Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0182 Building Defense Battle

Of course Chen Meier couldn't answer Qu Jiaolan's question and could only comfort her. You must be normal, but how could you not be normal? Don’t you like that man? "

Qu Jiaolan nodded hurriedly.

Yes, she has someone she likes. Although she has never confessed her love to him, and although she rarely has contact with him, she does think that person is good.

At this moment, the alarm whistle suddenly sounded.

The two were shocked and rushed out the door. They saw everyone had gathered in the corridor, and Xu Jiani was standing in front of them.

"We can now confirm that there is a zombie with a super high IQ that is controlling the nearby zombies. Just ten minutes ago, it began to attack us in an organized way. The first wave came were Level 11 Fuhu, not counting the number. There are more than 20 of them. Our defense team is fighting against them. So far, we have not waited for support and can only rely on ourselves. If we fail to win this battle, we will die. I hope everyone will show courage, don’t be afraid, don’t shrink back. !”

This time it was not Xu Jiani who spoke. She was the commander, but she still wanted the man to be in front of her when boosting morale, so she let Zhengdao do the talking.

Meng Liang knew that he could no longer retreat. He was the center here, so he had to be the focus of defense and other people should cooperate to achieve the best.

"Zhengdao, I am Meng Liang's eldest sister. From now on, listen to me in everything."

"Are you Sister Meng Liang?"

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→🆃🆆🅺♦🅽.🅲♦🅼]

Zhengdao was a little surprised, and Xu Jiani also frowned. She hadn't heard that Meng Liang had an eldest sister.

"Well, yes, from now on, I will be in charge, and everyone will surround me, because I have the strongest combat power and the highest level here."

Xu Jiani raised her eyebrows and said simply:

"What level are you?



There was silence.

Now the highest level here was originally Zhengdao, which was level 15.

This level is also ranked first in the camp.

So people have no idea what level 31 is.

"how do you want to do it?"

Xu Jiani finally found her voice.

"There is no way to retreat now. We are trapped in a lonely building. There is no other way. Let's kill. Go to the top two floors and kill all the zombies. From now on, you can open up each room and move all kinds of things out and put them on the stairs. The entrance forms a barrier to prevent zombies from approaching us from the inside, while I go kill all the guys who want to come in from the outside. "

"Okay, let's do it like this."

Xu Jiani agreed because she knew how powerful level 31 was, and Meng Liang seemed to be only level 30, right?

Seeing Meng Liang turning around to go upstairs, Qu Jiaolan couldn't help but said:

"Shall I go with you too?"

"No, it's too dangerous for you to go up there."

Meng Liang didn't stop after he finished speaking, and went all the way to the top.

Sure enough, his group was fighting Fuhu at the top of the building.

Fuhu can climb stairs, and they also like to climb to the top, and then start a carpet search from top to bottom, killing all humans they find.

The battle has entered a fever pitch, with two Fuhu and four humans dead.

Meng Liang wasted no time, walked up quickly, and killed all the remaining Fuhus one by one. It was not fancy at all, and it turned into a lightning bolt.

The people who were fighting hard around them were all stunned.


All dead?

Is this still Fuhu?

Isn't it Chinese cabbage?

"My name is Qu Dalan, and I will take over the command of the battle from now on. Everyone spreads out in all directions. If there is a tiger coming up, call me."

Everyone nodded upon hearing this.

Meng Liang has already shown his strength. Of course they are happy to have such a strong fighter join them, and she is also a beauty with long legs.

Meng Liang even saw several people looking at his long legs with strange eyes.

This feeling was so strange that Meng Liangliang thought about gouging out their eyes.

Thinking back on it, have you ever looked at a woman with a similar look before? There must be one, and the target is Qu Guerlain.

Squinting his eyes and looking straight ahead, Meng Liang finally focused on the crisis in front of him.

The most important thing now is to find the location of the Intelligent Corpse King, otherwise the final outcome will be defeat.

He had faced the Level 10 Giant Corpse King before, but he didn't know if this intelligent Corpse King hiding in the dark was powerful or where he was.

When Meng Liang looked around, someone on the side suddenly shouted.

"Dragon Walk! It's a Level 15 Dragon Walk!"

His voice was trembling, because Long Xing was a more terrifying climbing zombie than Fuhu.

Their prototypes are not humans, but snakes!

After being poisoned by corpse poison, the snake mutated and became a dragon-walking zombie.

The body shape becomes huge, the shortest one is generally five meters, and the long one can reach a hundred meters.

Generally speaking, the bigger the body, the stronger the attack power and defense power. A combatant with rough skin and thick flesh, and low attack power will not be able to draw even a drop of blood.

Everyone on the roof was in panic, wondering how to deal with so many dragon zombies.

At this time, Xu Jiani Zhengdao and all the troops retreated to the two floors above. Zhengdao led some people to the top of the building, including Qu Jiaolan.

Qu Gueran's mentality has actually adjusted.

She is no longer the eldest lady CEO, but just an ordinary woman trying to survive in the apocalypse. She has almost no status in the camp. If she has any status, she relies on her husband-in-law and biological mother.

Yes, even Lu Anke, the most useless person before the apocalypse, was much stronger than her. She was really nothing.

So she learned to be low-key and began to adapt to her new identity. She looked at people with the eyes of a small person. She saw that the woman named Qu Dalan was standing on the one-meter-high parapet with one foot. She looked very bold. People around her were shouting that the dragon zombies were coming.

Qu Jiaolan had never seen this kind of zombie, but she knew its attributes.

There had been training courses in the base for a long time. They summarized many zombies that had been seen, and then told everyone their characteristics and weaknesses.

So Qu Jiaolan knew that the dragon zombies were difficult to deal with, and they all appeared in groups. If a huge one came, it would be too troublesome.

Looking at Qu Dalan, she was still so calm.

Qu Jiaolan couldn't see through this woman, and thought she must be an important person. She spoke and gave everyone more accurate guidance:

"The dragon zombies have a weakness. Their attribute seems to be that they will attack only when they are crawling on the ground. So although they have the ability to climb, they are not difficult to deal with. All the strength-type warriors come here. The first priority is to prevent the dragon zombies from climbing up. As long as their entire bodies are not on the roof, they are not very threatening."

Meng Liang commanded calmly and immediately encouraged everyone.

After all, she is the strongest person here, a full level 31. People know how difficult it is to upgrade in this doomsday, so it is easy to guess that Meng Liang must be a doomsday survivor who has seen great storms and waves. It should be right to listen to him.

The battle started soon. As Meng Liang said, these big snakes would not attack quickly and actively even if their heads were on the roof, and they continued to climb up.

Everyone used the weapons in their hands to fight against them and pushed them down again with all their might.

It usually takes several people to take down a dragon, but Meng Liang is much more powerful. He can kill a dragon with a health point ranging from 1000 to 2000 with one sword!

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