Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0033: Initial test of the team

The end of the world began and continued inadvertently. Most of the people in the villa have not changed much, because they have a protected area, and it is not time to release their true self.

Perhaps the one who has changed the most is Meng Liang. He is still a son-in-law, but he is also a master. He is less and less afraid of the people of the old Qu family. Even Lu Anke and Qu Jiaolan can't do anything to him.

Chen Meier feels deeply.

In the past, she always sneered at Meng Liang, but now if they meet, Meng Liang will always say a few words to her.

"Oh, look at your legs, cut!"

For example, at this time, Chen Meier was sitting on the sofa in the living room on the third floor, and Meng Liang came upstairs and said such a sentence.

"What's wrong with my legs?"

Chen Meier pouted and glared.

"Too long, too thin, not good-looking, or my wife's is better, also long, but not as thin as yours."

Qu Jiaolan was also sitting on the sofa, clenching her silver teeth, but she couldn't do anything to Meng Liang. She, a woman, couldn't rush up and use violence. Without status and position, she was just a woman after all.

"Meng Liang! I'll fight you!"

As the protagonist of the attack, Chen Mei'er finally couldn't bear it anymore and stood up and rushed towards Meng Liang.

Meng Liang was quick-witted and grabbed her arm and turned her over to face him.

"Ah, it hurts!"

Chen Mei'er frowned and spoke, shocked that she had no ability to resist in Meng Liang's hands.

A man who she had despised for two years turned out to be such a strong existence, his hands seemed like pliers.

"Meng Liang! Let go of Mei'er!"

Qu Jiaolan stood up and spoke angrily.

Meng Liang smiled coldly, and then said:

"I came up to tell you that the corpse king is no longer nearby, and there is now space outside the wall, so if you want to go out to fight monsters and level up, it's time."


This is the tenth day of the doomsday outbreak, and they have been hiding in the villa for almost a week.

Meng Liang went out for a walk in the morning and confirmed that the crisis of the corpse king was temporarily resolved.

So he decided to call everyone to go out together.

No matter how annoying Qu Jiaolan was, Meng Liang was greedy for her body.

So Qu Jiaolan can die, but she has to wait until the marriage is consummated, at least that's what Meng Liang thinks now.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, both groups came out.

Of course, Qu Jiaolan was alone, and only Qu Jiaolan, Qu Jiaorou, Tang Yanping, and Zhao Mei'er came out.

Qu Jiaolan, who loves her mother dearly, didn't intend to let her mother take risks after all, although she actually understood that opportunities and dangers are equal in the face of crisis.

Chen Mei'er was still venting her dissatisfaction.

"I'm so angry! Humph, I've always said that Meng Liang is not a good guy. Look, the end of the world is here, and he has no restraints. What kind of face does he have? Jiaolan, you have to be careful of him. I see that he looks at you with fire in his eyes!"

"Well, I know, don't worry.

Qu Jiaolan certainly didn't miss Meng Liang's eyes, and she also understood what it meant.

"He said he can kill zombies, how can I not believe it? "

"He is a cunning guy. He hid the safe zone at first, and used the wall to enter and exit freely to kill zombies to upgrade first, so he has strong combat power. He only needs one knife to kill a level 1 zombie, but we need ten. "

"Tsk, what's so great...ah! What is that?"

Chen Mei'er, who wanted to continue to say bad things about Meng Liang, was shocked, because Meng Liang actually had a shining big knife in his hand out of thin air, just like a magic trick.

Qu Jiaolan was also surprised, and then a faint shield that seemed to be made of mist appeared in front of Meng Liang, which was even more surprising.

"You guys lean against the wall and don't move. Wait until I clear the zombies nearby. "

Meng Liang went to kill the zombies while speaking, his movements were skillful, one by one.

Everyone behind him stared with eyes wide open, full of envy, and of course jealousy.

It took a full hour for Meng Liang to finally clear out an area, and there were no living zombies within 50 meters.

"Okay, everyone, remember the choice, use the shield to block the zombies, don't be bitten by its mouth, the key is courage, it's not difficult, their claws and other parts will not let you turn into zombies! I will do my best to protect you, but I can't guarantee that I will not let you die. Again, you can quit at any time if you want, but it also means that you have to give up supplies! "

Meng Liang has a strong aura, like a great general.

Everyone related to the Qu family was stunned. Meng Liang's growth rate was too fast for them to accept.

Next, Meng Liang began to divide into groups, basically two people in a group, to cooperate in combat.

Everyone formed a small circle to form a defensive momentum.

Qu Jiaolan immediately asked her people to take action. Although she and Meng Liang had separated, Qu Jiaolan recognized the reality. With Meng Liang by her side, the safety factor could be increased.

But would Meng Liang help?

If he helped, wouldn't it be equivalent to owing a favor?

Qu Jiaolan was very entangled, and at this time Meng Liang had gone out and brought back a few zombies.

Meng Liang quickly rushed into the defensive circle.

"Fang Tangjing, Zhao Menger, Qu Jiaoyang, Xu Feng, Wu Hong, Pan Li, one group stopped a zombie! "

The men were extremely nervous, but because they had prepared themselves mentally for the past few days, they did not lose their composure.

Finally, they came into contact with the zombies.

The shields were all made by Meng Liang in the past two days.

It was very large, made of wood, with two handles at the back, so two people could carry it together and attack together.

This set of tactics had been practiced many times in the past few days, and it was finally put into practice today.

The result was okay. Although it was very twists and turns, all three level 1 zombies were killed and everyone was very excited.

"Don't be too happy too soon. You can't upgrade until you kill hundreds of zombies. There's a long way to go, do you understand?"

At this time, no one cared about Meng Liang's status as son-in-law, and everyone focused on fighting.

After a while, Meng Liang went to attract zombies again, and this time he also asked Qu Jiaolan and the others to kill them.

Meng Liang really didn't want to care about them when the family was separated, but the zombie crisis was too great. Unless he wanted Qu Jiaolan to die immediately, Meng Liang could only help.

So the two groups came together again in this battle, with Meng Liang as the commander-in-chief.

The battle continued until past one in the afternoon.

Only more than 80 zombies were killed in total, most of which were killed by Meng Liang. Because there were loopholes in the defense, if Meng Liang did not take action actively, they might have transformed into corpses.

Qu Jiaolan and Chen Meier were both upset.

They were also rescued three times by Meng Liang, one of which was very dangerous. The zombie with no font on the health bar rushed over and knocked them down. Qu Jiaolan slashed the zombie before falling and found that it was 60 A bleeding level 6 zombie.

Not only was it powerful and fast, it was already pressing on Qu Gueran.

At this moment, Meng Liang's machete slashed across, and the zombie's head rolled away, leaving Qu Jiaolan with blood on her face, and Qu Jiaolan was so frightened that she cried.

This was very embarrassing and embarrassing. After Qu Jiaolan returned to the wall, she sat on the grass and couldn't get up. Her whole body was exhausted and weak, and she kept wiping her tears.

For the first time, she realized how useless she was.

And this is compared with Meng Liang.

Her ability to survive in the apocalypse was completely inferior to her husband-in-law.

This is how to do?

How will she face this man in the future?


So sad!

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