Meng Liang quickly arrived at the side of a unit building, looked around to see if there was anyone, and jumped onto the balcony, then climbed up along the drainage pipe on the side, and turned over and jumped back into the balcony on the top floor, the 18th floor. This place is already very high from the ground, and the patrol team on the ground probably can't find him. After all, they don't know that someone is so agile that he can climb directly to the top floor along a not-so-thick drainage pipe.

People on the ground can't think of it, and people on the rooftop can't think of it either, thinking that the door is closed and that's their world.

Meng Liang saw the light, and candles were already lit in the room. Those who can still use candles in the doomsday are definitely local tyrants.

Meng Liang squatted in a corner of the balcony and looked inside through the glass window.

This is a bedroom, a fat old man with gray hair is lying on the bed, and the candles are placed on the bedside table. At this time, three young women are kneeling under the bed.

They are not old, one is about 30, and the other two are about 20, and they are all pretty.


He spoke in a hoarse voice.


The oldest woman spoke immediately, looking very respectful, like a strictly trained female soldier.

"Is it time to eat? Go and get my food."

"Yes, Master!"

The older woman got up and went out. After a while, she brought some food on a plate, peanuts, ham, pickled mustard, bread and beer.

The old man leaned on the bed and didn't move.

The eldest brother went straight to the bed and knelt beside the old man.

Then the two young girls came up.

Meng Liang peeked and saw a shocking scene the next moment.

The two young girls actually chewed the ham, peanuts and other things with their mouths and fed them to the old man.


Isn't it too violent? Is it so heavy?

I suddenly remembered the saying, it's not that people become bad when they get old, but that bad people get old!

And the old men and women here are probably not good people. Now that they have taken the initiative in the doomsday, they are so unscrupulous and have become wolves in human skin.

After eating, the fat old man wiped his mouth with a towel, and the three women knelt under the bed again.

"Okay, I'll feed you next."

As he spoke, he picked up a peanut and threw it over there casually. The three women immediately stretched their necks together, trying to catch the peanut with their mouths.

This time they didn't catch it, and the peanut fell to the ground.

The old man's face was gloomy, and the three women were trembling with fear.

"Humph! Trash! You can't even catch it! Do you know what punishment you will receive?"

The three women kowtowed in fear.

The old man hesitated for a while, then said:

"Forget it, forget it, I'm in a good mood today, I'll let you go this time!"

The three women were all excited and surprised to hear that and shed tears, and continued to kowtow to the old man.

Meng Liang squinted his eyes outside.

He was sure that the old man's punishment must be extremely harsh on weekdays, which scared the three women to the bone.

So now that they heard that he could let them go once, they would be so grateful, as if they were sincere.

Being able to do this means that they live a very difficult life on weekdays, so the old man's kindness can make them cry with excitement.

Meng Liang smiled coldly, got up and left the rooftop balcony and went to the balcony on the lower floor.

It was very simple for him. His flexible body and strong arm strength allowed him to move like a monkey.

It was pitch black here. Meng Liang used his night vision to observe and found no one.

He tiptoed to open the window, turned over, and heard movement in the living room, so he walked over quietly.

He opened the bedroom door a little, and he could hear the voices outside more clearly. This was a couple.

"Cao Zhigang, I tell you, don't go too far!"


I couldn't see anyone, but the woman's voice sounded pretty good.

"Wife, how did I go too far? It's just sleeping with that woman! I still love you, but I'm a man! Which man here doesn't have three wives and four concubines? I didn't bring her home."

"Humph, you still want to bring her home? Tomorrow I'll go to the cell and break her legs!"

"Hehe, good wife, if you can vent your anger, just go ahead and beat her. I don't treat her as a woman at all, just a toy. Anyway, even if you break her legs, I can still play with her. It doesn't affect me."

"Damn Cao Zhigang, I want to divorce you!"

"Okay, wife, you know, I love you, but I'm just psychologically unbalanced!"

Meng Liang understood what was going on when he heard this.

Can't think deeply.

What a normal couple, maybe this man was a little afraid of his wife before the end of the world.

But now he has become the controller of the end of the world, so he has become like this.

Although his wife was angry, she didn't seem to take the woman who was played seriously.

Inhumanity is the real human nature in the end of the world!

Meng Liang continued to walk down, one building after another.

This is the management level, so every household is similar, as absurd as it can be. Meng Liang went down from the eighteenth floor to the bottom floor, but he had seen all kinds of human nature, and then he became a little uncertain.

Is this eighteenth floor really the human world, not hell?

It can be as violent as it can be!

It can be as cruel as it can be!

It can be as bloody as it can be!

When he reached the first floor, in the house here, Meng Liang was finally enraged by everything he saw.

Those poor little girls are learning to kneel under the guidance of a teacher.

"Remember, in the future, whoever kneels substandardly will not have food to eat! You are slaves, do you understand?"

The girls under eight years old all nodded ignorantly. In order to get food and avoid being beaten, they were no longer the delicate little princesses.

In another room, a group of boys were practicing wrestling, and there was also a teacher teaching them.

This man was holding a whip, and he would hit anyone who didn't work hard.

"Give me a good training! In the future, you will become evil dogs. You must be sincere and fierce and evil. Whoever I tell you to bite, you must kill them for me!"

Meng Liang's teeth clenched when he saw all this outside the window.

Okay, okay, he thought he saw human nature clearly, but he was still too naive.

He won't spare any of these people in this place, he will kill them all!

He can't be a complete bad guy, that's because he has a good heart.

But he is definitely not a saint, because when he kills bad guys, he will never show mercy.

Maybe there is no good or evil in the world, but there is a scale in his own heart. Now that the scale is tilted, only killing can restore it to a balanced state!

Waiting a little longer, Meng Liang slowly left. He still had to find Wang Dansheng. As the saying goes, to capture a thief, capture the king first, kill him, and then kill others.

After walking around for a while, Meng Liang discovered a prison.

In fact, it is also a unit building, but there are security guards around here. After Meng Liang sneaked in, he found that the people locked up were all women. Their faces were not damaged, but their bodies were beaten with blood. They were probably unwilling to surrender, so they Will be tortured forever.

There wouldn't be Wang Dansheng in this place, right?


Meng Liang went into the building and searched around, and finally found an unusual room.

This was obviously a prison cell, but the environment was particularly good. Only a beautiful woman was locked up, and she had not been beaten. When Meng Liang found her, she was sitting cross-legged, with her eyes closed and her hands clasped together, muttering something in her mouth.

"Hell is empty, demons are in the world, God! If you hear my begging, come to the human world and take them back to hell! The world is already too miserable, why bother adding to the trouble? Do you not exist at all, or is God actually the devil? "

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