Meng Liang never dreamed that the woman who appeared in front of him was actually the little cook Pan Li! What about that man?

Could it be the gardener Luo Dacheng?

Scenes from the past emerged before my eyes.

An honest little woman, a little man that the philistines hate.

They are a couple from the countryside.

It seems that he is a musician who entered with him.

Luo Dacheng came first, and after farming well, Lu Anke agreed to let his wife come too.

After the end of the world, Meng Liang once divided Luo Dacheng and Pan Li into two spaces.

At that time, Pan Li's helplessness and Luo Dacheng's annoyance were still vivid in her mind.

Later Luo Dacheng was convinced and divorced Pan Li.

And Pan Li seemed to have some strange apologies for Meng Liang, and her eyes when she looked at Meng Liang were full of this emotion.

So how is it possible?

How could Pan Li and Luo Dacheng be real humans?

"You brat! You're quite difficult to deal with!"

He kicked Meng Liang on the back, causing Meng Liang great pain.

That was Luo Dacheng's kick.

Pan Li still squatted in front of Meng Liang, frowned and raised her head and said:

"Kick him for what?"

"Hey, what's going on? You can't bear it after seeing me in person? Humph, you don't really have feelings for a virtual human, do you?"

"Hey, I'm afraid it's not me who has feelings.

Pan Li smiled and lowered her head, then looked at Meng Liang again, her face was so close that the tip of her nose was almost touching Meng Liang's. Then he said softly and gently:

"I'm afraid that it's true that someone has feelings for me, right? Meng Liang, you prefer me and Zhao Meng'er, right? Gentle, virtuous, and silly, but Zhao Meng'er has a low emotional intelligence, and I She is a married woman, so you are afraid of it. But if you had to choose, besides Qu Jielan, you would like us the most, right?"

Meng Liang said nothing.

He lost the ability to speak.

Even if he could, he wouldn't answer.

He would never admit that he was so simple when it came to relationships, yet he was seen through by the seemingly innocent and cute Pan Li.

And she is obviously all pretending, her real intelligence is very smart because she is a real human being!

At this time, Leiter and Luo Dacheng began to communicate.

"The first world of the Seventh Virtual System is a difficult place. It is a time-space world built completely independently by the enemy. We do not own many parameters. Moreover, the enemy cleverly added anti-program execution capabilities to the world system. To put it simply, That is to say, the more we interfere, the stronger the world becomes and the weaker we become.

Now a comprehensive battle against the enemy has begun, and the end of the world has begun in various virtual worlds. However, there has been no explanation from the top officials on how to achieve victory, so every world is important!

The order I received is that I cannot use parameter abilities casually in World No. 1 of the Seventh Virtual System, so I have been hiding as an ordinary person before! Until this guy showed up!

Humph, the betrayer brought him back two years ago. I don’t know why the betrayer brought him, but there must be something weird about this man. Pan Li and I kept observing, but in the end we had no clues.

After the doomsday broke out, we found that this kid was very easy to upgrade and become stronger. The system would always open some copies that were beneficial to him, as if God was helping him out of nowhere.

You must know that we have also set certain limiting parameters in this world. It stands to reason that everyone's opportunities should be fair. We don't know why he was the only one who was surprised. We guess that this is the reason why the betrayer found him. What the secret is, we still can’t figure out. "

Meng Liang listened carefully to Luo Dacheng's words.

A new term comes to mind.


After thinking about it, he estimated that this betrayer was his father-in-law.

There was something special about him, so he was brought into the Qu family, just like what he had analyzed before.

But what this special feature is, real humans don’t know.

The father-in-law should be a betrayer of real humans. He is a real human being, so he cannot be dead. Perhaps he is hiding somewhere in the real world at this moment, but he just cannot return to the first world of the seventh system.

This news should be considered good news. At least there is a real human being on his side.

No, not one actual human being, but several.

The betrayers should be a group.

They are a group of traitorous people among real humans.

Over there, Luo Dacheng continued to talk.

"He has become so powerful that he far surpasses other beings in that world. I reported this matter and finally got an order to change some parameters to deal with him.

Alas, the method of dealing with it is ridiculous. I can't kill him directly, I can only surround him with countless level 1 zombies.

As a result, the system came out to cause trouble again and actually changed the parameters of the zombies, making them lose their toxicity. Oh, I'm tired. I'm thinking about asking for instructions again and getting something else to deal with this virtual person, but you know what? The bureaucrats don't care about these things at all. They still think that everything is just data, and they don't think that virtual people are flesh and blood at all. "

"Hey, Luo Dacheng, those people have never lived in a virtual world, how can they know what the virtual world is like?"

"Yeah, so I have no chance to pass on Meng Liang's information. Those people are really annoying."

"I called you here to discuss how to kill this virtual human. I can't kill him in my world. As long as his original parameters are not there, I can't kill him."

Luo Dacheng was upset when he heard this and said:

"Similarly, in my world, I can't kill him by changing parameters. I don't have his parameters.

In World No. 1 of the Seventh System, everyone has limited abilities, and the same is true for real humans. You must upgrade or complete tasks to gain abilities there. My ability there cannot beat Meng Liang. I want to kill him. He's tough!

So I applied for permission, used the power of parameters, and tried to trap him to death. Didn’t this fail? "

"Ah! Is that so? So there's no chance of killing him?"

"Yes, we can only send him back to the zombie pile, which means let him complete his mission here.

The so-called countless zombies I spawned there actually numbered one billion, and they would completely wrap up Meng Liang.

Although it doesn't seem to kill him at once, you can trap it there. Eventually, his food will run out and he will die.

It's just that we don't have the means to kill him actively. His life and death in that world all depends on his fate.

We can't be completely about it, and neither can the system. "

"How could this happen? The enemy could actually design such a space world?"

Leiter looked annoyed.

Meng Liang couldn't speak or move, but after hearing Luo Dacheng's words, he wanted to laugh, laughing crazily.

very good!

Does it all depend on fate?

Then the saying "I can't help but decide my fate" seems to be just right for now.

Well, he must live! must!

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