Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0305 The Destination of the Heart

Qu Gueran was shocked again. God, what a broad mind, she never thought of this.

Meng Liang turns out to be really so smart.

A smart, cold-blooded executioner who claimed to be a good person. Perhaps because of this, he had the temperament he had at this time, a temperament that she could no longer ignore like before.

The platform goes all the way down like this, a total of 100 floors.

Qu Jiaolan was speechless. Meng Liang killed everyone in these layers.

Qu Jielan didn't even know if there were four mission targets among these people.

Her heart was beating very fast now.

She has been a person who refused to admit defeat since she was a child. She took over the company's business at a very young age and did well in the mall, so she is very confident.

However, after entering the apocalypse, she found that she was not suitable for this world of jungle.

Until today.

If I hadn’t met Meng Liang.

What would she do in such a complicated environment?

There is absolutely no such decisiveness and cruelty as Meng Liang.

Look at Meng Liang at this time, his face is cold and he seems to have murderous intent!

I estimated that eighty or ninety people were killed during one trip. These people had no grievances and no grudges, but they were still killed.

Putting aside Meng Liang's cold-bloodedness, what Qu Jiaolan didn't understand even more was Meng Liang's ability to kill people.

Finally, she couldn't help but ask.

"No pressure? Kill so many people?"


Meng Liang said three words calmly, without any emotion in his voice.

Qu Jiaolan couldn't figure out whether it was killing zombies that made them numb, or killing people?

What on earth has this man experienced during these nine months of separation?

Really want to know.

But the timing was obviously wrong, because the platform continued to lower.

The light here is very dim, and until the platform stops and lands, you can't see the house full of daylight.

In other words, this is probably the lowest level!


A low and suppressed roar suddenly came from the bed behind him.

Qu Jielan was so frightened that she quickly turned around and felt a bloody breath that made her almost unable to breathe.

At this moment, someone hugged her waist.

Although it was very dark, Qu Jiaolan still knew that this was Meng Liang.

Meng Liang moved very quickly and took Qu Jiaolan off the platform to the corner of the underground space.

At this time, the eyes adapted to the dim light, so they could vaguely see.

This is also a cube space, with sides almost fifty meters long.

The corpses that had fallen before were now badly damaged. Many of them had been bitten, their abdomens had been opened, all their internal organs were gone, and there was blood everywhere.

Apparently there is a monster that loves to eat offal.

Meng Liang raised his hand to cover Qu Jiaolan's mouth and nose.

Because I was afraid that she would make inappropriate noises.

Qu Jiaolan was held by Meng Liang with one hand around her waist and her mouth and nose with the other, her body pressed tightly against Meng Liang's chest.

This posture is very intimate, allowing Qu Jielan to feel the strength of Meng Liang's body, the unique masculine aura, and the blood from the previous killing.

This mixed taste was so special that it caused the hormones in her body to start secreting, causing her entire body to become abnormal.

A feeling like this was something he had never experienced before.

Finally, Meng Liang found the target.

It was a giant man sitting on the ground.

He's two meters tall when sitting, but he's probably over five meters tall when he stands, right?

Its belly is very round, as if a big pot is placed on it.

There was a sound after the platform lowered, and the giant man was disturbed and roared.

But it didn't move after that. Just as Meng Liang guessed, it was full and had eaten too many fallen corpses, so it didn't react much to the new food.

Meng Liang Qu Guerlain is alive, but to this giant man, it is no different from a corpse. There are still many corpses here that have not been eaten.

Qu Jiaolan watched as the big monster roared a few times and then became obedient, as if he was full and unwilling to move.

Her heart grew excited.

She couldn't accept Meng Liang's murder before.

But now it seems that everything is as Meng Liang expected, the monster is really full.

"No matter what happens, don't move for a while. I feel like this may be the mission of Monster King Jiutian."

Meng Liang lay down and spoke softly in Qu Jiaolan's ear.

Qu Jielan's mouth was still covered, so she couldn't answer.

She wanted to struggle, but she was afraid that any movement would disturb the monster, so she could only move her mouth and stick out her tongue. This was a subconscious action. When her tongue touched Meng Liang's palm, the tip of her tongue immediately felt like it had touched an electric switch, making her rush. He retracted his tongue and shut up again.

Meng Liang didn't notice it and continued softly:

"I'm going to kill it. It will be a little difficult. Remember, no matter what happens, I don't need your help. You are just an ordinary woman here with no fighting ability. If you act randomly, you will become a trouble and burden to me. , I don’t want to be a fool who dies to save you.”


Qu Jiaolan was speechless and could only utter one word softly.

Meng Liang slowly let go of Qu Jiaolan.

Just let her lean against the wall.

Qu Gueran's heart beat nervously again.

But before she could figure it out, Meng Liang had already rushed out, reached the big monster, took out a bamboo stick and stabbed it directly into the monster's eye.

This poked a hornet's nest, and the monster immediately roared. As soon as he opened his mouth, the underground space was filled with a foul smell that made Qu Guerlain unable to open her eyes.

She could only close her eyes, and a reminder sounded in her ears.

This is indeed the mission Corpse King Nine Days.

1000 HP, each time Meng Liang causes damage to it, it can only reduce 1 HP, which means that at least 1000 hits are needed to kill it.

Not all attacks are effective, the eyes are a weakness, and only repeated stabbing of the eyes can reduce 1 HP.

And zombies do not carry corpse poison, which allows Meng Liang to fight with it in close combat.

Qu Jiaolan finally opened her eyes and saw Meng Liang being beaten out.

Her heart was tightened and she ran forward a few steps.

"Don't fucking come over here, have you forgotten what I just said to you? Go back!"

Meng Liang turned over and stood up and rushed towards the zombies again, fighting again.

Qu Jiaolan stood there petrified, scolded by Meng Liang.

This rude guy.

Qu Jiaolan thought she should be very angry, but she couldn't get angry.

Because she understood that Meng Liang was doing it for her good.

In a critical moment, he stood in front of her like a wall.

This feeling is very special, a very dangerous scene, but she is not too scared.

Because there is this wall in front of her, if this wall does not fall, no matter how fierce the flood is, it will not affect her.

This is the sense of security she once imagined.

She has never had it in her life for more than 20 years.

Because this sense of security is not brought by the status, position and money of her parents, but the destination of her heart.

Before the doomsday, Qu Jiaolan had always had a crush on someone, and she also thought that would be the destination of her heart, but after the doomsday, she had experienced many vicissitudes, experienced thousands of hardships and dangers, and almost died several times.

Today, she entered this copy and met Meng Liang again. Unexpectedly, this sense of destination actually occurred, an inexplicable feeling that she was surprised.

"Hurry up! Platform! Qu Jiaolan!"

Suddenly, Meng Liang's shouting alerted her, and looking at the middle, the fallen platform actually began to rise again! ?

"What are you in a daze, hurry up!"

Qu Jiaolan hurriedly moved and ran onto the platform.

"Meng Liang! Come on! Come on up too! Hurry up!"

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