Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0242 The script has changed

Meng Liang is really talking nonsense. In fact, it’s mainly because I have a burden on my heart.

If you kill someone's younger brother, this woman is your imaginary enemy, and she will probably be killed as well.

But Meng Liang couldn't bear to see such a pitiful beauty.

That's why they joke like this.

If a very ugly man said this, he would definitely be acting like a hooligan.

But the problem is that Meng Liang is not only not ugly, but also quite handsome.

And Meng Liang looks very much like Zhou Wenhui's first love.

Also, Longan completely forced Zhou Wenhui to do so, and Zhou Wenhui hated Longan from the bottom of her heart.

I even thought he was disgusting.

Zhou Wenhui is not normal now. It is when she is most vulnerable, weak and helpless.

She felt her life was stagnant and longed for change.

Anyway, the combination of many factors prevented Zhou Wenhui from getting angry. She just turned red and looked at Meng Liang with a frown.

Meng Liang was stunned by her appearance.

"What's wrong? Don't believe what I said?"

"You can't believe what a man says."

"Haha, I'm very sincere. Your name is Zhou Wenhui, right? It's a good name. I don't care if you call me sister-in-law, just call it Wenhui. What did you do before the end?"

"Teacher, junior high school teacher."

Meng Liang was a little surprised.

After all, he is still a role model.

She didn't look like the violent look she had just now.

Alas, I don’t blame her. It’s hard to avoid being emotional after the death of my own brother. I blame myself for saying that.

Meng Liang felt somewhat guilty when he thought of this.

"Haha, the teacher is very good"

"Come with me, let's talk somewhere else. There are so many people here."

"Oh eh?"

Meng Liang was a little dumbfounded.

What happened?

Why is the plot like this?

What does Zhou Wenhui mean?

He was such a gangster, why did she react like this?

Meng Liang was really curious.

Then go and see her.

Anyway, he was going to find the longan. Now that he has the ability to enhance his hearing, if he follows Zhou Wenhui, he might be able to find the longan.

"Take her with you."

Zhou Wenhui pointed at the ugly woman on the ground and spoke.

Meng Liang directly pulled her away.

The two of them walked not far before entering the woods.

There are woods everywhere here, and it was originally a residential city transformed from the mountains.

Meng Liang didn't see the whole place, so he didn't know its majesty.

The outer perimeter is a wall with a height of more than ten meters. There are crenellations on the corridor and reinforcements are used.

Plenty of forest land in the mountains was cut down, and houses and pavilions were built one after another opposite Pingtan.

The trees were not cut down, but were intertwined with the buildings, forming a special living area for 50,000 people.

In fact, there are far more than 50,000 people. This was just two months ago.

Almost a few hundred survivors would flee here every day, sometimes more than a thousand. In the past two months, the population of this place might have exceeded 100,000.

But after all, no one counts.

People heard about this place from far away places, so they came one after another, thinking that they could reach the Pure Land of Doomsday. After entering, they discovered that this place turned out to be a hell on earth.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be hell.

When people are in a group, they will always strive to get ahead first. If there is no foundation, they can also use the power of others to become a lackey, a slave of a noble leader, and their status is higher than that of the refugees.

Accept the reality, pretend to be powerful, and slowly become prosperous. What was originally a hell, turns out to be a paradise, and this transformation is often very fast, living for a few days and a month.

For a woman, it's just a matter between the beds.

Meng Liang followed Zhou Wenhui walking left and right, and finally arrived at an area of ​​houses that looked a little dilapidated.

Entering a cabin, there are two rooms.

The outside is a cooking area and the inside is a small bedroom.

It's very small, probably only about twenty square meters.

Zhou Wenhui asked Meng Liang to put the ugly woman on the ground, then hooked her hands and pulled her into the bedroom.

The bedroom was just a wooden bed with no big windows. There was a ventilation hole with a side length of about ten centimeters, which was actually a light hole.

Apart from a bed, there were no other big items in the room. There were quite a few small things, miscellaneous. There was a small table, and all these things were placed on the table.

"This is Aunt Wang's home. It's very safe. Come up and take a look."

While talking, Zhou Wenhui had already climbed onto the bed with her butt stuck out.

Although the room was very dark, the sun was shining brightly today, and the light coming in did not affect the view.

Meng Liang's back was turned to Zhou Wenhui, and she was kneeling there, looking very seductive.

Zhou Wenhui turned around and saw Meng Liang looking directly behind her, his face slightly red, and he said:

"Don't look at me. Come up and look outside."


Meng Liang hurriedly climbed onto the bed and leaned against Zhou Wenhui.

It turned out that he was letting himself look out through the small light-transmitting opening.

Meng Liang looked over and was shocked.

This is actually halfway up the mountain.

From here you can see all the buildings below.

The roof is flush with the tree crown, which looks so spectacular.

If it were placed before the end of the world, this would definitely be a huge spectacle. If you can sell tickets, there will definitely be many people coming to see it.

"is it nice?"

Zhou Wenhui spoke softly.


It was indeed good-looking, but Meng Liang was not in the mood to enjoy it because the plot was completely different from what he thought.

He teased her with all sorts of nonsense, and she challenged him, and then he took advantage of the situation to take her down, forced her to tell him the whereabouts of Longyan, and went to catch Longyan, and asked him to organize people to escort him and all his family members down the mountain and return to the troubled town, and that was it.

But what's wrong with this woman?

Not only did she not go against him, but she also looked like she had met a good friend.

Is it that women in the doomsday are so easy to tease?

Even if he was full of lies and his acting skills were poor, he could still tease her?

This is simply unimaginable.

Zhou Wenhui sat in the corner of the bed, leaning against the wooden board.

This house is made of wooden boards, a thin layer.

In fact, it's a bit cold for today's weather.

This is, Zhou Wenhui said something.

"Aunt Wang's house is my secret base, Meng Liang, did you have a secret base when you were a child?"

"Uh, yes."

Indeed, there was a huge pile of sand, and a group of children dug a pit on it.

They just lay in the pit and looked at the sky, aiming their wooden guns at the surroundings. The sand pile was more than ten meters high, and there was no one around. They were very comfortable and happy there.

Meng Liang suddenly realized when he thought of this.

This place was Zhou Wenhui's happy place, and she would not be happy if she left this place.

It meant that she was very annoyed living here.

Zhou Wenhui sighed and began to tell her story after the end of the world.

In fact, it was very simple. She ran out of the city with her brother and a dozen students, wandered in the wilderness, and finally arrived at the Dunjia Fortress.

As soon as they entered, they were captured by Longyan.

"He coerced me, saying that as long as I obeyed him, he could protect several girls among my students, all of whom were junior high school students, about 14 or 15 years old."

At this point, Zhou Wenhui burst into tears.

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