Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0334 Glass Flower Brothers

Judging from current understanding. Entering a dungeon is mostly a random mechanism, and there are tasks to complete after entering.

There is also a situation where a real human being is brought into the copy. In this case, you may not necessarily encounter anything.

But there should be no real human beings around him, so who or what force made him fall into Qu Gueran's time and space copy, and what is the purpose?

Meng Liang couldn't think clearly, and zombies rushed up from around him. Meng Liang took out Kui Niang and started killing them.

For level 2, these zombies are really not enough to watch.

Even though the Ao Zhan zombies are very powerful, for Meng Liang, it's just a matter of a few blows. As long as they dodge their attacks, they can be killed.

Meng Liang has killed too many zombies and has rich experience. He can rush into a village of hundreds of zombies and fight with his eyes closed.

Mainly you need some roofs and tall trees. As long as you have these things, you can dodge and move around, avoid attacks, and then destroy the enemies.

In that room, the six people who were hiding all noticed the situation outside.

"Look at that guy! Oh my God!"

"Ao Zhan Zombie! It's an Ao Zhan Zombie! Killed an Ao Zhan Zombie with 500,000 HP with five swords and five blows?"

"Are we saved? Help! Help!"

"Why does that person look familiar to me?"

"Does your face look familiar? Could it be someone you know? That's great. Help!"

The six boys had no food. Now that they saw Meng Liang, they felt there was hope, so they became excited.

Meng Liang calmed down and concentrated on killing zombies. He killed them all in about 30 minutes, leaving broken limbs all over the ground.

The six boys all rushed out when they saw Meng Liang. They all nodded and bowed immediately when they saw Meng Liang.

"My benefactor! Thank you for killing all the zombies and saving us!"

"Yeah, we've been stuck for months, thanks to you."

"I will definitely repay you. Brother, can you escort us to thirteen kilometers south of Chengdu? Our base is over there!"

"Yes, we came out a few months ago to practice leveling, but we were chased all the way here by zombies. Woohoo, my mother must have thought I was dead. Good guy, please help us."

"Look at how powerful you are. We are not even level 5 yet. You must be over level 20. You are so powerful."

The six people were chattering, looking very much like six ladies.

Meng Liang looked at them coldly, and after they stopped talking, he said:

"I'm Meng Liang, don't you recognize me?"

Hearing what Meng Liang said, all six people turned to stone.

These six boys were all in Qu Jiaolan's circle of friends, and three of them had met Meng Liang before when Qu Jiaolan and Meng Liang got married.

It's just that time has passed and they met again in the end. Most of them have forgotten Meng Liang, and they can't connect the man in front of them with the son-in-law.

It was awkward all of a sudden.

The six people had said bad things about Meng Liang countless times.

They didn't expect to meet Meng Liang again in the doomsday, but now Meng Liang is already a super master. This contrast makes them unacceptable, and they don't know how to continue talking with Meng Liang.

Meng Liang sneered, turned around and left.

Among the six people, Zhao Guangcheng has the calmest personality and is more thoughtful.

At this time, he understood very well that it would be difficult for them to move without Meng Liang.

So Zhao Guangcheng quickly caught up and took Meng Liang's hand.

"Mr. Meng, Mr. Meng! Don't leave in a hurry. What I mean is to take me with you. Just take me with you. The five of them all say bad things about you on weekdays. Before the end, only I never said anything. you."

When the five people saw what Zhao Guangcheng said, they immediately quit and rushed up to fight with Zhao Guangcheng, not forgetting to flatter Meng Liang.

"Mr. Meng, I never said anything bad about you."

"Yes, yes, that's what Zhao Guangcheng said."

"He talks the most."

"Luo Cheng! It's Luo Cheng! Mr. Meng, Luo Cheng always liked to hook up with your wife at that time. We are all good people!"

Finally, Li Yuanxin said what attracted Meng Liang the most, making Meng Liang stop and look back.

Luo Cheng's face turned pale, and after looking at Meng Liang, his eyes rolled wildly, and he waved his hands hurriedly:

"Meng Liang, Guerlain and I are just classmates and friends. We don't have any close relationship. Don't get me wrong! I admit it, at that time."

Meng Liang interrupted Luo Cheng, told the date he had just traveled through, and then said with a cold face:

"Did you want Qu Gueran to stay in your hotel that day? Did you say you wanted to live with her? Did you have a lot of ambiguity with her?"

Luo Cheng was even more dumbfounded when he heard that Meng Liang actually knew about this matter, and he no longer knew how to speak.

Zhao Shang hurried over and spoke enthusiastically about what happened between Luo Cheng and Qu Jiaolan.

Others also came over in a hurry. In order to satisfy Meng Liang, they tried their best to talk about what happened between Qu Jiaolan and Luo Cheng.

Meng Liang squinted his eyes and listened for twenty minutes before finally confirming.

There must be some ambiguity between the two people, because when Qu Jiaolan was in school and was ignorant, she had a crush on Luo Cheng. This was not a secret.

But it only took two or three years.

After that, Luo Cheng often changed partners and girlfriends, which made Qu Jiaolan unhappy, and gradually she only became friends with Luo Cheng.

It cannot be said that there is no ambiguity, but it is basically not obvious.

The relationship between the two was only ambiguous, and there was no more intimate contact.

Because it's just an ambiguous relationship without any real relationship, we can only be buddies.

Qu Jiaolan did seem to have fallen in love with someone else in the past two or three years, but they didn't know who it was.

Meng Liang thought Chen Mei'er should know.

However, for such a long time, Meng Liang and Chen Mei'er basically did not mention Qu Jiaolan, so Meng Liang had not heard these things from Qu Jiaolan.

"Kill him! Meng Liang, kill him and take us away."

"Yes! This guy almost cheated on you, kill him."

"We don't even bother to be friends with this guy, kill him."

The five guys were all adding insult to injury, and Luo Cheng was so scared that his body trembled. He stepped back, fell on his broken limbs, and fell in a pool of blood and couldn't get up.

Meng Liang despised the five people around him.

The brotherhood was even less worthy than that of the glass sisters.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly found something unusual.

As the saying goes, things will turn around when they reach their extremes, or there must be something wrong when things are abnormal.

The five of them acted too exaggeratedly, as if they couldn't do it without killing Luo Cheng.

Meng Liang squinted his eyes and looked at them carefully, and soon found some problems. The whites of their eyes were all gray.

This gray is very similar to the gray of zombies.

But their eyeballs are still there, unlike zombies whose eyeballs have turned gray and merged with the whites of their eyes.

Meng Liang has been to the real world and knows that the reason for the emergence of zombies is the invasion of zombie viruses. This seems to be a built-in program that changes human attributes.

If the eyes turn gray as a sign of poisoning, why do the eyes of the five people here look like they have been poisoned by corpses?

As soon as this question came up, logic quickly provided an answer.

They were poisoned. The virus, which is similar to the zombie virus, has changed some parameters of the five virtual people, giving them specificity, and this specificity is likely to be controlled.

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