Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0189 The True Wolf God Returns

Meng Liang could not answer the question raised by Wolf God Jiali. But think about it, it should be so.

This is the Divine Beast Continent, and the twenty-four Divine Beasts are all here.

They are all data created by real humans.

In other worlds, there are also traces of the twenty-four Divine Beasts. This is not difficult to understand. Just copy some data and remodel them in other worlds.

In different worlds, different data does not need to be shared, so they will not share each other's memories.

This is equivalent to taking the copy file and finally finding the source file.

Then the source file is of course more detailed.

The previous Wolf God may be a fake Wolf God, and the one in front of him is the real Wolf God. Only by conquering her can he become a Divine Beast Master and gain stronger abilities.

Although she is a Wolf God, she does not know that there is a parallel space, and she should not know that there is a real world.

So the Wolf God is virtual data, then the twenty-four Divine Beasts should also be virtual, just more powerful in the setting, right?

Meng Lian tried his best to keep smiling and nodded:

"Yes, I think that might be your clone. What do you think, Wolf God? Are you willing to wander the world with me? You and I are a perfect match."

"With a human? Stop kidding! I don't know why humans have such powerful strength, but now is the time of war between humans and orcs, how can I be with you? Okay, let go of Eliza, the daughter of the Minister of Military Affairs, and I can let you go."

"I can let her go, but I won't leave either, Jiali, you must let me be your master, so that I can leave this world and take you back to my place. This is my mission."

"Humph, you are really daydreaming. Well, since you don't want to leave, stay. I want to show you my ability, let you understand how powerful I am, and let you never try to get me again. , I am an existence that you cannot afford to be with.

This wolf king was very arrogant and spoke with confidence.

And just after she finished speaking, her body quickly transformed into the appearance of a human woman, and she was still wearing clothes. It seems that her transformation ability is stronger and she can not damage her clothes.

Meng Liang felt a throbbing heart when looking at her.

Advanced virtual data, of course, is perfectly designed in all aspects, so this appearance is against the sky.

But Meng Liang lost interest when he thought that everyone was just data, not to mention that they were not of the same species. She could transform from a wolf to a human, and from a human to a wolf.

I don’t know if she will transform because of excessive excitement when doing things between men and women. If she can, it would be too terrifying.

Such a picture appeared in Meng Liang’s mind, and he couldn’t help shuddering and dared not think about it anymore.

“All personnel are on alert! Give an order to the general of the cavalry to lead his troops to suppress the human beings in Chengzhong! "

While the woman was talking, she had already climbed the city wall.

All the soldiers surrounding Meng Liang walked away.

Perhaps because she had the energy of the Wolf God, Jiali really stopped bothering Meng Liang.

Meng Liang stopped while he was ahead, let go of the useless Eliza, quickly climbed the city wall, and came to the side of Queen Jiali.

Jiali narrowed her eyes and looked down coldly, her brows furrowed.

She might be able to see far away, so she knew how bad the situation was at the moment.

Just at this moment, a group of humans finally rushed to the palace and soon arrived under the palace wall.

"Charge! Go up and capture the orc queen alive! "

Someone shouted, and then people started jumping on the spot. They could jump ten meters high on flat ground, which was not enough to climb up to Daqiang, so they helped each other.

One person used his hands to build a bridge, and the other stepped on it. After working together, they just sent the person to the city wall.

The wolf god Jiali made a quick move, and it was obvious that she was really powerful. She could kill an enemy with one knife.

But this kind of fighting power still made Meng Liang look back.

It was too different from the duel between the wolf god and the wolf demon he had seen in the previous copy.

Meng Liang observed carefully and felt that this wolf god was flesh and blood. She was an independent virtual intelligence, Rather than creatures in the real world.

As the battle continued, more and more humans appeared, and the orcs were completely unable to resist.

Because the adjustment of the parameters by real humans was to make the orcs completely fail and let humans rise.

When humans kill to a certain extent, perhaps the parameters will be adjusted again, and at that time the orcs will kill humans in turn.

This is a game.

All real worlds are games for virtual intelligent bodies.

Meng Liang has been to two of the seven main worlds, and feels that this one is more controlled by real humans.

In his own world, although there are many zombies, humans can still fight back.

In other words, the system that fights against the real world can play a greater role in his own world.

Meng Liang figured this out, walked to the wolf god Jiali, and killed several humans who had just climbed onto the city wall with a knife.

Jiali was panting and looked at Meng Liang with a knife.

"Why! You are obviously a human, why are you helping me?"

"Jia Li, haven't you realized it yet? This can't be your battlefield."

"What do you mean?"

"You know nothing about real humans? "

Meng Liang asked this question, and Jiali shook her head slightly.

Meng Liang sighed and said:

"Okay, then let me tell you about the real human story."

Meng Liang was next to Jiali and began his story, while of course helping Jiali fight.

This story is quite long. When Meng Liang finished, the city wall had basically been lost. There were no more orcs but humans here.

Meng Liang sighed:

"You should have discovered that these humans are getting braver and stronger, stronger and stronger, and their defense is getting stronger and stronger. Don't you think it's strange? I tell you, these are all adjustments made by real humans to the parameters of virtual humans here. You can never kill them with your army! Because they have a strong backstage behind them."

"How could this happen?"

Jia Li was extremely disappointed and her body was shaking.

"I don't know either. I only know that this should not be your battlefield. The power of the twenty-four beasts is by no means limited to this! Come with me. Only when we are together can we make up for each other. Only by following me and reaching my world can you become a real wolf god Jia Li."

"Are you asking me to abandon my people now?"

"Do you have any other way besides this? Believe me, only leaving is your destination. If possible, I hope to bring you back one day. At that time, your enemy will not be the human in front of you, but the virtual human hiding behind you!"

Meng Liang said with a firm vow, his eyes sparkling.

In fact, this task is quite simple. The difficulty is to find the wolf queen.

Now that she has found it, after Jiali has experienced a hard battle, her mind has begun to loosen.

As an intelligent creature, Jiali certainly understands what Meng Liang is talking about.

If these are virtual humans, and there are real humans behind them, then of course it is useful to eliminate the real humans.

Jiali frowned and thought for a moment, looking around, the royal city has fallen, and more and more humans are rushing in.

They are crazy, and they will bite the werewolves madly when they catch them.

Jiali realized that this is not a war. The orcs are too weak to face humans, so this is a hunt.

Sighing, Jiali threw away the bloody knife in her hand.

"Okay, human, what's your name?"

"Meng Liang!"

"Meng Liang, I am willing to let you be my master, take me to see the world you said!"

Meng Liang's mouth corners raised, revealing a smile, and a prompt sound rang in his ears, and the task was completed.

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