Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0191: Plans cannot keep up with changes

Meng Liang convened a meeting after careful consideration. He felt it was necessary to make these things clear to everyone.

Everyone from the Quartet Army was present, and the number exceeded 10,000. There were people standing all around, and it felt like you couldn't even see the edge.

Meng Liang looked in a daze. He didn't expect that there were so many survivors of the doomsday around him.

Well, I shouldn’t say I didn’t expect it, the accurate description is I didn’t realize it.

Meng Liang asked Baina to find some people and ask them to disperse around to be his own microphone, so that everyone could hear what he said.

"Some of you here may not know me, but you have guessed my identity, right? Yes, I am Meng Liang."

Under the stage, very close to each other, Qu Jiaolan looked at Meng Liang who was speaking above.

This demeanor is really like that of a leader.

Man, there is really nowhere to look.

Just over a month ago, Qu Jiaolan would never have imagined that her son-in-law would have such abilities.

"I'm meeting with you today, and I'm just going to talk about one thing. In three days at most, there will be a huge zombie wave here. I want to make it clear to you, this zombie wave is coming for me, and there will be countless zombies. Attack the base, so this base is finished."

Meng Liang's words were like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing thousands of waves.

Everyone was talking a lot, with different expressions and moods.

Baina stepped forward and said:

"Meng Liang, why do you say that? How do you know there will be a huge wave of corpses?"

Baina asked the question on everyone's mind.

"Because of real humans, this problem is more complicated. Let me put it briefly. In fact, the world we live in is virtual, so suddenly someone around us turns into a zombie, so there are health bars on our heads, so many of our Things are parameterized, and there are people behind it all who see themselves as real humans relative to us.”

Meng Liang said these words, making everyone quiet again.

Everyone was surprised, and at the same time they also wondered why Meng Liang knew so clearly.

Meng Liang continued:

"But not only are there real humans, there are also systems in this world. The systems are enemies of real humans, so we can fight monsters and upgrade to increase our strength! My level is too high at the moment. This should be the help of the system, of course. I have worked hard enough. But because of this, my existence has been noticed by real humans, who are hiding in this world and are called managers! Now the world managers plan to organize a parameter change with the purpose of controlling the zombies and destroying me! At most, in three days, or tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, who knows, a large wave of zombies will attack the base and engulf this place! I, Meng Liang, am not a good person, but I don’t want you to die with me, or because of that! I will die. So I give you a chance now. As you all know, our underground passage has covered an area of ​​more than ten kilometers. You can go out through the underground passage and find a way to survive again. Remember, you must make a choice this afternoon. Those who should go, leave, and those who want to stay, stay. I am not responsible for whether you go or stay, do you understand?"

After saying this, flowers bloomed again below, and the discussion was very complicated.

Everyone's mood is loss, disappointment, and even resentment.

I finally got a base, but I didn't expect it to end like this?

Some people hiding behind began to curse and curse in low voices, all directed at Meng Liang.

Meng Liang didn't know what he was talking about, but he could guess that human nature was not very great in the first place.

As the leader, he can use his powerful abilities to suppress them.

But now that he has brought disaster to them, they have forgotten everything.

He won't even have a memory of Meng Liang's past merits.

They will not admit that they were rescued to the base when they were about to starve to death. This is the fundamental nature of human beings and the filth of human nature.

Of course, some people still have doubts about whether Meng Liang is lying.

He may have felt that there were too many people at the base, so that's why.

So they were born to question, or inquire.

Meng Liang's majesty was still there, so they didn't dare to make mistakes.

"Lied to you? Huh, you all should know that I am preparing to expand the army. Anyway, what I said is true. I put my hand on my conscience and swear. As of sunset tonight, if you want to leave, leave as soon as possible. If you don't want to leave, hurry up. Don't scold me if you are trapped here. If there is anyone who resents me, I will be upset and kill you immediately! I have told you the truth and if you don't leave, then life and death are destiny and have nothing to do with me."

After Meng Liang said these words, he turned around and left, returning to the villa warehouse.

The chatter outside became louder.

Meng Liang let the wolf god, who looked like an adult husky, walk back and forth among the crowd and could hear their conversation.

The more I listened, the more disappointed I became.

They were not discussing whether to leave, but that Meng Liang should leave.

He was the one who caused the trouble, why should he let them go?

Meng Liang was really angry when he heard this.

This is my base. I didn’t ask for rent when I asked you to come, right?


It's all Baina's fault. Meng Liang originally inspired the idea of ​​establishing a four-party army. Now it seems that it is of no use.

A group of civilians who have undergone simple training, have no military qualities, and are not very loyal.

Maybe they are just loyal to their own hearts and not to anyone else.

Meng Liang slept with his eyes closed, ignoring these annoying things.

When I woke up, dusk had passed and it was dark.

Meng Liang went out and found Bai Na, and said with a smile:

"Hey, little sister, you didn't leave? Haha, what a surprise."

Bai Na's face was not good, and she said coldly:

"I worked hard to build this base, and asked me to give it up? Humph, I can't bear it."

"Okay, you finally told the truth, but this base also has half of mine, and I won't leave."

"Then stay and try to see if you can survive this disaster!"

"Okay, your choice, don't blame me when the time comes."

"I won't blame you! Irresponsible guy."

"By the way, how many people left?"

"There are more than 9,000 left."

"Ah? So few left?"

"Alas, most of them still have a fluke mentality, thinking that you may be lying. After all, it's the same outside. For most of them, it's very difficult to survive after leaving the base. So you should know that most of those who left are those who have some combat ability above level 10, and those with low combat ability can only hope to get through by luck."

Meng Liang nodded slowly, frowning tightly.

The safe house can't hold so many people, even if it can, it can't! If all 9,000 people are allowed to hide in the safe house, they will soon face a food crisis.

No! Another meeting must be held to drive more people away.

This is the end of the world, and plans can never keep up with changes.

The establishment of the Four-Party Legion can be retained, but the number of personnel is really not needed. At least we have to wait until we get through this crisis before considering other things.

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