Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0295: Tyrant's Territory

After landing on the shore, the group quickly entered the forest. ơɱThe terrain of this place is like this, a big river with mountains on both sides, leading into distant mountains and swallowing dense forests, a vast river.

They looked back as they ran.

All the people behind him came ashore and kept chasing him.

Song Sanniang was right, she really wanted to kill them all.

"Shoot! Shoot, they're there!"

Gunshots were heard from behind, and some people were injured after being beaten. Even if they were not dead, they did not have the strength to run away.

Song Sanniang stared at it.

"Jiu'er, you take the others and run away first! I'll go and break up the queen!"

"Mom! Don't go!"

Deng Jiuer turned around and shouted anxiously, but Song Sanniang had already turned back.

When she arrived at Chen Pant's side, Song Sanniang didn't expect that Chen Pant would take action and pull her back.

"No need to cut off the queen! It's too dangerous. They all have guns and are higher level than you. If you can't do it, walk quickly!"

"No! We can't run away like this."

"Go there! Go to that forest camp! It's not far, as long as we run there hard."

Of course Song Sanniang knew what Chen Pantai was talking about.

Couldn't help but shake his head and said:

"No, it's more dangerous over there. I heard that the camp is closed. They have already spread the word, and trespassers will be killed. It seems that they have always done this. Many intruders have been killed by them. We You’ll die if you go there!”

"Sanniang, listen to me. That's the only hope now. The Southern Kingdom is powerful and there are fierce people in the camp. Now we have offended the Southern Kingdom, but not the camp. Let's go, let's run in other directions. Eventually we will end up. Overtaken by them.

Song Sanniang ran out of ideas for a while, and finally she gritted her teeth and simply listened to Chen Pants.

Asking people to run towards the camp, Song Sanniang pulled Chen Pantai, who was not running as fast as herself, and said excitedly:

"Damn Chen Pantong! I will listen to you this time. If you kill me, I don't hate you, but if you hurt my daughter, I will never let you go.

"How could I harm your daughter?"

"You asked us to go to that ghost camp. It is said that no one who enters that camp ever comes out alive!"

"I know, I know, but now I have no choice but to go over there. Just listen to me!"

Song Sanniang really had no other choice. The pursuer was fifty meters behind her, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

If there is anyone in his team who is physically weak, he is probably dead.

There is no way to run.

In this way, I ran for almost four kilometers.

Half of the people were killed and finally entered the legendary ghost territory.

In the past two months, this place has really become famous.

This is probably the part, because there is no boundary, so those who have never been there don’t know what the boundaries of this ghost territory are.

It wasn't until I saw some skeletal remains that I finally decided that this was it.

Song Sanniang was in a complicated mood at this time.

More than fifty of her people died. Alas, this was the end. She tried so hard, but she didn't even have the ability to protect herself.

"Run! They're catching up!"

Someone shouted from behind.

Song Sanniang looked back and saw that she was already not far away, less than ten meters from the back of the team.

"Hahaha! Fish thief, I am Fang Tianhua, the eight-backed general! I am going to catch you all this time! Where are you going to run?"

Song Sanniang had never heard of this person's name.

But I know that there are many masters in the southern country who have broken through the bottleneck level.

There is absolutely no way to deal with these people. He can kill everyone on his side if he can't do it alone.

It's too difficult now. Is this a ghost territory? Is there really as many masters here as in the legend?

Just as Song Sanniang was thinking about it, a figure suddenly descended from the sky, landed between the two groups of people, and spoke:

"This is the tyrant's territory. Anyone who comes in will be killed without mercy!"

The chasing parties were disturbed by the sudden arrival and immediately stopped.

This man looked very ordinary, in his twenties, and very strong.

Next to Song Sanniang, Chen Pongca was excited and whispered:

"Now we are saved. They are people from the ghost territory. It turns out that they call themselves tyrants. This name is really domineering."

Deng Jiuer snorted and said:

"Didn't you listen to what they said? Everyone who comes in will be killed without mercy. If they are really that powerful, even if the people from the southern country are killed, we won't be able to survive."

Zhao Pan lost his usual leisurely and lazy look, and there was a ruthless look in his eyes.

"Then kill them all! Haha! Kill them all! You see, there are a hundred people in the Southern Kingdom. If these people are killed by the tyrant, they will become enemies by then. I can't deal with the Southern Kingdom, the tyrant Such a powerful team should be able to do it, right? Haha! Let them kill it!”

Deng Jiuer looked at Zhao's pants and slowly widened his eyes.

"You deliberately asked us to attract people from the Southern Kingdom to come here, just to create conflict between the Southern Kingdom and the tyrant? What a bastard of Zhao! You have a grudge against the people from the Southern Kingdom, right?"

"Yes! That's right! The hatred is so great! It's the revenge of seizing my wife, the revenge of betrayal! Seven months ago, my wife, I and a dozen bodyguards arrived at this place, and it turned out that the bodyguard captain got together with my wife. Then they tied me to a tree and defected to the Southern Kingdom! I know that the bodyguard captain is now the third-in-command of the Southern Kingdom! What kind of prince is he? "

Song Sanniang and Deng Jiuer were all shocked when they heard this.

This damn Zhao Pan, it turns out that he just wants to find a way to get revenge on the person who stole his wife. It's really annoying.

Song Sanniang felt very wronged.

She had always been very good to Zhao Kuacha. Although she did not show it obviously, even her daughter could see it subtly. This Zhao Kuacha only thought about his ex-wife. He was really ungrateful.

At this time, the people of the Southern Kingdom had already started fighting with the tyrant's people.

Fang Tianhua, the Eight-backed Warrior, was very violent. He didn't care about the roadblocker at all and rushed up to duel.

The roadblocker had no expression on his face. When Fang Tianhua rushed to him with a knife, he suddenly drew a white blade with his bare hands, and his body turned into a light and shadow and passed by Fang Tianhua.

Looking again, Fang Tianhua had 20,000 blood flying out and was dead.

This scared the people of the Southern Kingdom.

"Run! The other side has a master!"

"Yes, this guy is a master! He killed Lord Fang in one second!"

"Isn't this too powerful? 20,000 HP with one knife?"

The group of people turned around and ran, but at this moment, another seven people appeared, quickly attacked, and started a random killing. In the end, none of the 100 people escaped and all died.

Song Sanniang, Zhao Kucha and others were shocked.

Including the first person to appear, and the seven people who appeared later, their basic attack seemed to have reached the value of 20,000.

Too terrible, this kind of attack power is estimated to have exceeded level 29, right? All masters?

After killing people, the eight of them walked in front of Song Sanniang's people and took a posture to fight.

Song Sanniang stepped forward and said:

"Everyone, we just strayed in here, we can leave now."

One of the eight people spoke:

"This is the rule of the tyrant, anyone who comes in must die."

"But we don't know this rule, there is no sign nearby, we don't know where your territory is!"

"We don't have any signs, only the territory in our hearts.

Killing anyone who comes in is our rule, not for others to see.

Everyone, I'm sorry, during this time,

we have killed women who are powerless,

killed elderly people who are staggering,

killed babies who are crying for food,

they are not wrong, they just violated our rules.

According to what our deputy leader said -

obeying orders and being fierce and ruthless,

this is the purpose of the tyrant.

In the end times, we don't talk about kindness, only discipline.

You, just accept your death!"

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