Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0248 The Sincerity of Dunjia

Meng Liang said this to attract Chen Mei'er's attention. Chen Mei'er really shifted her attention away from Luo Yuhuan, and after asking around, she found out what was going on.

Meng Liang's narration was very comprehensive, including his own feelings.

Chen Mei'er listened calmly for a while, and finally understood what Meng Liang meant.

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He was not reluctant to kill her because she was a beauty, but out of consideration for human nature.

This is normal, no one is born a bad person, Chen Mei'er is not, and Meng Liang is even less likely to be.

"Well, anyway, I killed her, so at worst, let her seek revenge on me."

Chen Mei'er did not intend to give Meng Liang any advice, and only said this.

Meng Liang said with a smile:

"If she dares to threaten you, I will kill her immediately. I can still tell which is more important."

"Then let her go into the city. Isn't it dangerous for a woman to be outside?"

Chen Mei'er was quite sympathetic.

"Don't worry. Didn't I say that everything depends on her own choice?"

"Hubby, I don't think you did this because of her beauty, right?"

Chen Mei'er decided to confirm it again.

She actually believed in Meng Liang all along.

However, Meng Liang's performance with Luo Yuhuan was not very good, which made Chen Mei'er lose some confidence.

No matter how good Meng Liang was in her eyes, he was a man after all. He could be relied on in any aspect, but he didn't seem to be completely trustworthy in terms of women.

"Haha, of course, she is not as pretty as you two? Okay, okay, we were best friends before, don't argue, sister, I can make peace with you, what else can you argue with her?"

"You can sleep with me, can she?"

Chen Mei'er spoke with her head held high.

Meng Liang was speechless.

He found that Chen Mei'er could really say some profound words that made him unable to refute at all.

Just when Meng Liang was speechless, he didn't expect Luo Yuhuan to say something.

"If she can make you sleep, so can I!"

Meng Liang coughed for a while, speechless, this silly woman.

Chen Mei'er's words sounded profound and thought-provoking.

Luo Yuhuan's words were just hooliganism, not at the same level, okay?

Seeing that she was still holding her shoulders and looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, no wonder Chen Mei'er wanted to beat her. Women would really hate her when they saw this look, but men would really like it when they saw it.

Just when Meng Liang wanted to make trouble with the two women for a while, someone came outside and told Meng Liang that Dunjia Fortress sent a representative to meet.

So fast.

Meng Liang was a little surprised, but since he came, he would meet him.

Meng Liang asked the two women not to quarrel, and went to the living room himself and asked someone to bring the visitor.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the man was finally brought.

He looked like a monkey with pointed cheeks, and he knelt down directly when he saw Meng Liang.

"Hello, sir. I am Li Changyang, a subordinate of Wei Meng. I am assigned by the leaders of the eight alliances to send a list of gifts and ask you to help us break through the bottleneck!

The bosses have discussed it. Now the world is too dangerous. Hehe, you went up the mountain to teach the bosses over there a lesson. They think that Benshan should prosper together and suffer together.

Since the boss wants to do business, then everyone will do this business with you. As long as you can help everyone break through the bottleneck of level 29, everyone will give their all to satisfy you.

Look, sir, I brought a list. This is Benshan's sincerity."

This kid is very straightforward and has no ink.

Meng Liang nodded and asked him to send it over.

It was just a piece of paper with good words on it, clearly writing what they were willing to give.

Meng Liang narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw it.

Yo yo yo, it's really good, really sincere.

Artifact Yintian:

Synthetic component Huantian Douchi, ultra-long-range single-target attack weapon, true damage 3000, attack range 5 kilometers

Synthetic component Yanque, lock target within 10 kilometers

Artifact Damo:

Synthetic component Zhutian, sand control ability, making sand ever-changing.

Synthetic component Shayan, can summon sand, infinite number, limited speed

Artifact Kui Niang:

Synthetic component Kui Niang's body, gives the holder a powerful charm ability

Meng Liang estimated that if he collected these things, his existing artifacts might be almost complete.

In addition to these, there is also Tiandihuang, the soul of weeping blood.

Meng Liang was really moved, so that he could summon the soul of weeping blood!

Haha, this group of people really know what they want.

Li Changyang had been watching Meng Liang's expression and found that he seemed a little happy, so he smiled and said:

"Our treasures are already the best on the mountain!

Alas, if it weren't for breaking through the bottleneck, no one would be willing to take them out. You are a 120-level strongman in the 1st level realm. You have proved your strength with killing. The name of Tyrant Butcher is now well-known on the mountain. Everyone is really afraid of you, so they are eager to upgrade to get better abilities.

Hehe, to be honest, no one dares to come. I got it by drawing lots."

Li Changyang said with a smile, looking wretched.

Meng Liang also smiled and said:

"Tyrant Butcher? Is this name given to me?"

"Everyone calls you that. If you don't like it, I'll go back and tell them not to call you that anymore!"

"I killed so many people in the mountain. Did I make enemies?"

"No, no, you killed them well! You don't know that Ming Bagui's people are all desperate criminals. There is no good person. It can be said that they are evil. They all went up the mountain alone to gather under Ming Bagui. They have no relatives or friends, and no one is willing to avenge them. Naturally, no one hates you."

"Oh? No way, no one hates you? There are other people in Ming Bagui, right?"

"Sir, I said that they are all a group of evil people, big bad guys. Not long after you left, the power of Ming Bagui no longer existed in Dunjia Fortress. Your hatred is over."

Meng Liang frowned and looked at Li Changyang, and finally nodded slowly.

Very good, this is the end of the world, the strong prey on the weak.

I was still upset about killing people, but these guys had already divided and eaten my enemies.

Although they may not have killed many people, they were vicious and took advantage of the fact that Ming Bagui's strength was greatly reduced to divide their property.

So there is no good or evil at the end of the world. No matter what the situation or who the person is, just kill him, just like a hungry tiger pouncing on food. Food is never worthy of pity, because it is born for the eater, and everything is God's will.

"Okay, go back and tell all those who need to break through the bottleneck to come here with the things to be sent. I can tell you how to break through the bottleneck."

"Really? Thank you so much! Thank you, sir!"

Li Changyang nodded excitedly.

Meng Liang asked him to leave.

It's nothing, just an exchange.

Not long after, thirty-two people arrived, all of whom were level 29 fighters of the Eight-Directions Alliance.

What surprised Meng Liang was that many of these people were not the leaders of the alliance.

It seems that most of them are still afraid of the alliance, so the leaders dare not come, but only send other masters to get the way to break through the bottleneck.

Meng Liang didn't care. He collected all the equipment and was happy to see that it was equivalent to having several more abilities. He would go back and test it.


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