Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0250 Chen Meier becomes Yang Zhupo

Meng Liang took Zhou Wenhui directly to the room, found some clothes for her to wear, and then took her outside and introduced them to each other. Very straightforward.

"This is Chen Mei'er who killed your brother. This is Zhou Wenhui I told you about. This is Luo Yuhuan. You two can get to know each other."

Zhou Wenhui and Chen Mei'er looked at each other. The look in their eyes was extremely complicated.

Meng Liang couldn't see through it, and felt that it was not good, so he said again:

"Let me make it clear to you, Zhou Wenhui. I let you in here just out of pity, not apology. Your brother is against me, so he deserves to die. I asked Mei'er to do it, so if you want to be cruel, you have to hate me."

Zhou Wenhui lowered her head and said softly:

"No more hatred. I don't hate anyone. I just want to live."

Her voice was too calm, and it seemed that she had calmed down.

Meng Liang did not trust her.

"Chen Mei'er is my woman. Now that you are here, I will arrange a house for you. You can live there and I will find someone to take care of you."

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Zhou Wenhui raised her head again and looked at Meng Liang.

"I see there is an empty room here."

"It is better to keep some distance."

Meng Liang made a decision and called Guo Jing to arrange a place for Zhou Wenhui.

He was not afraid that Zhou Wenhui would do something bad to him. The key was to protect Chen Mei'er.

So Zhou Wenhui was taken away and never looked at Chen Mei'er again.

Chen Meier came over and pouted:

"Hmph, this chick hasn't forgotten her brother's hatred, and now she hates me. I can see it from her eyes. Husband, if she wants to deal with me, can you kill her?"

"Of course! I'll kill her!"

"Won't be tempted by beauty?"

"Tsk, am I that kind of person, Meng Liang?"

Meng Liang said righteously.

Chen Meier frowned and looked at him, somewhat distrustful.

At this moment, Luo Yuhuan went into the kitchen and took out the egg custard she made by herself.

"Brother-in-law, this is my specialty, come and try it."

Chen Meier got angry when she saw Luo Yuhuan's appearance.

But she didn't show it, she just felt that the situation she was in now was a bit of internal and external troubles.

However, she didn't know how to solve this problem, after all, she was not justified.

After eating, Chen Meier took Meng Liang back to the room directly.

They didn't talk about anything, just went to bed.

Chen Meier was crazy that night, Meng Liang didn't know why.

Finally, they hugged each other tiredly, and Meng Liang frowned and said:

"What's wrong today? I feel that you are a little different."

"This is my power."


"Sleeping with you is my power. We are not husband and wife, but we have been sleeping with each other. I can't ask you not to be uninterested in other women, but I can ask to sleep with you. This is the only right I have, and I need to cherish it!"

Meng Liang understood that she was jealous, and she was insecure.

"Okay, okay, I promise that I will never abandon you in my life, unless you are tired of me, go to sleep, and I have something to do tomorrow morning."

Meng Liang didn't want to make too many promises.

To be precise, he wanted to promise, but he was afraid that he couldn't do it.

There are too many variables in the doomsday, and all he can do is to try to make Chen Mei'er feel happy.

Maybe he was too outgoing after meeting Luo Yuhuan. For Chen Mei'er, he can be more conservative, at least for a period of time.

The two slept in each other's arms on the night of the doomsday. When he woke up in the morning, Meng Liang's chest was wet. It might be Chen Mei'er's tears, which made Meng Liang feel distressed.

It is not easy for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

Every woman longs to be alone for the rest of her life. After all, this is modern times, not ancient times.

Meng Liang showed his manly virtue and did not bother about feelings.

He went outside to make breakfast, put it on the bed for Chen Meier, and fed her personally.

He did not talk about being unhappy, but just smiled and felt sick.

Chen Meier felt the warmth, and after a while of getting up, she finally became a little bird.

In order to make her happy, Meng Liang called her his wife for the first time.

Chen Meier was stunned when she heard it, and she actually cried with joy.

Meng Liang put the roasted ham sausage into her mouth and scolded:

"Little bitch, why are you crying? Tears are so worthless."

"You're still crying!"

"My dear wife, is the ham sausage I made for you delicious?"

"Not delicious, a cheap brand, too much flour, not meaty."

"Haha, it's been eight months since the apocalypse, I'm afraid the meaty ham sausage has gone bad and expired."

"Hubby, can we build a pig farm here? I want to do ham sausage business."

"Hehe, funny, of course, but where can I get pigs?"

This is indeed a big problem, there seems to be no pigs in this place.

"Aren't you going to do business with them? A place as big as Dunjia Fortress must have all kinds of livestock, ask them for some."

"Okay! I will definitely build a pig farm for you."

"Order chickens, ducks, geese, and everything else, to lay eggs."

Seeing Chen Mei'er's fussy look, Meng Liang thought of her in the past.

Oh, yes, she likes meat the most, and she is the type who dares to eat without getting fat.


Well, Chen Meier is also very cute. She is her own woman now, not the little girl she used to be, and she will also make plans for living at home.

"Okay, I will ask them for it when I go there!"

"Yes, but I don't know how to raise it."

"Find a few people to work for you and let them support you."

"Okay! Then ask for more."

The two hugged each other and laughed, and their feelings sublimated in an instant.

Maybe there was not much love at the beginning, but after spending a hard six months together, the couple's life was very good, and finally love arose.

Chen Mei'er has fallen in love with Meng Liang.

It's not that Meng Liang doesn't love Chen Mei'er.

After a while of being together, Meng Liang left and went to see Li Changyang and directly put forward the conditions.

Li Changyang showed a bitter face.

"Sir, there are not even 100 pigs in the entire Dunjia base, and we need 100 chickens, ducks and geese each. This is impossible for us. Let's do this, 20 pigs, 50 chickens, ducks and geese each, but we also have conditions."


"I think you are a real person. You should have seen that the masters of our alliance leaders have not come yet. They are mainly afraid of being killed by you. After all, your reputation as a tyrant butcher is too scary, and we are really afraid. So if we can successfully break through the bottleneck, I hope you can also help our bosses."

"Yes, yes, no problem."

"Okay, I'll send someone back to get it!"

Li Changyang is also a straightforward person.

Sent people back and forth to get what Meng Liang wanted.

Meng Liang handed these to Guo Da and asked him to find 20 people under Chen Mei'er's leadership to help Chen Mei'er raise them.

Chen Mei'er smiled when she saw these livestock.

Meng Liang pinched her cheek and said:

"These things are too difficult to raise in the apocalypse. If we want to go back in the future, we will probably have to throw them away. If they are bitten by zombies on the way and become zombie pigs, zombie chickens, ducks and geese, let's see what you can do."

"Hate it, if you really want to leave, just eat them all."

After that, Chen Mei'er started to get people to build various livestock pens.

Meng Liang chuckled and went back to find Li Changyang and his people, took them out of the city, and prepared to tell them how to break through the bottleneck.

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