flushing, and let the shit they pull out be placed in the toilet.

This is more difficult for them to accept than standing naked in the crowd.

But it is different to build this kind of outdoor toilet. Although the shit is still there and not flushed away, its function is like this. Things within the function are still barely acceptable to them.

Chen Meier finally spoke the truth.

"Guolan, why does your son-in-law feel a little different?"

"Yeah, I'm also very surprised. I really can't believe that he dared to take the initiative to go out and face the zombies. He meant well. You shouldn't have said that to him. After all, if he is the only one who can get out in the end, all our hopes are on him."

"Yoyo, are you speaking for your husband?"

"No, I'm just stating a fact."

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