Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0266: One Rider Against a Thousand

In a flash of light, Meng Liang and everyone else returned from the game world. This trip was so bizarre that everyone couldn't help but talk about it. They actually entered a world of League of Legends characters. They all thought it was too ridiculous. This was because they all didn't know the existence of the virtual world and couldn't explain it.

Soon, people's attention was attracted to their surroundings, and then they remembered that they were trapped in a high-rise building, and there were countless zombies piled up around them.

Now it's broken. I've left the game world but am still in the tiger's den. What should I do?

In fact, they knew nothing from the beginning to the end. How did they complete the task? After thinking about it, it seems that it can only be because of Meng Liang.

Li Changyang walked to Meng Liang and smiled flatteringly.

"Sir, Gao! You completed the last mission, right? You brought us out. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. It's an equal exchange. Now we don't owe each other anything."

"Yes, yes, ah, but we still have some bosses in our family."

"You want me to take them through the dungeon and come up with something more powerful. If there's nothing I like, I'm sorry, but I don't plan to enter the dungeon easily again."

It's been a blessing in disguise several times in a row, but disaster always comes.

Meng Liang was afraid that one time he would not be so lucky.

Now that he knows the whole story, Meng Liang knows that he must continue to work hard to upgrade like crazy without stopping.

Therefore, you are the best in your own world. Nothing is as important as high level and high combat power. Just upgrade and don’t want to enter dungeons again.

Meng Liang took out his weapon and smiled at the people around him:

"There's nothing to say now, just get out."

"Kill out?"

"Kill out!"

"Kill out"

The three words Meng Liang said when several people met again had different meanings.

How to kill this?

They were trapped on the roof of the seventh floor of Fengyuan Community. There were zombies piled up all around. There were zombies scattered throughout the community. There must be thousands of them, right? It's impossible to get out.

Meng Liang didn't stop talking nonsense, so he took the knife and walked downstairs.

Wei Hongmian hurriedly walked to Li Changyang and whispered:

"Cousin, let's follow him. I think this guy is really powerful."

"I also know that he is powerful. Well, there is no other way for us to go without following him."

A group of people obviously trusted Meng Liang more than when they came, so they went down one after another and followed Meng Liang.

Meng Liang's face was very calm, weren't there just a few thousand zombies?

Second skill Beast God Half Moon Slash

The attack carries a half-moon blade, affects a five-meter range, presents a 270-degree fan, and the attack power is 10% of the total attack.

Meng Liang now has 120,000 attack power, which means that Half Moon Slash can cause a one-time output of 12,000 damage to each target.

This can basically kill most zombies instantly.

Half Moon Slash is Meng Liang's group attack skill. It covers a range of five meters and a 270-degree fan. It is no problem to kill more than a dozen zombies at once.

When the zombies are all piled up, twenty of them can be killed at once.

Therefore, Meng Liang has no fear. Now he has no other choice but to kill him.

Walking down to the fourth floor, you encounter zombies here. Meng Liang kills several of them with one knife.

Then he arrived at the third floor. After cleaning up the zombies, Meng Liang opened the window.

There are many zombies climbing on each other's bodies and stacking up together. It looks really disgusting, as if clothes were thrown out of a dryer, entangled with each other and inseparable.

And this is not clothes, but a living body.

After Meng Liang opened the window, he directly swung the Half Moon Slash. The light wave of the sword slashed across the five-meter-wide fan, killing 32 zombies.

The reason why Meng Liang was able to grasp this number quickly was because there was a prompt sound, which counted the number of kills each time Half Moon Slash killed.

Very good, the zombies are very dense, so you kill more.

Meng Liang just lay on the third floor window sill and killed him.

The more dead there are, the stronger the bloody smell will be, which will inspire other zombies to attack.

Meng Liang has no fear. He accumulates killing intent points through constant killing. He can use Desert Guyan's ability to blow up part of the approaching zombies and then kill the other part, thus preventing zombies from accumulating in large numbers in a short period of time.

On average, Meng Liang can kill 20 zombies at a time.

After 100 Half-Moon Slashes, there were all corpses under the window, and the living zombies were trapped in this pile of corpses, making it difficult to move forward.

Meng Liang didn't dare to be careless at all, so he kept taking action.

The pile had reached the third floor, so Meng Liang went to the fourth floor to continue killing.

After doing this, we will end up on the fourth floor. No zombies can come up, only the mountain of body parts piled up on this side.

Meng Liang saw that they were almost killed, so he went into a bedroom to get a quilt and a rope.

He wrapped the quilt around himself, tied his legs with a rope, and pulled the top of the quilt with both hands to form a cylinder to wrap his body. Then Meng Liang revealed his head, looked at the people around him and smiled:

"You'd better follow my method and wrap yourself up. Now a slope has formed. It's impossible to go down because I'm not sure if there are living zombies in this pile of limbs. It's a good choice to roll down. I'll go down I will only wait for five minutes. If you don’t get out, I will leave on my own.”

After saying that, Meng Liang jumped out of the window.

Everyone was dumbfounded at first, wondering how Meng Liang could kill zombies so easily. No matter what level he killed, he was just like chopping vegetables.

Oh, Meng Liang is a 1st level strongman, with a very high level, so he is strong.

But isn't this too strong?

Seeing that there are more than 30 zombies among them, it is just a matter of one knife for Meng Liang. This is too easy and unimaginable.

Even though I know that Meng Liang is very strong, I still can't imagine it.

Thousands of zombies collapsed in front of them. They rushed over to die. Such a battle has never been experienced.

Seeing Meng Liang run away, a group of people immediately panicked.

They realized that they could only survive by following Meng Liang.

It's not that there is no danger. There are still zombies under the pile.

Meng Liang killed more than 30 zombies like cutting cabbage, but more than 30 zombies are BOSS for others. Several people may not be able to beat them.

So they hurried to find quilts, followed Meng Liang's operation, jumped out of the window one by one, and then rolled down the slope.

Meng Liang had landed safely, got up and continued to chop the zombies coming.

After waiting for only three minutes, everyone came.

A few of the timid ones turned pale with fear, but compared with the fear of falling, they were more afraid of not being able to keep up with Meng Liang, so they worked very hard to catch up, and finally rushed out of the community.

When he got to the street, Meng Liang became more ferocious, killing zombies with a knife in one hand. When he encountered some abandoned cars along the way, Meng Liang went over and grabbed the base of the car and threw it out, smashing it at those intersections, so that the zombies could not pass through, and also blocked the intersection, so that the subsequent zombies could not reach.

Meng Liang's speed did not slow down at all when doing such things. He didn't need other people to do anything at all, and Meng Liang rushed out of the encirclement of zombies fiercely.

The doomsday began to become interesting. Meng Liang got a safe house at the beginning, but it was not until today that he got the real golden finger. This golden finger can have a name, called - One Rider to a Thousand!

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