Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0195 Kill it till it grows old

I should have been happy. Meng Liang's strength grew very fast. He reached level 50 in a few days, and he had almost 20,000 health and attacks.

However, Meng Liang couldn't be happy.

It was a challenge from real humans.

This side had become a zombie space, with level 1 zombies everywhere. They couldn't be killed, and they were constantly refreshing over there.

If this continued, even if I was tired, I would be exhausted to death. How could I be happy?

I didn't want to think about anything, just kill!

I couldn't open my eyes, I was sleepy.

I hadn't closed my eyes for several days and nights.

Meng Liang's head was dizzy.

Life had reached the most difficult moment.

Meng Liang remembered a lot, his home, his family, his hometown in the north, and his two-year marriage life with Qu Jiaolan.

It was not life, just a waste of time.

Because of fatigue, his blood volume began to decrease automatically, -1 per minute, not much, but this situation would definitely get worse.

It couldn't work, he had to find a place to rest, no matter what.

Meng Liang moved again and went to another dormitory building.

This time he lost 4,000 HP.

There was no other way, he almost swam here.

Zombies were everywhere, and the thickness of the pile on the ground was more than five meters. There was no place to land, so he could only swim in the pile of zombies, and finally reached the new building and hid in a room on the top floor.

He found a house here, and Meng Liang blocked all the doors and windows with things, so tightly that there was only space for a bed, and the rest of the place was full of obstacles, such as tables and wardrobes.

Meng Liang fell asleep in less than half a minute after lying on the bed.

Damn it, if you want to die, you die, he can't bear it.

This sleep was dark.

Meng Liang didn't know whether it was day or night when he fell asleep, his head was completely numb.

He didn't know when he woke up, anyway, it was pitch black all around.

Fortunately, the obstacles around him were still there, and no zombies came in, so he was still alive.

His body was sore, but his mind was finally much clearer.

Meng Liang took great pains to remove the obstruction and made a gap at the window.

The glass had already shattered.

This was the top floor, and there were zombies piled up outside.

Meng Liang took out a short knife and stabbed outside.

Stabbed a few times and killed the zombies outside.

The corpse would not leave, dead is dead.

It was still pitch black around, and nothing could be seen.

Meng Liang left in frustration, put the obstruction back on, and moved towards the door.

After removing the obstruction in this direction, Meng Liang ran to the door and opened it.

This side was okay, although the living room outside was also full of zombies.

But at least there was no accumulation.

Meng Liang climbed out and was immediately surrounded and swallowed by zombies.

He climbed and killed while finally leaving the living room and reaching the corridor of the building.

This side was also full of zombies, but there was no accumulation.

Meng Liang climbed over the zombies' heads and reached the end of the corridor. There were windows here, and many zombies climbed over the windows.

Take a look outside.

My goodness, the whole community is full of zombies!

Not the ground of the community, but all the small high-rise buildings in the community are full of zombies. It is estimated that there are millions of zombies piled up nearby.

Meng Liang's eyes flickered and his mood was complicated.

So many zombies, how can he kill them?

"Beast roar paralysis!"

Meng Liang used the war beast ability, and all the zombies around him were immediately paralyzed.

Meng Liang took advantage of the opportunity to stand up, jumped onto the roof, and took a breath on the building.

"Meng Liang! Meng Liang! Wuuwuwu!"

In the distance, on the roof of another building, Chen Mei'er cried and shouted.

Meng Liang was in a rare mood to see her.

"Haha, you're not dead yet, how long have I slept?"

"I don't know! I don't have a watch, the sun rises and sets, it's probably at least fifteen or sixteen hours, I'm so worried! Woohoo, I've killed zombies to level 29, Meng Liang, we're done, dead!"

Meng Liang was really desperate, but seeing Chen Mei'er alive, his mood improved, and he was not so disappointed.

"Shut up, gossip, isn't she still alive? Hehe, real humans are amazing, they can control data infinitely, but as long as I'm not dead, I'll always come out on top."

"But what should I do now?"

"What else can I do, kill it, kill it forever!"

Meng Liang felt that he couldn't be impatient, things were already like this, there was no other way but to kill.

Fortunately, the system removed the toxicity of the zombies, otherwise he would have probably become a zombie long ago.

Now the zombies are piled up at the same level as the tops of the buildings. There is no room for development outside, but there are still some inside the buildings, because although there are zombies inside, they are not full.

Meng Liang patiently started to work.

He took great pains to enter each room and move out all the things inside.

He used everything, quilts, desks, cabinets, chairs, etc.

Meng Liang also found a lot of ropes and wires, and then tore the sheets and curtains into strips.

This is a sea of ​​corpses.

Since it is a sea, he needs a boat.

Meng Liang connected everything with ropes, wires and cloth strips, and made a square with a length of about five meters and a width of five meters.

It is not big, but Meng Liang’s requirement for it is that it is strong and will not fall apart no matter how he does it.

After it was done, Meng Liang used his 100 times human strength to pull it up and threw it on the pile of zombies.

This thing can really be used as a boat.

Meng Liang jumped on it.

The zombies below moved their hands and feet wildly, screaming desperately, providing power for the boat, pushing this thing on the pile of zombies.

Chen Mei'er didn't know what Meng Liang was busy doing on the roof. When she saw it, she couldn't help but cover her mouth with her hands, shocked.

It was sunset at this time. Meng Liang stood on the raft under the afterglow, being pushed by the zombies. What a magnificent scene.

Meng Liang took out a knife and tried to kill the zombies, and gradually found a pattern.

For example, if you kill the zombies on the left, the power on the left will weaken, and the power of the zombies on the right will still be there, and the boat will turn to the left.

The speed cannot be adjusted, but the boat will always move forward.

After a while, Meng Liang got the boat to the building on Chen Mei'er's side.

"Haha! Jump over quickly."


Chen Mei'er jumped onto the boat, standing unsteadily, and threw herself directly on Meng Liang.

Meng Liang has adapted to the bumpy boat and can support her.

However, Meng Liang did not suffer any loss, and said:

"Do I know you well? Let go, don't you know that men and women should not touch each other?"

"Meng Liang! Don't be like this, it was my fault before, I will apologize to you, okay? We are now in the same boat, I don't regret coming out with you at all, I am willing to follow you, you are a hero, you are not an ordinary son-in-law, it's all my fault, I didn't see through you before, I was wrong! Woo woo woo!"

Chen Mei'er hugged Meng Liang shamelessly and kept crying.

She must have been a little excited, so she said this.

Meng Liang was calmer because of her.

Looking up at the sunset and the endless sea of ​​corpses under the sunset, Meng Liang's mouth corners rose.

"It's fierce, don't cry, what else can you say at this point? Live! It's good to be alive!"

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